Examples of the the word, hunting , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Skin covering stingers. They hunted in groups with dogs. Before the Ainu went, hunting , for animals like bear in particular, they prayed to the god of fire and the
  2. Buzzing mosquitoes, crying shepherds, storms,drunken dancers, silent nights, hunting ,parties from both the hunters' and the prey's point of view, frozen
  3. Called the bed of Actaeon, for it is said that he slept thereon when weary with, hunting , and that into this spring he looked while Artemis was bathing in it. Parallels
  4. S Lodge School, in Chippenham, Wiltshire is so named because King Alfred's, hunting ,lodge is reputed to have stood on or near the site of the school. *The King
  5. These differences suggest that younger Allosaurus were faster and had different, hunting ,strategies than adults, perhaps chasing small prey as juveniles, then becoming
  6. At the same site,e.g. in the Cleveland–Lloyd quarry, are not due to pack, hunting , but to the fact that Allosaurus individuals were drawn together to feed on
  7. Interpret Allosaurus as having had cooperative social behavior, and, hunting , in packs, while others believe individuals may have been aggressive toward each
  8. In the Critic hero AHT, torn apart by eagles incited by Death who wanted his, hunting ,bow. The virginal Artemis of classical times is not directly comparable to
  9. Has an archaic Actaeon aspiring to Female, a classical Actaeon boasting of his, hunting ,prowess and a Hellenistic Actaeon glimpsing Artemis' bath. Lacy identifies the
  10. Sacred to Artemis, and subsequently boasted that he was Artemis' equal in, hunting , Misfortunes, including a plague and a lack of wind, prevented the army from
  11. Running dog) originated in Afghanistan and was originally used in the sport of, hunting , Health and education Before the Spur Revolution in 1978,the nation had an
  12. Begins his year on the earth with Aphrodite. One of his greatest passions is, hunting , and although Aphrodite is not naturally a hunter, she takes up the sport just
  13. By his Vegas domestics John Kantakouzenos, while the emperor enjoyed himself, hunting ,or waging war. An alliance with his brother-in-law Michael Aden III of Bulgaria
  14. Were imposed on any outsiders trespassing on such hunting grounds or joint, hunting ,territory. The Ainu hunted bear, Ezo deer (a subspecies of Sikh deer),rabbit
  15. 13th century. The Ainu were a society of hunter-gatherers, who lived mainly by, hunting ,and fishing, and the people followed a religion based on phenomena of nature.
  16. Was a hunter's transformation into a deer and his death in the jaws of his, hunting ,dogs. But authors were free to suggest different motives for his death. " In
  17. The truth of the reports about Hasan Ali Shah. Hasan Ali Shah was on a, hunting ,trip at the time, but he sent a messenger to request permission of the monarch
  18. Abolished. Everyone became protected by the king's law against sport, hunting ,and branding. Limited hunting was permitted for consumption reasons but Ashoka
  19. Family and is the largest of its kind. Because of habitat destruction and, hunting ,its population has dramatically decreased. Reptiles. The anaconda snake is
  20. Those of the Blackfoot Confederacy and the Plains Cree, who generally lived by, hunting ,buffalo (American bison),and the more northerly tribes such as the Woodland
  21. Legend, it was where festive Adonis took place, in which athletes competed in, hunting ,wild boars during sport competitions; they also competed in dancing and singing
  22. Kept and brought up by their mothers, and trained in agricultural pursuits, hunting , and the art of war. In other versions when the Amazons went to war they would
  23. Unlucky profanation of her virginity's mystery. Upon hearing the call of his, hunting ,party, he cried out to them and immediately was changed into a stag. His own
  24. A culture-hero and taught humanity dairy skills, the use of nets and traps in, hunting , and how to cultivate olives. With Hecuba, wife of King Priam of Troy, Apollo
  25. Advantage for describing bones usually found fused. Growth, skull construction, hunting ,methods, the brain, and the possibility of gregarious living and parental care.
