Examples of the the word, sink , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sink ), is the 3559 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Destroyed. Sorry quotes his own source saying:" The sun will go black, earth, sink , in the sea, heaven be stripped of its bright stars; ...." ( Section 56).
  2. This point varies from heat pump to heat pump). Similarly, when the heat, sink ,temperature rises to about 49 °C (120 °F),the system will operate less
  3. Without returning the carbon into the atmosphere and so acting as a carbon, sink , One proposed reaction is that of the olivine-rich rock unite, or its hydrated
  4. Flow mixtures of sand, mud and water that are denser than seawater and so, sink ,and flow along the bottom. These channels are the main transport pathway for
  5. Shank to lay it down before it becomes buried. A mushroom anchor will normally, sink ,in the silt to the point where it has displaced its own weight in bottom
  6. Dioxide and water. It also happens when the combustion is quenched by a heat, sink ,such as a solid surface or flame trap. For most fuels, such as diesel oil, coal
  7. Rounds for only a single shot from the submarine. U-27 rolled over and began to, sink , Meanwhile, the crew of the Nicosia watched from the lifeboats, cheering
  8. The weathering of silicate rocks like granite, on the other hand, is a net CO2, sink , because it produces abundant Ca2+ but very little CO2. History Calcium (from
  9. Levels during previous interglacials have been around ~280 ppm. This role as a, sink ,for CO2 is driven by two processes, the solubility pump and the biological pump
  10. Electronic applications, beryllium is both a structural support and heat, sink , The application also requires a coefficient of thermal expansion that is well
  11. Burns on far north Australian savannas can result in an overall carbon, sink , One working example is the West Arnhem Fire Management Agreement, started to
  12. Waves In various oceans around the world, rogue waves have caused ships to, sink ,and oil platforms to topple. These waves, until 1995,were considered to be a
  13. Experiments carried out in Australia have proven that bubbles can, indeed, sink , a scale model ship by decreasing the density of the water; any wreckage
  14. Heat from a lower-temperature heat source into a higher-temperature heat, sink , Heat would naturally flow in the opposite direction. This is the most common
  15. Protect her son, Aeneas,is wounded by Diomedes and returns to her mother, to, sink , down at her knee and be comforted. Aphrodite Urania and Aphrodite Pan demos By
  16. Takes carbon from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. As the blooms die and, sink , the carbon can be stored in sediments for thousands of years. This natural
  17. Heat is transferred or" pumped" from a cooler heat source to a warmer" heat, sink ,". Air conditioners and heat pumps usually operate most effectively at
  18. Of reaching a balance point because they use the ground as a heat source/heat, sink ,and the ground's thermal inertia prevents it from becoming too cold or too
  19. The ocean off the California coast was serving as a carbon source or a carbon, sink , Principal instrumentation for the study will be self-contained CO2 monitors
  20. The Invincible entirely fulfilled Fisher's vision of being able to, sink ,any ship fast enough to catch them, and run from any ship capable of sink ing
  21. And two German U-boats. The Bar along sank U-27,which had been preparing to, sink ,a nearby merchant ship. About a dozen of the crewmen managed to escape the
  22. As long as six minutes. Because of the density of its armor, an armadillo will, sink ,in water unless it inflates its stomach and intestines with air, which often
  23. Plunge or immerse (it is used with literal and figurative meanings such as ", sink ,"," disable "," overwhelm "," go under "," overborne "," draw from a bowl
  24. Front 10. Some research has been done on Antarctic phytoplankton as a carbon, sink , Areas of open water left from ice melt are good areas for phytoplankton blooms
  25. Sonar. In cases where the ASSOC missile carried an NDB, the unguided bomb would, sink ,quickly to a predetermined depth where it would detonate. The nuclear-armed
  26. Requiring no extrinsic cause. So, for example, in water, earthy bodies, sink ,while air bubbles rise up; in air, rain falls and flame rises. Outside all the
  27. From the Street Fighter series, fights in the Capoeira style. A carbon, sink ,is a natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some
  28. The Apple III was made of heavy cast aluminum, which supposedly acted as a heat, sink , And, unlike the Apple II series, the power supply was stored – without its own
  29. Suitable to build microchips from, or the use of diamond as a heat, sink ,in electronics. Precautions. Similarly, diamond dust used as an abrasive can do
  30. Field),which eventually made salvage impossible, and so she was left to, sink ,north of Save Island. A few days later on 15 November 1942,Kirishima engaged
  31. Of measurement. Other modern picometers use log compression and a" current, sink ," method that eliminates range switching and associated voltage spikes.
  32. Is limited by nutrient availability, as the anoxic bottom waters act as a, sink ,for reduced nitrate, in the form of ammonia. The benthic zone also plays an
  33. That improved farming practices could return the soils to being a carbon, sink , Present worldwide practices of overgrazing are substantially reducing many
  34. Desert coasts. *Pelagic deposits, which contain the remains of organisms that, sink ,to the ocean floor, include red clays and Globigerina, pteropod,and siliceous
  35. A thrust of about 630 tonnes-force (). These SBS are usually allowed to, sink ,to the bottom of the ocean, but like the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters
  36. Most ancient naval battles were fought by fast ships using the battering ram to, sink ,opposing fleets or steer close enough for boarding in hand-to-hand combat.
  37. As 10 %, indicating that over time the ocean will become" a less efficient, sink ,of man made carbon. " Samar Khanewal, an oceanographer at Columbia University
  38. Referred to as the" brain" of the computer. It is usually cooled by a heat, sink ,and fan. Newer CPUs include an on-die Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). * The
  39. To keep industrial emissions of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Trends in, sink ,performance According to a report in Nature magazine, ( November 2009) the
  40. The bed of a pick-up truck. It can be convenient to use the cistern as a heat, sink ,or trap for a heat pump or air conditioning system; however this can make cold
  41. Zeolitic midazolam frameworks is a metal-organic framework carbon dioxide, sink ,which could be used to keep industrial emissions of carbon dioxide out of the
  42. About the price of one battleship" and that a squadron of these bombers could, sink ,a battleship, making for more efficient use of government funds. This
  43. Consists of a blunt heavy weight, usually cast iron or cast lead, that will, sink ,into the mud and resist lateral movement. Suitable only for very soft silt
  44. Carbon can be stored in sediments for thousands of years. This natural carbon, sink ,is estimated to remove 3.5 million tonnes from the ocean each year. 3.5 million
  45. Are essentially good and only when they give in to“ wickedness” do they “, sink ,to the level of being an animal. ” On justice, he says criminals are not to be
  46. Oceans are at present CO2 sink s, and represent the largest active carbon, sink ,on Earth, absorbing more than a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans put
  47. The porous and permeable sedimentary rocks behave as conduits for the water to, sink ,to greater depths. East-west trending faults and the kart topography present
  48. Ions as exists in the atmosphere. The oceans act as an enormous carbon, sink , and have taken up about a third of CO2 emitted by human activity. Gas
  49. 24 - A bomb explodes on Super ferry 14 off the coast of Manila, causing it to, sink ,and killing 116 people. This attack is the worst terrorist attack at sea. *
  50. If this were the case, such an area forming around a ship could cause it to, sink ,very rapidly and without warning. Publications by the USGS describe large

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