Examples of the the word, whilst , in a Sentence Context

The word ( whilst ), is the 3561 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Despite heavy casualties the Prussians attempted to storm the great battery, whilst ,the Danes, under Count Shorten, attempted to drive the French infantry out of
  2. Display them in various ways. The original AMOS version was interpreted which, whilst ,working fine, suffered from performance problems. Later, an AMOS compiler was
  3. Normally be designed to take hits from other tank guns and anti-tank missiles, whilst ,light reconnaissance vehicles are often only armored" just in case ". Whilst
  4. Only compete in the contests but retain and show off their" feminine forms ", whilst ,doing so. Thus, archery came to act as a forum for introductions, flirtation and
  5. Parts, which was used as a light vessel between 1807 and 1810 near to Bell Rock, whilst ,the lighthouse was being constructed. It was equipped with a 1.5 ton example.
  6. Arrangements that would ensure the continuation of the Principate in some form, whilst ,at the same time put in doubt the senators' suspicions of his
  7. Flight 2069 from Gatwick Airport to Nairobi experienced a hijack attempt, whilst ,flying over Sudan. A Kenyan student with a mental illness burst into the
  8. The term" crude Bitumen "; its viscosity is similar to that of cold molasses., whilst ,the material obtained from the fractional distillation of crude oil (boiling
  9. Of Alan Garner's astounding talent has grown with every book he's written ", whilst ,David Almond called him one of Britain's" greatest writers" whose works "
  10. Line is formed and is termed a" zone line ". These poles and zone-lines, whilst ,inducing fluctuations in data density in the reconstructed datasets, which can
  11. Of Scotland show much discussion of possible union. William and Mary, whilst ,supportive of the idea, had no interest in allowing it to delay their
  12. For a section of the 'market ', with some primarily providing low cost racing, whilst ,others aim for an authentic experience using the same regulations as the
  13. 1970. The Soviets scrapped four large incomplete cruisers in the late 1950s, whilst , plans to build a number of new Stalingrad-class battlecruisers were abandoned
  14. The Elector and Martin would hold the front from the hills to Oberglauheim, whilst ,Ballard would defend the ground between Oberglauheim and the Danube. The French
  15. Or around the legal speed limit). In the UK drink-driving is against the law, whilst ,in the US the term is drunk driving. The legal term in the US is driving while
  16. And knees. If the opposition player forcefully contacts a player in the back, whilst ,performing a tackle, the opposition player will be penalized for a push in the
  17. Orbit of the Moon. This was the first time that humans had taken such a picture, whilst ,actually behind the camera, and it has been credited with a role in inspiring
  18. Of Asolo's boroughs in the vicinity of the senator's mansion. This took place, whilst ,Canola was in his thirteenth year; and with Torrent he continued about two
  19. Basketball court with the same rules, for example, one must dribble the ball, whilst ,riding. There are a number of rules that are particular to unicycle basketball
  20. The whole of the second division. Today, the stadium is used by the amateurs, whilst ,the Bundesliga Club holds its games in the new stadium" Never Tripoli" –
  21. That astrology or the position of the stars and planets affect people’s lives, whilst ,other sources report the figure to be much higher. Astrology has had an
  22. Productive islands. The most easterly contains the ruins of the old castle, whilst ,the remains of the ancient Ana tho extend from this island for about 2 miles
  23. The demise of these airships. Nowadays, a" balloon" is an unpowered hemostat, whilst ,an" airship" is a powered one. A powered, steerable hemostat is called a
  24. Religion due to the vision of the Virgin Mary in 1917 by three young children, whilst ,tending their flock. To the west of Alabama is the well-known fishing village
  25. Topics around the Slovak nation, is established in Martin. *1873 – Indian Wars:, whilst ,protecting a railroad survey party in Montana, the United States 7th Cavalry
  26. Many ", he ordered Caesarion—Julius Caesar's son by Cleopatra—to be killed, whilst ,sparing Cleopatra's children by Antony,except Antony's older
  27. Time exceeded 6000,the Albanians from the villages of Attica excluded, and, whilst , in 1674 the population of Regina did not seem to exceed 3000 inhabitants,2/3
  28. Presumably in order to hide from predators or strong storm currents; or maybe, whilst ,scavenging for food. Name Chatterton2003/> In the case of the tapering
  29. It at the competition. This also develops other soft skills such as teamwork, whilst ,promoting motorsport and engineering. In 2006,producer Todd Baker was
  30. The word" electron" was coined in 1891 by the Irish physicist George Stone, whilst ,analyzing elementary charges for the first time. The presence of insects in
  31. To the patient population that did not take any medications. * Benzodiazepines, whilst ,useful in the management of acute alcohol withdrawal, if used long-term cause a
  32. Celebrated for the production of Welsh flannel, and also for the manufacture, whilst ,the fashion prevailed, of goats' hair periwigs. The title of Baron Abergavenny
  33. Across before unleashing their cavalry upon them, causing panic and confusion;, whilst ,the enemy was struggling in the marshes, they would be caught in crossfire from
  34. novel's 50th anniversary capturing Burgess' unique use of language and style, whilst ,marrying it with a rich contemporary score, bringing fresh resonance to this
  35. Was given. At 13:00,Cuts was ordered to attack the village of Blenheim, whilst ,Prince Eugene was requested to assault Futzing on the Allied right flank.
  36. S half-brother, Philip Arrhidaeus. King of Macedon Accession In 336 BC, whilst ,at Algae, attending the wedding of his daughter by Olympias, Cleopatra, too
  37. Banach–Tarski paradox which are provable in ZFC. Furthermore, this is possible, whilst ,assuming the Axiom of dependent choice, which is weaker than AC but sufficient
  38. The hero, flushed with conquest, displays the head of the" snaky Gorgon ", whilst ,the right hand grasps a sword of singular device. By a public decree, this fine
  39. And regarded as vassals and Assyria's empire was kept secure. Esarhaddon died, whilst ,on route to Egypt to put down a revolt among the native dynasty he had
  40. Some InterCityExpress and most Intercity trains call at Bonn Hauptbahnhof, whilst ,the SIGURG/Bonn railway station is situated on the Cologne-Frankfurt
  41. Of cellulitis; providing cover against Group A streptococcal infection, whilst ,the flucloxacillin acts against the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. Of concern
  42. Ages of 50-70. Cases under the age of 50 years are called" young onset MND ", whilst ,incidence rates appear to tail off after the age of 85. There are three" hot
  43. S force of 33,000 on the left (including capturing the village of Blenheim), whilst , Eugene,commanding 16,000 men would attack the Elector and Marsin's combined
  44. These were items of personal adornment, and hence value, remaining extant, whilst ,leather had virtually no intrinsic value and would also deteriorate with time.
  45. And are only licensed to those qualifying devices; thus the protocol, whilst ,open, may be regarded as proprietary. Name and logo The word Bluetooth is an
  46. Develops),L The" lifetime" of communicating civilizations. However, whilst ,the rationale behind the equation is sound, it is unlikely that the equation
  47. Divergence of use can lead to misunderstanding. Frequency * In the UK the word, whilst ,is historically acceptable as a conjunction (as an alternative to while
  48. Are typically viewed from a return on investment perspective (such as 25 %), whilst , publicly held and or exchange listed companies trade on a Price to Earnings
  49. Secondment to Aberdeen to spend some time with his love interest, Sophie, whilst , in another episode,Mark's boss, Alan Johnston, announces that he is" just
  50. Is called an accordionist. It is played by compressing or expanding a bellows, whilst ,pressing buttons or keys, causing valves, called pallets, to open, which allow

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