Examples of the the word, engagement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( engagement ), is the 3978 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the mountains of Tipo-Tipo, Basilan. 23 A. F. P. soldiers were killed in the, engagement , 20 of which were members of the Philippine Marines Corps. In addition,31 Abu
  2. Strings and woodwinds to carry the melodies and harmonies aloft. " Sondheim's, engagement ,with threes extends to his lyrics. He organizes trios with the singers
  3. The target is heading towards or away from the firing aircraft. In a head-on, engagement , the missile can be launched at longer range, since the range will be closing
  4. And sent his head to Ptolemy Kilometer, who had been mortally wounded in the, engagement , Alexander (Greek:) was Tagus or despot of Pherae in Thessaly, and ruled from
  5. Troops behead 800 Christians for refusing to convert to Islam. *1499 – First, engagement ,of the Battle of Poncho between Venetian and Ottoman fleets. *1624 – The
  6. Not being tracked with SARAH missiles. Similarly, armed targets The other main, engagement ,scenario is against other aircraft with fire-and-forget missiles like the
  7. Were overtaken by Alfred's oldest son, Edward,and were defeated in a general, engagement ,at Farnham in Surrey. They took refuge on an island in the Hertfordshire Cone
  8. Outmaneuver the missile since the closure rate will be so great. In a tail-on, engagement , the firing aircraft might have to close to between one-half and one-quarter
  9. Church of England has tended to influence Anglican self-identity, and inhibit, engagement ,with the broader society in favor of internal debate and dialogue. Nonetheless
  10. Country. Marriage In the summer of 1900,King Alexander suddenly announced his, engagement ,to the widowed Madame Drama Main, formerly a lady-in-waiting to his mother.
  11. 40 of them. These decoys would appear as warheads to ABM, effectively requiring, engagement ,of 50 times more targets than before and rendering defense even less effective.
  12. S Mill in 1848 which sparked the California Gold Rush. A movement for civic, engagement ,targeting universal access to health care in the US state of Oregon has been
  13. The whole twenty-four seem to have perished (2 Samuel 2:12). In the general, engagement ,which followed, Abner was defeated and put to flight. He was closely pursued by
  14. Court House, the last major battle fought in the north. After an inconclusive, engagement , the British successfully retreated to New York City. The northern war
  15. Depends on the nature of the target, and the circumstances and purpose of its, engagement , Targeting is concerned with selecting the right weapons in the right
  16. Shock he had received a few months earlier, when his first fiancée broke their, engagement , contributed to his receptiveness to spiritualism. Other scholars have
  17. Drastically when Alexios' first son John II Comments was born in 1087: Anna's, engagement ,to Constantine was dissolved, and she was moved to the main Palace to live with
  18. Arrival of the Athenian force, when Nicodemus had already fled the island. An, engagement ,followed in which the Aeginetans were defeated. Subsequently, however,they
  19. Happened; indeed, throughout the war only one battalion ever fought in an, engagement ,quite like that which had originally been envisaged (the 601st,at the Battle
  20. Also killed. *1950 – Humidor Adulated marries Queen SiriKit after their quiet, engagement ,in Lausanne, Switzerland on July 19, 1949. *1952 – Dwight D. Eisenhower resigns
  21. Followed in the media as celebrities, Bure and Kournikova both denied any, engagement , Kournikova,10 years younger than Sure, was 18 years old at the time. The
  22. Hebron, and for some time war was carried on between the two parties. The only, engagement ,between the rival factions which is told at length is noteworthy, inasmuch as
  23. Have gained popularity in part to its cost-effective nature, high consumer, engagement , and ability to generate word-of-mouth. However, it remains controversial, as
  24. Is genuinely despondent when he learns that few of his men had survived an, engagement , When he and the other characters are trapped in a trench under heavy attack
  25. Be manually closed. Soviet army handbooks for AKM and AK-74 do not cover target, engagement ,using the semi-automatic setting, and advise the use of short and long bursts (
