Examples of the the word, pen , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pen ), is the 3567 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Life Ballpoint pen s are ubiquitous in modern culture. While other forms of, pen ,are available, ballpoint pen s are certainly the most common and almost every
  2. By Fisher in the United States, combine a more than normally viscous ballpoint, pen ,ink with a gas-pressured piston which forces the ink toward the point. This
  3. Of the list allows the user to edit individual characters in that word. Other, pen ,gestures could do such things as transpose letters (also in situ). The
  4. S and St Pancras's, being in Rome. Published works have survived from the, pen ,of Assani Tosca and Michele Mulozzani, each of whom was superior-general, and
  5. That" the best way to learn an algorithm is to try it... immediately take, pen ,and paper and work through an example ". But what about a simulation or
  6. Ink. Since, when tried, this viscous ink would not flow into a regular fountain, pen ,nib, Bíró, with the help of his brother George, a chemist, began to work on
  7. Doubtful whether the Dicta Alan de laid philosophic really issued from his, pen , On the other hand, it now seems practically demonstrated that Alain de Lille
  8. Bags and in cars — almost anywhere where one could conceivably need to use a, pen , Ballpoint pen s are often provided free by businesses as a form of advertising
  9. Ink. The simplest types of ball point pen s have a cap to cover the tip when the, pen ,is not in use, while others have a mechanism for retracting the tip. This
  10. On 10 June they filed another patent and formed Biro Pens of Argentina. The, pen ,was sold in Argentina under the Biome brand (portmanteau of Biro and Mane)
  11. That anything adverse to the general measure of Reform can issue from my, pen , " Further, at the time Gallo mania was published, Disraeli was in fact
  12. The tube or fall out of the pen . The ink clung to the ball, which spun as the, pen ,was drawn across the paper. These proto-ballpoints did not deliver the ink
  13. Where it already existed. A few weeks before the war, he went so far as to, pen ,a letter to every governor asking for their support in ratifying the Corwin
  14. Named Baum took out a ballpoint patent in 1910,and yet another ballpoint, pen ,device was patented by Van Bechtel Ginsburg in 1916. In these inventions, the
  15. Native speakers when they are word-initial or begin a stressed syllable, as in, pen , ten, Ken. They are aspirated for almost all speakers when immediately
  16. A chemist, began to work on designing new types of pen s. Biro fitted this, pen ,with a tiny ball in its tip that was free to turn in a socket. As the pen moved
  17. On his leather products, which then-common fountain pen s could not do. Loud's, pen ,had a small rotating steel ball, held in place by a socket. Although it could
  18. At making these pen s commercially viable and widely available. The ballpoint, pen ,went through several failures in design throughout its early stages. The first
  19. De pen ding on gravity caused difficulties with the flow and required that the, pen ,be held nearly vertically. The original Biro pen used capillary action and a
  20. This pen with a tiny ball in its tip that was free to turn in a socket. As the, pen ,moved along the paper, the ball rotated, picking up ink from the ink cartridge
  21. Talbot called RV 807" arguably the best nonoperatic work from Vivaldi's, pen ,to come to light since ... the 1920s ". Vivaldi's lost 1730 opera Agrippa (RV
  22. Dried quickly, leaving the paper dry and smudge free. He decided to create a, pen ,using the same type of ink. Since, when tried, this viscous ink would not flow
  23. Pen were invented. Slavoljub Eduard Penal invented a solid-ink fountain, pen ,in 1907,a German inventor named Baum took out a ballpoint patent in 1910,and
  24. Hollander 2008,p. 251),alembic (distiller) from ambits (cup),Adam (, pen , pen cil, feather ) from Kawabata (cane),almanac (climate),from
  25. Arian missionary who converted the Sue vi to Christianity (c. 466) * Ajax, pen ,name of Australian nature writer Sidney William Jackson Information technology
  26. Failures in design throughout its early stages. The first patent on a ballpoint, pen ,was issued on 30 October 1888,to John Loud, a leather tanner, who was
  27. Prevent firing the engine, stranding them on the Moon. Fortunately a felt-tip, pen ,was sufficient to activate the switch. After about seven hours of rest, the
  28. Program of which was worked out in 1512 by, as well as Durer. Durer worked in, pen ,on the marginal images for an edition of the Emperor's printed Prayer-Book;
  29. 1904 and 1946,particularly alternatives or improvements to the fountain, pen ,were invented. Slavoljub Eduard Penal invented a solid-ink fountain pen in
  30. By a tiny ball, held so that it could not slip into the tube or fall out of the, pen , The ink clung to the ball, which spun as the pen was drawn across the paper.
  31. As a form of advertising — printed with a company's name, a ballpoint, pen ,is a relatively low cost advertisement that is highly effective (customers
  32. Piston which forces the ink toward the point. This design allows the, pen ,to write even upside down or in zero gravity environments. A graphite pen cil
  33. Describing the route southward from Champ toward Sumatra, but by a slip of the, pen ,the name“ Java” was substituted for“ Champ” as the point of departure
  34. Shows Because of the show's high ratings, CBS asked creator Paul Henning to, pen ,two more folksy comedies, spawning a mini-genre of rural sitcoms during the
  35. His sister, Dorothy sees a" long belt" of daffodils, inspiring the former to, pen ,I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. *1817 – Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Laurent
  36. And wrote a series of articles for the Little Rock Arkansas Advocate under the, pen ,name of" CANCA. " The articles were popular enough that he was asked to join
  37. States. At about the same time a U. S. businessman, Milton Reynolds, saw a Biro, pen ,in a store in Buenos Aires. He purchased several samples and returned to the U.
  38. And Barbed Wire" ). The narrative poem The Trail (written without benefit of, pen ,or paper in prison and camps between 1947 and 1952) and the 28 poems composed
  39. The flow and required that the pen be held nearly vertically. The original Biro, pen ,used capillary action and a piston that pressurized the ink column, solving the
  40. Between Matures transmigrants and the indigenous Kayak people. A ballpoint, pen ,is a writing instrument with an internal ink reservoir and a sphere for a point
  41. Of its limbs. He also made many fine finished drawings, mostly landscapes, in, pen , and watercolor such as the Landscape with the Woodcutter in 1522. The drawing
  42. Is usually controlled by a button at the top and powered by a spring within the, pen ,body, but other possibilities include a pair of buttons, a screw, or a slide.
  43. What the ACLU sees as the First Amendment right to post online profiles seeking, pen ,pals during their incarceration and jobs upon their release. *In 2006,the ACLU
  44. Recorded toward the end of the 16th century, when Jean About, under the, pen ,name" Thoinot-Arbeau ", published in 1588 his Orchésographie, a study of late
  45. Department store in New York City on 29 October 1945 for US$9.75 each. This, pen ,was widely known as the rocket in the U. S. into the late 1950s. Description
  46. Rabbi Yitzchak Luria (known as the" ARI" ), most of which come down from the, pen ,of his primary disciple, Rabbi Chief Vital, are profound insights explaining
  47. Which Franklin often cited as a key influence on his life. Franklin’s first, pen ,name, Silence Dogwood, paid homage both to the book and to a famous sermon by
  48. That is highly effective (customers will use, and therefore see,a, pen ,daily). Businesses and charities may also include ballpoint pen s in direct
  49. Fountain pen s and cleaning up smudged pages, and the sharp tip of his fountain, pen ,often tore the paper. Biro had noticed that inks used in newspaper printing
  50. Very useful in mixed media, allowing use of pastel (oil & chalk),charcoal, pen , etc. on top of the dried acrylic painted surface. Mixing other bodies into the

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