Examples of the the word, loop , in a Sentence Context

The word ( loop ), is the 3554 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The final countdown had initiated. A malfunction in a backup yaw gimbals servo, loop ,in the main propulsion system of the CSM Casper caused concerns about firing
  2. Parallel semantics, and currently runs under Linux. APEX-generated code uses, loop ,fusion and array contraction, special-case algorithms not generally available
  3. j) ); j: = Next (j); end Print_and_Increment; begin while i < Number'Last, loop ,Print_and_Increment (i); end loop ; end Example; Packages, Procedures and
  4. Go to' commands is seldom needed. While a /= b, loop ,Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line (" Waiting" ); end loop ; if a > b then Ada. Text_IO.
  5. 905: 310-3789 Mississauga, Ontario (Now no longer includes, loop ,line or ring back. ) Toll-free AWACS Please note that it is always preferable to
  6. Subscript of the array. This is different from most languages, where such a, loop ,goes through each value in the array. The loop thus prints out each word
  7. Print the words with their frequencies. The line for (I in words) creates a, loop ,that goes through the array words, setting i to each subscript of the array.
  8. Loop test (step 5) consumes 2T5 time. During the next pass through the outer, loop , j iterates from 1 to 2: the inner loop makes two passes, so running the inner
  9. When Clear is begin null; end; end Runway; task body Controller is begun, loop ,My_Runway. Wait_For_Clear; -- wait until runway is available select -- wait for
  10. Pass, so running the inner loop body (step 6) consumes T6 time, and the inner, loop ,test (step 5) consumes 2T5 time. During the next pass through the outer loop
  11. While a /= b loop Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line (" Waiting" ); end, loop ,; if a > b then Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line (" Condition met" ); else Ada. Text_IO.
  12. By the identifier of the block it closes (e.g. if. End if, loop ... end, loop ,). In the case of conditional blocks this avoids a dangling else that could
  13. Else Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line (" Condition not met" ); end if; for i in 1. 10, loop , Ada. Text_IO. Put (" Iteration:" ); Ada. Text_IO. Put (i); Ada. Text_IO.
  14. Put (" Iteration:" ); Ada. Text_IO. Put (i); Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line; end, loop ,; loop a: = a + 1; exit when a = 10; end loop ; case I is when 0 → Ada. Text_IO.
  15. Lacked the ability to either loop or" go to ", the latter allowing programs to, loop , Despite the power of macro processing, it fell into disuse in many high levels
  16. Most languages, where such a loop goes through each value in the array. The, loop ,thus prints out each word followed by its frequency count. Tolower was an
  17. During the next pass through the outer loop , j iterates from 1 to 2: the inner, loop ,makes two passes, so running the inner loop body (step 6) consumes 2T6 time
  18. To form anhydrous liquid ammonia. This step is known as the ammonia synthesis, loop ,(also referred to as the Haber-Bosch process): :3 H₂ + N2 → 2 NH3 Hydrogen
  19. Between two" co- loop s ", an A > B loop that computes A ← A − B, and a B ≤ A, loop ,that computes B ← B − A. This works because, when at last the minuend M is less
  20. C preprocessor was not Turing-complete because it lacked the ability to either, loop ,or" go to ", the latter allowing programs to loop . Despite the power of macro
  21. This is the case:" Elegant" does two conditional tests in every subtraction, loop , whereas" Inelegant" only does one. As the algorithm (usually) requires
  22. Release aid attaches to the bowstring just below the knocking point or at the D, loop ,and permits the archer to release the string by the use of some form of trigger
  23. Is followed by the identifier of the block it closes (e.g. if. End if, loop ,... end loop ). In the case of conditional blocks this avoids a dangling else
  24. But might not be as efficient because of the division operation inside the, loop , For a particularly robust two-pass algorithm for computing the variance, first
