Examples of the the word, lawsuit , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lawsuit ), is the 3555 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Changed its method of calculating used minutes in response to a class action, lawsuit , Previously, AOL would add 15 seconds to the time a user was connected to the
  2. That: He then took communion privately. At this time NASA was still fighting a, lawsuit ,brought by atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hair (who had objected to the Apollo 8
  3. Was awarded $19.25M by a U. S. District Court jury in Salt Lake City, in the, lawsuit ,against the four former Amway distributors. On November 24, 2008,the case was
  4. And distribution of her records and music videos, brought an unsuccessful, lawsuit ,in the New York Supreme Court against Instinct Productions LLC, the company
  5. Similar to the Apple Lisa in Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation. The, lawsuit ,dragged on for years before it was finally dismissed. At the same time, a
  6. Based company. Currently, it is the third-largest class ever involved in any, lawsuit ,on a federal level in the United States, affecting ultimately the employment
  7. Growers and damaged domestic almond markets. The federal judge dismissed the, lawsuit ,in the spring of 2009 on procedural grounds, but farmers are appealing this
  8. Then transferred to the 4450th TG at Tooth. South of Rachel. Environmental, lawsuit ,In 1994,five unnamed civilian contractors and the widows of contractors Walter
  9. The FTC later dropped the probe; however, in October 2005,a class-action, lawsuit ,was filed against McGraw by several people who used the products and claimed
  10. Commodore, the Amiga team was in limbo during the summer of 1984 because of the, lawsuit , No word on the status of the chipset, the Lorraine computer, or the team's
  11. U. S. Supreme Court" turned down an appeal from the ACLU to let it pursue a, lawsuit ,against the program that began shortly after the Sept. 11 terror attacks ". The
  12. Intelligent design in science classes. In January 2006,the ACLU filed a, lawsuit , ACLU v. NSA, in a federal district court in Michigan, challenging government
  13. Per year for the entire league. On June 17,the AFL filed an antitrust, lawsuit ,against the NFL, which was dismissed in 1962 after a two-month trial. The
  14. Rural areas of the United States and beyond. Prior to the 1999 class action, lawsuit , the community leaders were informed of a change in compensation for duties
  15. Being arrested in a series of" drug sweeps ". The ACLU filed a class action, lawsuit , Kelly v. Paschal, on their behalf, alleging that the arrests were unlawful.
  16. Information about the medication's safety and effectiveness for minors. The, lawsuit ,stemmed from a consumer advocate protest against Paroxetine manufacturer GSK.
  17. Associated with al-Qaeda. In August 2010,al-Awlaki's father initiated a, lawsuit ,against the U. S. government with the American Civil Liberties Union
  18. Classifying all information about Area 51 in order to protect themselves from a, lawsuit , " Citing the State Secrets Privilege, the government petitioned trial judge U.
  19. ACLU of Washington State and the Second Amendment Foundation jointly filed a, lawsuit ,against the North Central Regional Library District (NCRL) in Washington for
  20. For giving" intentionally false statements" in a sexual harassment civil, lawsuit , *2002 – A female suicide bomber detonated at the entrance to Jerusalem's
  21. Brian Williams of Dallas and Kelly Ballista of New York filed a class action, lawsuit ,against AOL citing violations of U. S. labor laws in its use of community
  22. Sciences. Atheist Madelyn Murray O'Hair later caused controversy by bringing a, lawsuit ,against NASA over the reading from Genesis. O'Hair wished the courts to ban US
  23. 4,2006,the FBI released the video in response to freedom of information, lawsuit ,filed by Scott Bingham. The footage is" grainy and the focus is soft, but a
  24. Such information. This list was prompted by Freedom of Information Act, lawsuit ,filed in September 2009 by the ACLU, whose lawyers had also requested detailed
  25. First Amendment, several Dover parents called the ACLU to discuss a possible, lawsuit ,against the school. The ACLU, along with Americans United for Separation of
  26. Around the country against telecommunications companies. The ACLU filed a, lawsuit ,in Illinois (Terkel v. AT&T) which was dismissed because of the State Secrets
  27. In a response track called" The Asshole Anthem" on his DIE! Album. Due to the, lawsuit , the album was reissued without the track. She has continued touring through
  28. For users attempting to use third-party Internet service providers. The, lawsuit ,sought damages of up to $1000 for each user that had downloaded the software
  29. Mamma Mia" with modified lyrics at rallies. The band had threatened to file a, lawsuit ,against the DF, saying they never allowed their music to be used politically
  30. That it had made changes to its business operations as a result of the, lawsuit , The settlement is subject to approval by the court, which is expected in early
  31. 1000 for each user that had downloaded the software cited at the time of the, lawsuit , AOL later agreed to a settlement of $15 million, without admission of
  32. Accounts in thanks for their service. Within one decade of the class action, lawsuit ,being filed, the class had grown to over 6,000 members citing the largest class
  33. A Ten Commandments monument installed in the judiciary building, leading to a, lawsuit ,to have it removed and his own removal from office. *2004 – A supermarket fire
  34. Network 21; however, in 2004 the Warsaw Regional Court dismissed Amway's civil, lawsuit , On appeal Amway won the case and the producers were ordered to pay a fine to a
  35. That she saw Marque prostrate outside his apartment. Because Marque won the, lawsuit , he made payments to her for the next twenty years. When she died, he wrote on
  36. Service when takes over the Twentieth Century Motor Company. He files a, lawsuit ,that eventually leads to Midas Mulligan and Judge Narragansett joining the
  37. Systems are released, but according to documents released in the SCO v. IBM, lawsuit , less than forty licenses for the finished Monterey Unix were ever sold before
  38. Known as row 800) and with Kelly Ballista in May 1999 launched a class action, lawsuit ,citing labor law violations in federal court) International versions AOL has
  39. By distributors, and settled the case out of court for $9 million. In a related, lawsuit ,initiated by the distributors involved, the Court established that Parallel Lee
  40. Stating that neither was married. Death, funeral and wrongful death, lawsuit ,On August 25, 2001,at 6:45 pm (EST),Aaliyah and various members of the
  41. He believed that the case had been motivated by" political reasons ". RIAA, lawsuit ,The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA),as part of its
  42. AOL citing violations of U. S. labor laws in its use of community leaders. The, lawsuit ,was filed in the United States Federal Courthouse, New York City on May 25
  43. 2005,the ACLU and Robertson County announced a confidential settlement of the, lawsuit , an outcome which" both sides stated that they were satisfied with. " The
  44. Former CL, who in May 1999 launched, with Brian Williams a class action, lawsuit ,citing labor law violations in federal court) * Brian Williams (Former CL
  45. The FAA to fly for Black hawk. As a result of the accident, a wrongful death, lawsuit ,was filed by Aaliyah's parents and was later settled out of court for an
  46. May be eligible for benefits under a $63.8 million Proposed Settlement. The, lawsuit ,won the claim that pharmaceutical maker GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) promoted Pail
  47. And alcohol in his system. Aaliyah's family later filed a wrongful death, lawsuit ,against Black hawk International Airways, which was settled out of court. Since
  48. Equal to three years' payout, as the distribution of payments was held up in a, lawsuit ,over the distribution scheme) to $3,269.00 in 2008 (which included a one-time
  49. The class had grown to over 6,000 members citing the largest class action, lawsuit ,ever filed against an internet based company. Currently, it is the third largest
  50. Annoying tech products. Software * In 2000,AOL was served with an $8 billion, lawsuit ,alleging that its AOL 5.0 software caused significant difficulties for users

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