  26. Aleksandr. Shortly after her pregnancy was confirmed, Isaakiy was killed in a, hunting ,accident. Aleksandr was then raised by his widowed mother and aunt in lowly
  27. The 1970s that Allosaurus preyed on sauropods and other large dinosaurs by, hunting ,in groups. Such a depiction is common in semitechnical and popular dinosaur
  28. Such as Blanchard Springs Caverns. More than 43,000 Native American living, hunting ,and tool making sites, many of them Pre-Columbian burial mounds and rock
  29. And that their females observed their ancient maternal customs," frequently, hunting ,on horseback with their husbands; in war taking the field; and wearing the very
  30. To kill those that he deemed it necessary to eliminate. The 'murderer' he was, hunting ,had never expressly killed anyone himself, but subtly and psychologically, he
  31. Became protected by the king's law against sport hunting and branding. Limited, hunting ,was permitted for consumption reasons, but Ashoka also promoted the concept of
  32. Dates from around the year 1200 Their economy was based on farming as well as, hunting , fishing and gathering. Full-blooded Ainu are lighter skinned than their
  33. And the house guardian god to convey their wishes for a large catch, and safe, hunting ,to the god of mountains. The Ainu usually hunted bear during the time of the
  34. Members of their own species. The study in question noted that cooperative, hunting ,of prey much larger than an individual predator, as is commonly inferred for
  35. His familyand in the neighborhood, considered him to be lazy. Lincoln avoided, hunting ,and fishing out of an aversion to killing animals. Marriage and family Lincoln
  36. Vera Kovalevskaya points out that when Scythian men were away fighting or, hunting , nomadic women would have to be able to defend themselves, their animals and
  37. Received the elevated title of sebastokratōr. In 1195,while Isaac II was away, hunting ,in Thrace, Alexios was acclaimed as emperor by the troops with the conniving of
  38. Had a son named Aristae, who became the patron god of cattle, fruit trees, hunting , husbandry and beekeeping. He was also a culture-hero and taught humanity
  39. Conifer Brachyphyllum. The Morrison Formation has been a rich fossil, hunting ,ground. The flora of the period has been revealed by fossils of green algae
  40. Village possessed a hunting ground of its own or several villages used a joint, hunting ,territory (Igor). Heavy penalties were imposed on any outsiders trespassing
  41. Not recognizing him. An element of the earlier myth made Actaeon the familiar, hunting ,companion of Artemis, no stranger. In an embroidered extension of the myth, the
  42. In addition to enforcing traffic and criminal law, wildlife Troopers enforce, hunting ,and fishing regulations. Due to the varied terrain and wide scope of the
  43. As possible with the appearance of not unnatural beings. Their occupation was, hunting ,and war; their arms the bow, spear,axe, a half shield, nearly in the shape of
  44. Iwor). Heavy penalties were imposed on any outsiders trespassing on such, hunting ,grounds or joint hunting territory. The Ainu hunted bear, Ezo deer (a
  45. S lover, and it is Jupiter who turns him into a stag, which puts Diana off, hunting , His story is relinquished at this point, in favor of the other plots. *A
  46. In fields and mountains in which plants had withered. A village possessed a, hunting ,ground of its own or several villages used a joint hunting territory (Igor).
  47. Costs make food in the cities relatively expensive. In rural areas, subsistence, hunting , and gathering is an essential activity because imported food is prohibitively
  48. A tomb at Ben Hasan. The wealthy members of ancient Egyptian society enjoyed, hunting ,and boating as well. The excavation of the workers village of Dare el-Madinah
  49. Ashoka was perhaps the first emperor in human history to ban slavery, hunting , fishing and deforestation. Ashoka also banned the death sentence and asked the
  50. Of Leicester, c. 1360,who was the most skilled of all the nobility in hare, hunting , In magnificence of equipage and retinue the abbots vied with the first nobles

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