  25. Iteration:" ); Ada. Text_IO. Put (i); Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line; end loop ;, loop ,a: = a + 1; exit when a = 10; end loop ; case I is when 0 → Ada. Text_IO. Put (
  26. J iterates from 1 to 2: the inner loop makes two passes, so running the inner, loop ,body (step 6) consumes 2T6 time, and the inner loop test (step 5) consumes
  27. An APL translator, written in C, which performed certain optimizations such as, loop ,fusion specific to the needs of an array language. The source language was
  28. Was proportional to the resistance of the game controller, and used a software, loop ,to measure the timer. The text and graphics screens had a complex arrangement (
  29. Create a few airplane tasks New_Airplane: = new Airplane (I); delay 3.0; end, loop ,; end Traffic; Dramas A drama is a compiler directive that convey information
  30. Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) &" in holding pattern" ); end select; end, loop ,; delay 4.0; -- do landing approach ... Put_Line (Airplane_ID'Image (ID) & "
  31. J iterates from 1 to 1: The inner loop makes one pass, so running the inner, loop ,body (step 6) consumes T6 time, and the inner loop test (step 5) consumes
  32. N + 1) times (note that an extra step is required to terminate the for, loop , hence n + 1 and not n executions),which will consume T4 (n + 1) time. The
  33. n. On the first pass through the outer loop , j iterates from 1 to 1: The inner, loop ,makes one pass, so running the inner loop body (step 6) consumes T6 time, and
  34. N + 1 and not n executions),which will consume T4 (n + 1) time. The inner, loop , on the other hand, is governed by the value of i, which iterates from 1 to n.
  35. GOT 20 80 PRINT A 90 END How" Elegant" works: In place of an outer" Euclid, loop ,"," Elegant" shifts back and forth between two" co- loop s ", an A > B loop
  36. Given vector processor. * extreme optimization is required, e. g., in an inner, loop ,in a processor-intensive algorithm. Game programmers take advantage of the
  37. T_3 + T_7. \, The loop s in steps 4,5 and 6 are trickier to evaluate. The outer, loop ,test in step 4 will execute (n + 1) times (note that an extra step is
  38. Of being expanded in memory; in future operations, a J-vectors contents are the, loop ,'s induction register, not reads from memory. Although such techniques were not
  39. One such engine even develops sentient thought due to a recursive algorithmic, loop , *The British Empire of The Peshawar Lancers by S. M. Stirling features a
  40. The mechanical release holds the string by retaining it by some form of gate or, loop ,of cord. The gate or cord is released by operation of the trigger, allowing the
  41. General formula, n > 2) wherein the carbon backbone is linked to form a, loop , According to the definition by IUPAC, the former two are alkanes, whereas the
  42. Delay 2.0; Rwy. Cleared_Runway (ID); delay 5.0; -- fly around a bit ..., loop ,select -- try to request a runway Controller1. Request_Approach (ID, Rwy ); --
  43. i); Ada. Text_IO. Put_Line; end loop ; loop a: = a + 1; exit when a = 10; end, loop ,; case I is when 0 → Ada. Text_IO. Put (" zero" ); when 1 → Ada. Text_IO.
  44. Done here. End; New_Airplane: Airplane_Access; begin for I in Airplane_ID'Range, loop ,-- create a few airplane tasks New_Airplane: = new Airplane (I); delay 3.0;
  45. The value of i, which iterates from 1 to n. On the first pass through the outer, loop , j iterates from 1 to 1: The inner loop makes one pass, so running the inner
  46. A ring back number (to test the ringer when installing telephone sets) and a, loop ,around (which connects a call to another inbound call to the same or another
  47. Or -- terminate if nobody left who could call terminate; end select; end, loop ,; end; task body Airplane is Rwy: Runway_Access; begin Controller1.
  48. Loop "," Elegant" shifts back and forth between two" co- loop s ", an A > B, loop ,that computes A ← A − B, and a B ≤ A loop that computes B ← B − A. This works
  49. Begin while i < Number'Last loop Print_and_Increment (i); end, loop ,; end Example; Packages, Procedures and functions can nest to any depth and each
  50. So running the inner loop body (step 6) consumes 2T6 time, and the inner, loop ,test (step 5) consumes 3T5 time. Altogether, the total time required to run

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