Examples of the the word, leak , in a Sentence Context

The word ( leak ), is the 4044 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. More pressure to the page. As a result, the ballpoint pens are less likely to, leak , Their robustness makes them suitable where a firm press is required, namely
  2. His draft status in World War II. Sinatra“ was scared, his career had sprung a, leak , ” In a letter dated September 17, 1950 to Clyde Olson, Sinatra offered to be
  3. Result is pitting of the cylinder wall, which will eventually let cooling fluid, leak ,into the cylinder and combustion gases to leak into the coolant. It is possible
  4. I) probably would have ejected if I knew what had happened. " The fuel, leak ,and vapors along the wing had prevented him from seeing what had happened to
  5. As Compound 19 and still off limits to visitors today, see Sverdlovsk Anthrax, leak ,). Thus, a robust surveillance system involving human clinicians and
  6. Neighboring the Baltic Sea have been concerned about this, since a major oil, leak ,in a seagoing tanker would be disastrous for the Baltic—given the slow exchange
  7. Minister Rural Shania died of carbon monoxide poisoning in an apparent gas, leak ,at the home of Raul Upon, deputy governor of Demo Partly region. Later
  8. Used to pre-cool the concrete mix in mass concrete structures. Concrete walls, leak ,air far less than those made of wood-frames. Air leak age accounts for a large
  9. Eventually let cooling fluid leak into the cylinder and combustion gases to, leak ,into the coolant. It is possible to prevent this from happening with the use of
  10. That are neither particularly euphemistic nor euphemistic, such as take a, leak , form a separate category. Sex The Latin term pudendum and the Greek term
  11. Packaged. In addition, a portion of each batch of condoms is subject to water, leak ,and air burst testing. While the advantages of latex have made it the most
  12. And found serious problems with the tunnel. On September 15, 2004,a major, leak ,in the Interstate 93 north tunnel forced the closure of the tunnel while
  13. No need to allocate or reallocate memory explicitly and no chance of a memory, leak , The line group = group1. Pos-1 & groups+1. $ shows some sequence
  14. The permeability of the mitochondrial membrane and cause apoptotic effectors to, leak ,out. Which carry out the degradation of the cell, therefore the actual
  15. Eto (это) and Tagalog to/Ito (it, this ) * English (from PIE *leg-, to, leak , ) and Latin lacks (from PIE * English laser and Scottish Gaelic laser (light
  16. Causing environmental damage. Heavy ions such as iron, zinc,and arsenic, leak ,during acid mine drainage. When the pH of this solution rises, as a result of
  17. Here, but attack implementations of the cipher on systems which inadvertently, leak ,data. There are several such known attacks on certain implementations of AES.
  18. Mechanical and hydraulic systems require lubrication, tension adjustments, leak ,checks, fluid changes, etc. Furthermore, putting circuitry between pilot and
  19. For the seawater. Concerns about the possibility of a large scale radiation, leak ,resulted in 20 km exclusion zone being set up around the power plant and people
  20. However, as Cumberland sank,Virginia's iron ram was broken off, causing a bow, leak , Seeing what happened to Cumberland, the captain of USS Congress ordered his
  21. To conserve energy, so controllers could not determine the exact cause of the, leak ,without awaking the crew. Scott and Irwin were eventually awakened an hour
  22. Tank or its piping, located near the failed tank, was damaged, allowing it to, leak ,also. Design fixes included moving the tanks farther apart, and removing the
  23. It is strong but heavy, easily repaired, and,if sealed properly, will not, leak ,or corrode. These materials and methods were copied all over the world, and
  24. Such as changing the number's value to −127 instead of +128. *A memory, leak ,occurs when a program requests memory from the operating system and never
  25. Water up to the level of the third floor of a building. The barrel started to, leak , By 1646,Pascal had learned of Evangelist Torricelli's experimentation with
  26. Tank, or caused its check or relief valve to leak , causing its contents to, leak ,out into space over the next 130 minutes, entirely depleting the SM's oxygen
  27. Of the game, playability was limited. This was followed by a more complete room, leak ,in January 2011,which allowed the game to be played from beginning to end.
  28. To develop cephalothorax, a rare condition which causes the thoracic ducts to, leak , allowing large quantities of Chile fluid to enter the dog's chest cavity.
  29. Existence of 'deep' resources to be effectively abstracted away. * Memory may, leak ,despite the presence of a garbage collector, if references to unused objects
  30. Arrested in December 2008 for breach of the Data Protection Act concerning the, leak , Matthew Single was subsequently found guilty and fined £200. The fine was
  31. Times the safe level of dioxin. *1984 – Bhopal Disaster: A methyl thiocyanate, leak ,from a Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India,kills more than 3,800
  32. Is often not complete. Gas can leak slowly past a piston, just as it can slowly, leak ,out of a rubber balloon. Some reaction may occur in a battery even if no
  33. Incorrect hand and/or swing will cause the door to bind, not close properly, or, leak , ( for exterior doors). Fixing this specification error will be expensive
  34. To the goddess Aphrodite among its facilities. Since a ship of this size would, leak ,a considerable amount of water through the hull, the Archimedes screw was
  35. On 9 March 2011 all F-35s were grounded after a dual generator failure and oil, leak ,in flight. This was the first significant flight failure since 2007. Seven of
  36. The leadership of Ayatollah Rudolph Khomeini. *1981 – of radioactive coolant, leak ,into the containment building of TVA Sequoya 1 nuclear plant in Tennessee
  37. Largest explosives haul ever found at a house in Britain. 2008 membership list, leak ,On 18 November 2008,a list of over 10,000 BNP members was published by
  38. Of processes here, and in the previous examples, is often not complete. Gas can, leak ,slowly past a piston, just as it can slowly leak out of a rubber balloon. Some
  39. One of the fuel valves in the wing to burst open. This caused a major fuel, leak ,from the tank, which then ignited due to sparking electrical landing gear
  40. Refuses to disclose the exact coordinates of the wreck sites. Rotting bottles, leak ,Lost and other substances, thus slowly poisoning a substantial part of the
  41. The sleep period, Mission Control in Houston monitored a slow but steady oxygen, leak , The data output of the onboard telemetry computers was limited during the
  42. Irwin were eventually awakened an hour ahead of schedule, and the source of the, leak ,was determined to be an open valve on the Urine Transfer Device. After the
  43. U-72 was forced to abandon her mission without laying any mines when an oil, leak ,meant she was laying a visible surface trail astern. Zeppelins The Germans
  44. A line from the number 1 oxygen tank, or caused its check or relief valve to, leak , causing its contents to leak out into space over the next 130 minutes
  45. Then a more comprehensive test using a leak -down tester can locate the, leak , Variable Compression Ratio (VCR) engines Because cylinder bore diameter
  46. Began to be licensed in the U. S., fans who wanted to get a hold of anime would, leak ,copies of anime movies and subtitle them to exchange with friends in the
  47. Are not themselves manually disposed of. This is described as a logical memory, leak , For example, recursive algorithms normally delay release of stack objects
  48. The successful launch and was written off as a total loss due to an oxidizer, leak ,in the satellite's main propulsion system. The BSAT-3b satellite, however,is
  49. Reuse and is essentially lost to the program, a phenomenon known as a memory, leak , Conversely, it is possible to release memory too soon and continue to access
  50. Produced in the process. Sulfuric acid and H+ ions which have been formed can, leak ,into the ground and surface water turning it acidic, causing environmental

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