Examples of the the word, requisite , in a Sentence Context

The word ( requisite ), is the 9364 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Imminent danger of death because of either illness or an external threat. " The, requisite ,intention" is, at the minimum level, the intention" to do what the Church
  2. Tohtori/technologies doctor" Doctor of Science in Technology" ). The degree, requisite ,for a physician's or dentist's license is called Licentiate of Medicine or
  3. Market, eschewing such features as 80 column text display (considered the, requisite ,for business applications such as word processing) in favor of faster
  4. Elliott Jacques identified a special role for hierarchy in his concept of, requisite ,organization. The iron law of oligarchy, introduced by Robert Michel's
  5. The primary method of historicism was empirical, namely that there were so many, requisite ,inputs into a society or event, that only by focusing on the data available
  6. Aggressor, King Ajatasattu. According to Theravada commentaries, there are five, requisite ,factors that must all be fulfilled for an act to be both an act of killing and
  7. Proponents argue, an intelligent designer of life was needed to ensure that the, requisite ,features were present to achieve that particular outcome. Scientists have
  8. To implement a more scalable system capable of automatically disseminating the, requisite ,information. At the request of Jon Posted, Paul Mockapetris invented the Domain
  9. As certified by the Land Management Bureau, with contiguity not being a, requisite ,for areas that are on two or more islands. Poland In Poland the word midst
  10. The rotors in large 'ducts' which make up most of the body of the craft; the, requisite ,decrease in rotor size also decreases fuel efficiency. The X-Hawk is being
  11. As in the case of γ Dragons, it was obvious that notation did not supply the, requisite ,solution. Whether the motion was due to an irregular distribution of the Earth
  12. Polytechnic Schulz (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. Lacking the, requisite ,Mature certificate, he took an entrance examination, which he failed, although
  13. Hypnotism" as a more rational and" common sense" alternative. It may here be, requisite ,for me to explain, that by the term Hypnotism, or Nervous Sleep, which
  14. Motion is maintained so long as this net force provides the centripetal force, requisite ,to the motion. The horizontal net force on the ball is the horizontal component
  15. IV Macedonia However, all of these legions were 'short ', and did not have the, requisite ,numbers of troops. Some only had about a thousand men at the time of Pharaohs
  16. An automatic or involuntary process and indeed many eligible people who had the, requisite ,connection with Hong Kong never applied to become British Nationals (Overseas
  17. Any man, that it should be believed as an article of the Faith, or be thought, requisite ,or necessary to salvation. This article has informed Anglican biblical exegesis
  18. Firsthand knowledge of their operations relied on accounts to provide the, requisite ,information. This development resulted in a split of accounting systems for
  19. Industrialized nation. Because Imperial Russia did not possess most of the, requisite ,pre-revolutionary conditions (i.e. nationalism, irredentism,class warfare)
  20. Have earned in the workforce, rather than the cost of tuition, books,and other, requisite ,items (whose sum makes up the total cost of attendance). The opportunity cost
  21. The driver must hold an FIA Super License–ensuring that the driver has the, requisite ,skills, and will not therefore be a danger to others. Some drivers have not had
  22. Of necessity any person (irrespective of that person's religion) who has the, requisite ,intention may confer the baptism By" a case of necessity" is meant imminent
  23. To suggest changes to the script. Grammar used an acting method he called ", requisite ,disrespect" and did not rehearse with the others, instead learning and
  24. By means of mining, resulting in ores that are relatively rich sources of the, requisite ,elements. Ore is located by prospecting techniques, followed by the exploration
  25. Of the Senate, every five years adding new senators who had been elected to the, requisite ,offices. Censors could also remove unworthy members from the Senate. This
  26. That" read" RNA that is encoded by codons in the gene and assemble the, requisite ,amino acid combination from the genetic instruction, in a process known as
  27. The University of Halle, where he spent his entire career. He was awarded the, requisite ,rehabilitation for his thesis, also on number theory, which he presented in 1869
  28. Time before it was declared to be 'quite without value ', primarily because the, requisite ,pressure would not be attainable without major redesign of the rifle. For this
  29. Early days of Sanskrit studies the great libraries of Europe did not hold the, requisite ,materials; if they had, those materials would have demanded his full attention
  30. Also accepted and developed the identification of Christ with the poor and the, requisite ,Christian duty to the poor. Religious congregations and individual charismatic
  31. Issue and enter college when they haven't passed the tests and don't have the, requisite ,background ... By going to school. I don't know why people insist that blacks
  32. Structures are welcome, but the ability to precisely position SPM tips to the, requisite ,atomic accuracy has been repeatedly demonstrated experimentally at low
  33. The province was distracted by factions and bandits, the governor had not the, requisite ,means to enforce his authority and the duke did little to support his minister.
  34. His laboratory work exploring properties of materials and developing the, requisite ,experience. In 1824,Faraday briefly set up a circuit to study whether a
  35. Milton Friedman argued that the economic freedom of competitive capitalism is a, requisite ,of political freedom. Friedman argued that centralized control of economic
  36. Nearly any statement can be made to fit the data, so long as one makes the, requisite ,'compensatory adjustments '. Popper drew attention to these limitations in The
  37. Are automatically processed to ensure that they are well-formed (all the, requisite ,files are in place) and that the package is digitally signed by a Debian
  38. Not have any additional vote. This amendment has not yet been ratified by the, requisite ,number of Parties, therefore it is not yet in force. Regulation of trade CITES
  39. Pizarro and Tuque. By the beginning of August 1524,they had received the, requisite ,permission to discover and conquer lands further south. Alvaro would remain in
  40. The adaptation of Double Indemnity, noir analyst Foster Hirsch describes the ", requisite ,hopeless tone" achieved by the filmmakers, which appears to characterize his
  41. From light and medium-contact sparring. It is considered by some to be, requisite ,in learning realistic unarmed combat. In full-contact sparring, the aim of a
  42. Under the Illinois Insurance Code. Corporations are created by filing the, requisite ,documents with a particular state government. The process is called “
  43. Game cards, clothes,fans, hats,melodies, birds,etc., in which the sole, requisite ,is the previous agreement of the meaning by both the sender and the receiver.
  44. Has the lowest wages per unit output at present and has reached the minimum, requisite ,level of political and economic development to support industrialization. At
  45. Some have questioned the mental capacity of Archbishop NGO to form the, requisite ,intention to consecrate. On this question it would be extremely difficult to
  46. Alongside cartography and geography, providing and suitably quantifying the, requisite ,information. Earth has approximately 6,910,000,000 human inhabitants as of
  47. Jean LE Road d'Alembert was persuaded to become Diderot's colleague; the, requisite ,permission was procured from the government. In 1750 an elaborate prospectus
  48. On 1 January 1910 by a special order in council since he had not completed the, requisite ,time as a captain. Just shy of 39,the youngest Admiral in the Royal Navy (
  49. Conveys an implied approval that runs the risk of degrading the legal structure, requisite ,for true freedom, for an ordered liberty that protects against anarchy as well
  50. And England to be considered Irish wolfhounds, though falling short of the, requisite ,dimensions. This blood is now in my possession. " Captain Graham devoted his

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