Examples of the the word, monetary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( monetary ), is the 3548 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nearly fifty years of civil wars, foreign invasion, and collapse of the, monetary ,economy. Alexander was the heir apparent to his cousin, the eighteen-year-old
  2. Against governmental bodies, which are generally protected from adverse, monetary ,judgments: a town, state or federal agency may be required to change its laws
  3. Events that followed it, the Central Bank of Brazil temporarily changed its, monetary ,policy to a managed-float scheme while undergoing a currency crisis, until
  4. Under laws such as this, the ACLU and its state affiliates sometimes share in, monetary ,judgments against government agencies. The ACLU has received court awarded fees
  5. That a coming financial crisis was an unavoidable consequence of reckless, monetary ,expansion. Economist Steve H. Hank identifies the 2007-2010 Global Financial
  6. Veterans would become ineligible for many state benefits that provided far more, monetary ,support than the settlement, such as food stamps, public assistance, and
  7. School and the Rotarian movement. Although they have competing views of, monetary ,policy, they share a fundamental view of most economic philosophy. Free Banking
  8. National Academy of Sciences USA in October 2006,they showed that both pure, monetary ,rewards and charitable donations activated the Mesolithic reward pathway, a
  9. Of a Union State (1999). The integration treaties contained commitments to, monetary ,union, equal rights, single citizenship, and a common defense and foreign
  10. Part in the Central bank's role of setting out short-term interest rates as a, monetary ,policy measure. Between 1993 and 2010,7'012 mergers & acquisitions with a
  11. 8.26 percent of regional GDP and employs 8.19 percent of the workforce. In, monetary ,terms it could be considered a rather uncompetitive sector, given its level of
  12. A tax farming company, where he attempted to introduce reforms in the French, monetary ,and taxation system to help the peasants. While in government work, he helped
  13. Willing to do this because the Bolivian government has generally achieved the, monetary ,and fiscal targets set by IMF programs since 1987,though economic crises in
  14. For traveling merchants during the Middle Ages. When medieval Europe moved to a, monetary ,economy in the 13th century, sedentary merchants depended on bookkeeping to
  15. Of his kingdom, strengthened the West Saxon economy through a policy of, monetary ,reform and urban planning and strove to win divine favor by resurrecting the
  16. Calls Adrian Lamp" a very disreputable character ", and says that Lamo's, monetary ,support for WikiLeaks amounted to only 20 U. S. dollars on one occasion.
  17. Unless a state law, such as the California Uncut Civil Rights Act, provides for, monetary ,damages to private plaintiffs, persons with disabilities do not obtain direct
  18. S economic growth and the stability required for early accession to the, monetary ,union. Bulgaria's per-capita PPP GDP is still only about a third of the EU25
  19. Exchanged or sold them, and for how much. This provides rare information of the, monetary ,value placed on prints at this time. Unlike paintings, their sale was very
  20. From 1994 through 1996. The de Lazada government pursued a policy of offering, monetary ,compensation for voluntary eradication of illegal coca by its growers in the
  21. That many of Pericles' rivals viewed the transfer to Athens as usurping, monetary ,resources to fund elaborate building projects. Athens also switched from
  22. First offense secular lords might with their permission receive without sin the, monetary ,compensation, which they then fixed. " The only crime that could not be
  23. In states that have enacted state laws that allow private individuals to win, monetary ,awards from non-compliant businesses. Courts have noted:“ As a result, most
  24. He ceded the Isle of Man and the Western Isles to Scotland in return for a, monetary ,payment. Norway retained only Orkney and Shetland in the area. In 1284
  25. Issued by the Federal government (see Figure 1). In addition to state-induced, monetary ,expansion via printing of paper money, the Austrian School also maintains that
  26. Friedrich A. Hayek represented the Austrian position in contending that without, monetary ,prices and private property, meaningful economic calculation is impossible. The
  27. Boomerang" effect on economic activity is one of the most damaging effects of, monetary ,inflation. According to the Austrian Business Cycle Theory, the central bank's
  28. Traces back to the Mayflower, but money-hungry Milburn's concerns are strictly, monetary , When suffering an anxiety attack, Milburn sniffs a stack of money and is
  29. And components. After initial negotiation with the Russian Central Bank on, monetary ,union, the Russian ruble was set to be introduced in Belarus in 2004,but this
  30. Agency may be required to change its laws or behave differently, but not to pay, monetary ,damages except by an explicit statutory waiver. In some cases, the law permits
  31. The Lorraine chipset to Atari on June 30, 1984. Amiga Corp. had sought more, monetary ,support from investors in spring 1984 (among them Travel Technology, which
  32. Draft, who took the office on 16 January 2006. Functions After the charge of, monetary ,and exchange rate policies was shifted in 1998 to the European Central Bank
  33. Having made or won a lot of money). * A user of AME may hand-write the mixed, monetary ,amount $3.24 as $324 or $324 (often seen for extra clarity on a check); BRE
  34. The Maratha Empire — which Aurangzeb had held at bay, inflicting high human and, monetary ,costs — consolidated and launched effective invasions of Mughal territory
  35. The economy is closely aligned with India's through strong trade and, monetary ,links and dependence on India's financial assistance. The industrial sector is
  36. Far less water, are grown on the high plains of Granada and Almeria. In, monetary ,terms, by far the most productive and competitive agriculture in Andalusia is
  37. Put in place by the Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of 1976 to prevent, monetary ,judgments in the particular case of violations of church-state separation. Also
  38. Thus became its own independent country with its own president, congress and, monetary ,system. In 1839,the Texas Congress formed a commission to seek a site for a
  39. After central banks were granted independence in the 1980s,and started using, monetary ,policy to stabilize the business cycle, an event known as The Great Moderation.
  40. Who successfully sue government agencies to collect money damages or other, monetary ,relief. In particular, the Civil Rights Attorney's Fees Award Act of 1976
  41. Most aircraft hijackers intend to use the passengers as hostages, either for, monetary ,ransom or for some political or administrative concession by authorities.
  42. Confederation, was established in a 1996–99 series of treaties that called for, monetary ,union, equal rights, single citizenship, and a common foreign and defense
  43. His brother Mike, the yacht would be a specific devise. A general devise, is a, monetary ,gift to a specific person to be satisfied out of the overall estate. For
  44. And on 28 November won over two of Antony's legions with the enticing offer of, monetary ,gain. In the face of Octavian's large and capable force, Antony saw the danger
  45. Systems in the world. Austrian School economists claim that the state uses, monetary ,inflation as one of the three means by which it can fund its activities, the
  46. On Roman Catholics from taking the throne. It also created a customs union and, monetary ,union. The Act provided that any" laws and statutes" that were" contrary to
  47. Of the individual states. While calling on Congress to regulate military and, monetary ,affairs, for example, the Articles of Confederation provided no mechanism with
  48. BCEAO),situated in Dakar, Senegal. The BCEAO is not only responsible for the, monetary ,and reserve policy of the member states, but also for the regulation and
  49. As housing) and other goods and services in demand, as the real value of each, monetary ,unit is eroded, loses purchasing power and thus buys fewer goods and services.
  50. Of the accessibility regulations) and attorneys' fees, and does not provide, monetary ,rewards to private plaintiffs who sue non-compliant businesses. Unless a state

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