Examples of the the word, nose , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nose ), is the 3553 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Described as" a man of middle stature, with a long face, fresh colored,the, nose ,somewhat large. He was a prudent man, and a Latin scholar, and spoke in elegant
  2. Bone, or an eagle’s feather shaft. From time to time, women would decorate the, nose ,pins by hanging pieces of amber and coral from strings that would dangle down
  3. Nasal sounds create changes in preceding vowels because air can flow into the, nose ,during the vowel. Nasal consonants can also affect the articulation of a vowel.
  4. Muller stated" It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your, nose ,with your head back ... It was instantaneous ... and I don't want to say this:
  5. Sensitive passive device with a phased-array antenna located in the left-front, nose ,radome that could pick up localized deviations in earth's magnetic field that
  6. Modern is base ejection, which was introduced in World War I. Both base and, nose ,ejection are almost always used with air burst fuses. Bursting shells use
  7. About the sideways horizontal axis giving an up-down movement of the aircraft, nose ,measured by the angle of attack. *Yaw is a rotation about the vertical axis
  8. Decided the positions of the necessary points to express the outline, eyes, nose , and so on of a certain person. The robot expresses its face by moving all
  9. Opposing its motion through the air. An aircraft is usually streamlined from, nose ,to tail to reduce drag.; Flight control Aerospace engineers develop control
  10. Japanese culture In Chinese popular culture, it is often said that if a man's, nose ,produces a small flow of blood, he is experiencing sexual desire. This often
  11. Involving Camp and Walt Kelly," two boys from Bridgeport, Connecticut, nose to, nose ," onstage at a meeting of the Newspaper Comics Council in the sixties. " Walt
  12. Everything on his face was covered, the tips of mustache and the pink-tipped, nose ,would be visible.: The neatness of his attire was almost incredible; I believe
  13. Report stated that" the airplane was seen lifting off the runway, and then, nose ,down, impacting in a marsh on the south side of the departure end of runway 27
  14. Considered a sufficient and final penalty. However, in the case of murder,the, nose ,and ears of the culprit were cut off or the tendons of his feet severed.
  15. Laugh. *Butt-head—voiced by Mike Judge. Has squinty eyes and a drooping, nose ,with prominent nostrils. His top gums are often exposed due to a small upper
  16. Thin and, as Narrow observes in his journal," his small, beady eyes, narrow, nose , and hard, straight mouth make him look like a well-brought-up owl. " Othón
  17. Can also be divided into three configurations: bursting, base ejection or, nose ,ejection. The latter is sometimes called the shrapnel configuration. The most
  18. Dialects in vocabulary and pronunciation: it appears to be spoken through the, nose ,a little, and could be compared to the Queen's English. This was not a
  19. 1989) involving Camp and Walt Kelly," two boys from Bridgeport, Connecticut, nose , to nose ," onstage at a meeting of the Newspaper Comics Council in the sixties.
  20. Module separated from the S-IVB stage, turned around, and docked its, nose ,to the top of the lunar module still nestled in the S-IVB. The CSM/LM stack
  21. Airlines 767-200s were dismantled for parts in Roswell, New Mexico, and their, nose ,sections removed intact for collector or film use. Of these four aircraft, the
  22. Dubbed the B-25G was developed, in which the standard-length transparent, nose ,and the bombardier were replaced by a shorter solid nose containing two fixed
  23. Jet ". He watched" it just plows right into the side of the Pentagon. The, nose ,penetrated into the portico. And then it sort of disappeared, and there was
  24. To alter how the Aleuts dressed and groomed themselves. Piercings such as the, nose ,pin were common among both men and women and were usually performed a few days
  25. Ammunition charge. Broadly there are four main types: Most artillery fuses are, nose ,fuses. However, base fuses have been used with armor piercing shells and for
  26. The target (within the azimuth of the aircraft radar, up to 60 degrees off the, nose ,on some systems),which could be difficult or dangerous in aerial combat.
  27. Their origin. The ornaments used as jewelry consisted of: Lip piercings, nose ,piercings, necklaces,ear piercings, and piercings through the flesh under the
  28. Days and involved removing the internal organs, removing the brain through the, nose , and desiccating the body in a mixture of salts called natron. The body was
  29. Is a rotation about the vertical axis giving a side-to-side movement of the, nose ,known as sideslip. A fixed-wing aircraft increases or decreases the lift
  30. Other aircraft. Similarly, an F-22 pilot may hover his jet in the air with the, nose ,pointed straight up, a Harrier or Osprey pilot may perform a vertical landing
  31. To his shoulders, large blue eyes, alabaster colored skin and a slight Roman, nose , Baha'u'Allah gave his son many other titles such as" the Most Mighty Branch "
  32. A traditional bust, but instead the head was" broken off" at the neck,the, nose ,was flattened and crooked, and the back of the head was absent, having fallen
  33. Terms. He was depicted in some antisemitic political cartoons with a big, nose ,and curly black hair, called " Shylock" and" abominable Jew," and portrayed
  34. In what was described as a drunken brawl. In addition to suffering a broken, nose ,at the hands of the officers, Lifeson was tased six times. His son was also
  35. On enemy radar emissions has a fixed antenna and seeker head in the missile's, nose , A smokeless, solid-propellant,dual-thrust rocket motor propels the missile at
  36. A substantial amount of technology with these boosters. In March 2000 the, nose ,cone of an Ariane 5 booster washed ashore on the South Texas coast, and was
  37. A patient is asked to reach out and touch someone's finger or touch their own, nose , And various other recreational drugs (e.g. ketamine, PCP or dextromethorphan
  38. Applied large volumes of water to a cloth that covered the detainee’s mouth and, nose , One of the psychologists/interrogators acknowledged that the Agency’s use of
  39. Fat, with a good chest, powerful,with a ruddy complexion, a broad face, a good, nose , fair skin, bald on the forehead, a good beard, grey eyes. ’’ Literature and
  40. Or decreases the lift generated by the wings when it pitches, respectively, nose , up or down by increasing or decreasing the angle of attack. A fixed-wing
  41. The lift and drag on an airplane or the shock waves that form in front of the, nose ,of a rocket are examples of external aerodynamics. Internal aerodynamics is the
  42. For his immense physical strength, though the large we non the left side of his, nose ,caused him to be severely mocked by his contemporaries. He always sat for
  43. But the mouth is depicted fairly narrow, usually just slightly wider than the, nose , The neck is somewhat long. The net result is a serene, serious,somewhat aloof
  44. He was tall and fairly handsome;" he had sparkling eyes of medium size; his, nose , like that of his brother, was becomingly aquiline; his hair was blond and grew
  45. Species that can be fatal to humans if introduced through the, nose , *Acanthamoeba can cause amoebic keratitis and encephalitis in humans.
  46. USA on it. To its right, an Apollo CSM is shown next to an LM, with the CSM's, nose ,pointed at the" front door" of the LM rather than at its top docking port.
  47. In the face is perhaps the full round strong, masculine chin with a high, nose ,that has a high bridge as a natural extension of the forehead. The eyes
  48. Amphetamine" by Alternative rock band Ever clear, the song" 20 Dollar, nose ,bleed" by the Pop-rock band Fall Out Boy, and the song Headfirst For Halos by
  49. The addition of Plexiglas windows for the navigator and radio operator, heavier, nose , armament,and deicing and anti-icing equipment, the B-25C was released to the
  50. When he laughs, has a more guttural voice and has a penchant for picking his, nose , He is the more excitable of the two and though he is oblivious to what should

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