Examples of the the word, vulnerable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( vulnerable ), is the 3552 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Be practicably fast and the Bluetooth symmetric key establishment method to be, vulnerable , To rectify this vulnerability, they carried out an implementation which showed
  2. Damage, it could not rotate its gun to counter opposing tanks, making it highly, vulnerable ,to counterfire. This vulnerability was later exploited by opposing tank forces.
  3. Bidding and play. Every partnership is beforehand assigned one of two states:, vulnerable ,or non- vulnerable . When a pair is vulnerable , game and slam bonuses are higher
  4. Of gaseous precursors to acid rain. High altitude forests are especially, vulnerable ,as they are often surrounded by clouds and fog which are more acidic than rain.
  5. Vehicles at long range. The open-top and light armor made these tank destroyers, vulnerable ,to anything greater than small-arms fire. As the number of German tanks
  6. Or garrisons from neighboring Burns. In such cases, the Vikings were extremely, vulnerable ,to pursuit by the king's joint military forces. Alfred's Bush system posed
  7. The seven heroes, Archie,is descended from Achilles and has inherited both his, vulnerable ,heel and part of his invincibility. Poetry * Achilles in the Trench is a famous
  8. Air shows, and other big shows such as agricultural shows, on grassy land, are, vulnerable , to continued heavy rain waterlogging the ground, and making the cloud base too
  9. Favoring the traditional ecclesial see the 'contra' Protestant denominations as, vulnerable ,existentially because of their late origins in the 16th century, a millennium
  10. 1988. The disappearance of a revenue surplus has made Brunei's economy more, vulnerable ,to petroleum price fluctuations. Brunei's gross domestic product (GDP)
  11. Of undesirable chemicals into otherwise pristine water sources, killing off, vulnerable ,insect and fish species and blocking efforts to restore native life. Vehicle
  12. Action against other troops and high survivability, although it can be still be, vulnerable ,to anti-tank weapons. Armored car The military's armored car is a wheeled
  13. Exposed side),while age uses position and timing to keep use off-balance and, vulnerable , In more advanced training, uke will sometimes apply to regain balance and pin
  14. Singapore is among the world's the largest importers of oil, and as a result are, vulnerable ,to rising energy and have significant energy security concerns. Fossil fuels
  15. Financial sector assets. Banks are generally adequately capitalized, but remain, vulnerable ,due to their overexposure to the cotton sector, the prices of which are subject
  16. Which advocated Adelaide as a safe place for manufacturing due to It's less, vulnerable ,location. Seventy thousand men and women enlisted and shipbuilding was expanded
  17. By the blood-brain barrier, the delicate nature of the brain makes it, vulnerable ,to numerous diseases and several types of damage. In humans, the effects of
  18. The supplies and prices of cereals. The agricultural economy remains highly, vulnerable ,to fluctuations in rainfall. The Moss Plateau in north central Burning faces
  19. In human nutrition. Health effects Disease treatment The brain is uniquely, vulnerable ,to oxidative injury, due to its high metabolic rate and elevated levels of
  20. Of the disease in 2011. Although the disease is not a threat to humans the most, vulnerable ,common domestic ruminants in the UK are cattle, goats and, especially,sheep.
  21. Generates about 90 percent of export revenues, making the country particularly, vulnerable ,to terms of trade shocks: the current account deficit in 2007 ran at 15 percent
  22. This poses a potential security threat because it enables attackers to access, vulnerable ,Bluetooth devices from a distance beyond expectation. The attacker must also be
  23. With drought losses actually depletes scarce biomass, making ecosystems more, vulnerable , The study of the Gatling district predicts that by 2050 the cycle of mild
  24. Has been faceted and used as a gemstone. As a gemstone set into jewelry it is, vulnerable ,to breakage and abrasion from general wear, as its hardness and toughness are
  25. Jackson's Tennessee volunteers. The Seminole attack left their villages, vulnerable , and Jackson burned their houses and the crops. He found letters that indicated
  26. Such as torpedoes and missiles, have made aircraft carriers obsolete as too, vulnerable ,for modern combat. Countries appear, however,willing to take the risks in
  27. As a means of avoiding the long and costly strikes that had made the industry, vulnerable ,to foreign competition. Major League Baseball uses a variant of interest
  28. Animals. Bangladesh is now widely recognized to be one of the countries most, vulnerable ,to climate change. Natural hazards that come from increased rainfall, rising
  29. A pointer back and forth),the lack of memory protection made the AmigaOS more, vulnerable ,to crashes from badly behaving programs, and fundamentally incapable of
  30. Unlike other manatees, they do not venture into salt water. It is classified as, vulnerable ,by the IUCN. The Amazon and its tributaries are the main habitat of the Giant
  31. Desirable outcomes for a voting system, approval voting can be considered, vulnerable ,to sincere, strategic voting. In one sense, conditions where this can happen
  32. Trafficked to Western Europe; minor transit point for cannabis; remains highly, vulnerable ,to money-laundering activity given a primarily cash-based and unregulated
  33. Marshaled the forces to defend against marauders also left the Anglo-Saxons, vulnerable ,to the Vikings. It was only after the raids were underway that a call went out
  34. And Zirconia Africa still survive in some places, but appear to be extremely, vulnerable , Only Africa Maya seems to have survived human impact quite well, and it is
  35. Assigned one of two states: vulnerable or non- vulnerable . When a pair is, vulnerable , game and slam bonuses are higher, as are penalties for failure to make the
  36. To make him immortal by dipping him in the river Styx. However, he was left, vulnerable ,at the part of the body by which she held him, his heel (see Achilles heel
  37. Doses. This lack of oversight means that alternative health products are, vulnerable ,to adulteration and contamination. This problem is magnified by international
  38. Once the" knights of the air" during the First World War were left far more, vulnerable ,to ground fire. This not only created the requirement for the introduction of
  39. In this air sometimes causes earthquakes. These speculations made him, vulnerable ,in Athens to a charge of impiety. Diogenes Laertes reports the story that he
  40. Suddenly faced powerful enemies, with no allies, and dependent on extended and, vulnerable ,transatlantic lines of communication. The defeat heightened dissension and
  41. Against Byzantine on 30 July 634. Defeat at the Battle of Ajnadayn, left Syria, vulnerable ,to the Muslim invaders. Khalid decided to capture Damascus, the Byzantine
  42. On health, or that they cause a small increase in mortality in elderly or, vulnerable ,populations. This was thought to occur since the environment of cancer cells
  43. Sensors connected to an alarm system to help caregivers manage risk and help, vulnerable ,people stay independent at home longer. An example would be the systems being
  44. As a threatened species in the United States and the IUCN lists the species as, vulnerable , with a range of about a dozen cave streams. The White River, flowing east to
  45. Lacking the firepower of other warships, carriers by themselves are considered, vulnerable ,to be attacked by other ships, aircraft,submarines, or missiles. Therefore
  46. Commercial and transport activities, which make up a large part of GDP, are, vulnerable , to developments in Nigeria, particularly fuel shortages. Although trade unions
  47. The state — along the Tennessee Valley — is one of the areas in the U. S. most, vulnerable ,to violent tornadoes. The area of Alabama and Mississippi most affected by
  48. Strategy, and Clinton abandoned Philadelphia to reinforce New York City, now, vulnerable , to French naval power. Washington shadowed Clinton on his withdrawal and forced
  49. Small additional plates or discs of iron were added to the mail to protect, vulnerable ,areas. Hardened leather and splinted construction were used for arm and leg
  50. The city was the symbol of the Confederacy. Richmond was in a highly, vulnerable ,location at the end of a tortuous Confederate supply line. Although Richmond

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