Examples of the the word, stimulate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stimulate ), is the 3560 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Carried on the surfaces of these antigens. By coating the pathogen, antibodies, stimulate , effector functions against the pathogen in cells that recognize their FC region
  2. Of acid rain can last for generations, as the effects of pH level change can, stimulate ,the continued leaching of undesirable chemicals into otherwise pristine water
  3. In Asia. Alexander also sent back vast sums from his conquest, which helped, stimulate ,the economy and increased trade between the new areas of his empire. However
  4. One leg in the treatment and one in the control solution, and proceeded to, stimulate ,the legs in several ways. The leg that had been immersed in the
  5. Prayer Band),an organization that prays for missionaries and attempts to, stimulate ,campus interest in world evangelism. During summers and Christmas breaks
  6. Occur for any incoming light combination. For example, it is not possible to, stimulate ,only the mid-wavelength (so-called" green" ) cones; the other cones will
  7. A workout. This may help to replenish glycogen stores within the muscle, and to, stimulate ,muscle protein synthesis. Protein The motor proteins action and myosin generate
  8. In the human body at about 0.2 %. *Rubidium has no biological role but may help, stimulate ,metabolism, and can accumulate ahead of potassium in muscle. Rubidium is
  9. Impacted by this policy. In 1991 and 1992,the government passed laws to, stimulate ,foreign investment in nearly all sectors of the economy. The only activities
  10. Music claim that the idea is the creation of modern marketing designed to, stimulate ,regional identity in the creation of a consumer niche; June Skinner Sawyers
  11. Polymers can either work as host defense peptides mimic, or as signal to, stimulate ,3T3stem cells functions. The Bishopric of Brandenburg was a Roman Catholic
  12. By reasoning; through will, we know – without thinking – that the world can, stimulate ,us. We suffer fear, or desire: these states arise involuntarily; they arise
  13. In power, Bennett oversaw the completion of several megaprojects meant to, stimulate ,the economy and win votes - unlike most right-wing parties, British Columbia's
  14. And asks for a US$150 million public works program to help generate jobs and, stimulate ,the economy. *1939 – New York City's La Guardia Airport opens. *1942 –
  15. However, the EU made it clear that trade concessions would be reached to, stimulate ,economic growth in the north, and remains committed to reunification under
  16. Loyalty programs, and discounts. The ultimate goal of sales promotions is to, stimulate ,potential customers to action. Media and advertising approaches Increasingly
  17. The Whigs and Republicans complained because they favored high tariffs to, stimulate ,industrial growth, and Republicans called for an increase in tariffs in the
  18. To increase secretion of RANK-ligand and interleukin 6,which cytokines then, stimulate ,increased reabsorption of bone by osteoclasts. These same compounds also
  19. And barely survived (surgeons opened his chest and massaged his heart to help, stimulate ,its movement again). He suffered physical effects for the rest of his life.
  20. For carcinogens. However, some proposed that low level of some mutagens may, stimulate ,the DNA repair processes. Ames test is often used as one of the initial screens
  21. Flowers. The fruit is a capsule. Plants are adapted to bush fires, which can, stimulate ,flowering. Asphodeloideae The Asphodeloideae, or
  22. Apoptotic threshold to treat diseases involved with excessive cell death. To, stimulate ,apoptosis, one can increase the number of death receptor ligands (such as TNF
  23. Which cause economic recessions or depressions by artificially trying to ", stimulate ," the economy through money supply growth and further borrowing via
  24. Became fully convertible for most business purposes in late 1995. In order to, stimulate ,the economy and attract foreign partners, the government has revamped the legal
  25. Resource and pollution challenges, these policies are often also designed to, stimulate ,employment and reduce import dependence and energy security concerns. Adopted
  26. Issues surrounding aboriginal land claims in Alaska, as well as to, stimulate ,economic development throughout Alaska. The settlement extinguished Alaska
  27. Fiber optic network linking the area's major research centers intended to, stimulate ,growth. OneCommunity's work attracted the attention of Intel and in mid-2005
  28. Practices (from European cities and some worldwide examples) that promote and, stimulate ,this kind of functional cycling in cities can be found at Ellis,Europe's
  29. The site of the former Mt. Sinai Medical Center, creating a research campus to, stimulate ,biotech startup companies that can be spun off from research conducted in the
  30. Institute of Cape Verde Communities states that such a measure was adopted" to, stimulate ,reciprocity from host countries of Cape Verdi an migrants ". A law NR. 36/V/97
  31. Positron emission tomography research indicating that sham acupuncture can, stimulate ,regions of the brain associated with natural opiate production, and animal
  32. Are psychologically homosexual. " He claimed," The Batman type of story may, stimulate ,children to homosexual fantasies, of the nature of which they may be
  33. Reasoning that competition in banking would drive down interest rates and, stimulate ,entrepreneurship. Tucker believed this would decrease the proportion of
  34. The spectrum, colors may be defined and quantified by the degree to which they, stimulate ,these cells. These physical or physiological quantification of color, however
  35. They prevent pathogens from entering or damaging cells by binding to them; they, stimulate ,removal of pathogens by macrophages and other cells by coating the pathogen;
  36. To prepare Agenda 21 (a plan for the twenty-first century) for Brazil and to, stimulate ,preparation of state and local agendas. Institutional development at the
  37. To cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Many methods can be used to, stimulate ,apoptosis in various places along the death signaling pathway. Hyperactive
  38. Objects to the senses. When these different shapes of atoms come to us, they, stimulate , our senses according to their shape, and our sense-impressions arise from those
  39. People to Eastern Russia, Central Asia, and Siberia both as punishment and to, stimulate ,development of the frontier regions. Some migrations occurred to avoid conflict
  40. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). The aim of the competition is to, stimulate ,new markets. Creating new fields of applications and establishing Bluetooth low
  41. Public transport access to Upper Norwood and Crystal Palace Park and help to, stimulate ,regeneration across the wider area. The extension could be in service by 2013.
  42. Was introduced in the United States, gambling houses offered bonus payouts to, stimulate ,players' interest. One such bonus was a ten to one payout if the player's
  43. To this monopoly are at the heart of creativity. i.e. Exclusive rights, stimulate ,investment and the production of creative works and simultaneously, exceptions
  44. Out the evaluation of rules and regulations. Among the main measures taken to, stimulate ,the economy are the reduction of up to 30 percent on Manufactured Products Tax
  45. Products and claimed that the supplements, which cost $120 per month, did not, stimulate ,weight loss. In September 2006,a $10.5 million settlement was reached, in
  46. S system from the fetus. Importantly, this occurs before the antigen can, stimulate ,maternal B cells to" remember" Rh antigen by generating memory B cells.
  47. The business cycle unfolds in the following way: Low interest rates tend to, stimulate ,borrowing from the banking system. This expansion of credit causes an expansion
  48. From oversized to snug, and they also come in a variety of surfaces intended to, stimulate ,the user's partner. Condoms are usually supplied with a lubricant coating to
  49. Techniques where the hands are used to manipulate, massage,mobilize, adjust, stimulate , apply traction to, or otherwise influence the spine and related tissues. There
  50. Promoting, thus,the preservation of the company, its social function and, stimulate ,the economic activity. It's a judiciary procedure required by the debtor who

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