  26. Northwest Passage. *1588 – Anglo-Spanish War: Battle of Grave lines – The naval, engagement ,ends, ending the Spanish Armada's attempt to invade England. *1605 – The city
  27. Was able to defeat Alfred's fleet which may have been weakened in the previous, engagement , A year later in 886 Alfred reoccupied the City of London and set out to make
  28. The B cell 'mature' and ready to respond to antigen. B cell activation follows, engagement ,of the cell bound antibody molecule with an antigen, causing the cell to divide
  29. His proposal. When a man became engaged to a woman, or they learned that their, engagement ,had been arranged, they exchanged gifts with each other. He sent her a small
  30. Decision was dismissed on 16 March 2005. With the announcement in 2007 of the, engagement ,of Peter Phillips to Autumn Kelly, a Roman Catholic, discussion about the Act
  31. NATO AA-12" Adder" ) — perhaps MiG-29s,Su-27s or similar. In this case, engagement ,is very much down to teamwork and could be described as" a game of chicken. "
  32. Of Conceptual art ... substituting performance and publishing activities for, engagement ,with both the material and materialistic concerns of painted or sculptural form
  33. Obstacle to any reunion, raised the possibility of reuniting for a one-off, engagement , She admitted that she has not yet brought the idea up to the other three
  34. Only identify as Miss L. However, to Wallace's great dismay, she broke off the, engagement , In 1866,Wallace married Annie Mitten. Wallace had been introduced to Mitten
  35. Fighting on board the two lashed vessels. ) In the one recorded naval, engagement ,in the year 896,Alfred singled out in particular the laws that he" found in
  36. A wedding set for January 1,1841, was canceled when the two broke off their, engagement ,at Lincoln's initiative. They later met at a party and were married on
  37. Multimedia Messaging Service picture and video messages, advergames and various, engagement ,marketing campaigns. A particular feature driving mobile ads is the 2D Barcode
  38. About a year, studying with the utmost assiduity. After the termination of this, engagement ,he began to work on his own account, and received from his patron an order for
  39. There are two situations: fire against opportunity targets and targets whose, engagement ,is planned as part of a particular operation. In the latter situation command
  40. Upon the publication of Tsar Nicholas II's congratulations to the king on his, engagement ,and of his acceptance to act as the principal witness at the wedding. The
  41. To secure Octavia to marry her son. Consequently, Claudius broke off the, engagement ,and forced Sinus to resign from public office. Sinus committed suicide on
  42. Can no longer chase the target. Lower-capability targets This leads to two main, engagement ,scenarios. If the target is not armed with any medium or long-range
  43. Defeat Fatimid forces led by Al-Aqsa Shahanshah. This is considered the last, engagement ,of the First Crusade. *1121 – Battle of Diego: the Georgian army under King
  44. Between 1984 and 1988. In 1989,after labeling the Soviet Union's military, engagement ,in Afghanistan" a bleeding wound ", Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev
  45. Abstraction A recent meta-analysis suggests that the verbal system has greater, engagement ,for abstract concepts when the perceptual system is more engaged for processing
  46. To a Roman senator, had sent the Finnish king a plea for help – and her, engagement ,ring – in the spring of 450. Though Honor may not have intended a proposal of
  47. Was a sovereign kingdom. In 1169 the now old DOM Alfonso was disabled in an, engagement ,near Badajoz by a fall from his horse, and made prisoner by the soldiers of the
  48. BC, in which the Carthaginian fleet was defeated by C. Lunatics Catullus; the, engagement ,ended the First Punic War. With the end of western Roman power, the islands, too
  49. King. *1782 – American Revolutionary War: Battle of Blue Licks – the last major, engagement ,of the war, almost ten months after the surrender of the British commander Lord
  50. Called her, he soon took another concubine. Augustine eventually broke off his, engagement ,to his eleven-year-old fiancée, but never renewed his relationship with" The

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