Examples of the the word, java , in a Sentence Context

The word ( java ), is the 2296 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Java package org. Wikipedia. Examples; public class Animal // from file Cat., java ,package org. Wikipedia. Examples; public class Cat extends Animal // from file
  2. If you write in Java. Servlet. Http, you are using this library; writing, java , Servlet. * would include also HTTP and any other sublibraries of servlet. This
  3. Since version 1.5) provides the binary heap implementation with class, java , Util. PriorityQueue in Java Collections Framework. * Python has a
  4. This code is saved on a plain-ASCII file with the same name as the class and., java ,extension,i.e. Real-world. Java. The resulting Real-world. Class applet
  5. For Windows, Mac and Linux while the second one can be used through a simple, java ,interface. Both programs allow for basic nutrient solution preparation although
  6. The reference queue to get references that have changed reachability state., java , Lang. Reflect Reflection is a constituent of the Java API which enables Java
  7. For a class can also be invoked by calling. ) Arrays and proxies The, java , Lang. Reflect package also provides a class that contains static methods for
  8. Overloaded binarySearch () static methods in the classes and in the standard, java , Util package for performing binary searches on Java arrays and on Lists
  9. By Al Hit *"Java Jive ", a 1940 song hit by The Ink Spots, referring to ", java ," as coffee *Java, a villain appearing in the DC Comics series Metamorphic *Java
  10. In Java at a first glance, it differs semantically. So, if you write in Java, java , Servlet. Http, you are using this library; writing java . Servlet. * would
  11. UserTransaction support in JEDI The UserTransaction should be available under, java ,: comp/UserTransaction (if a JTA implementation is installed in the environment
  12. File with the same name as the class and. Java extension,i.e. Real-world., java , The resulting Real-world. Class applet should be placed on the web server and
  13. In a. jar file (short for Java archive). The Java application launcher, java , offers a standard way of executing Java code. Compare Java. The JVM runtime
  14. Class they contain, appending the suffix. Java, for example, HelloWorldApp., java , It must first be compiled into byte code, using a Java compiler, producing a
  15. File SubtypePolymorphismExample. Java package org. Wikipedia. Examples; import, java , Util. *; public class SubtypePolymorphismExample // When you run this, the
  16. Cross-platform program (that runs on any Windows/Linux/Mac machine with, java ,1.5 installed),that, once copied into the Walkman enables the transfer of
  17. By the compiler. A more comprehensive example // Even., java ,import Java. Swing. JOptionPane; public class Even * The import statement
  18. In West Java, Sawahlunto in West Sumatra, Probolinggo and Mojokerto in East, java , Kabuki and Boor in West Java Based on BIC Fiscal Year 2010 survey (22nd
  19. Collection. A normal reference in Java is known as a" strong reference. " The, java , Lang. Ref package defines three other types of references — soft, weak,and
  20. Been initialized. An example is the magic number in Universal Mach-O files and, java ,class file structure, which is" CABBAGE ". Single-architecture 32-bit
  21. Signed by the developer themselves, may potentially pose a security risk;, java ,plugins provide a warning when requesting authorization for a self-signed
  22. In this case, the " Hello, world! " Message). Import, java , Applet. Applet; import java . Awt. // Applet code for the" Hello, world! "
  23. Hello. Java import Java. Swing. Applet; import, java , Awt. Graphics; public class Hello extends Applet The import statements direct
  24. For a bundle, based on the reverse domain name convention (used also by the, java ,packages). * Bundle-Description: A description of the bundle's functionality.
  25. Order to run or develop java programs, respectively. General purpose packages, java , Lang The Java package contains fundamental classes and interfaces closely tied
  26. World! " Message). Import java . Applet. Applet; import, java , Awt. // Applet code for the" Hello, world! " Example. // This should be saved
  27. Org. Wikipedia. Examples; public class Cat extends Animal // from file Dog., java ,package org. Wikipedia. Examples; public class Dog extends Animal // from file
  28. At runtime and to use the reflected members. Classes in the package, along with, java , Lang. Class and accommodate applications such as debuggers, interpreters
  29. Package contains 22 of 32 Error classes provided in JDK 6. The main classes in, java , Lang are: * – the class that is the root of every class hierarchy. * – the
  30. Made simple enough to illustrate the essential use of Java applets through its, java , Applet package. It also uses classes from the Java Abstract Window Toolkit (
  31. Name animal) (talk animal) )) Java // from file Animal., java ,package org. Wikipedia. Examples; public class Animal // from file Cat. Java
  32. Classes in java . Lang are automatically imported into every source file., java , Lang. Ref The package provides more flexible types of references than are
  33. That are downloaded and installed on a computer in order to run or develop, java ,programs, respectively. General purpose packages java . Lang The Java package
  34. For example, in Java, a string literal is defined as an instance of the, java , Lang. String class; similarly, in Small talk, an anonymous function expression
  35. Classes thrown for language-level and other common exceptions. Classes in, java , Lang are automatically imported into every source file. Java. Lang. Ref The
  36. To be used in SCADA application. *http://diagram.ly Diagram. Ly An online free, java ,script based tool that allows you to save the diagrams you create online as SVG
  37. A single window with" Hello, world! " Inside: // Hello., java ,(Java SE 5) import Java. Swing. Public class Hello extends Frame The first
  38. To the language for the language designers to give it a name that starts with ", java , Lang ", but it is somewhat special-purpose and not used by a lot of developers
  39. Files must be named after the public class they contain, appending the suffix., java , for example, HelloWorldApp. Java. It must first be compiled into byte code
  40. customerService = (CustomerServiceLocal) new InitialContext (). Lookup (", java ,: module/CustomerService" ); Removing/distributed execution EMB session beans
  41. In a Web page displayed in a Web browser. // Hello., java ,import Java. Swing. Applet; import java . Awt. Graphics; public class Hello
  42. Virginia, USA Plants *Java apple tree, Syzygium samarangense, that produces, java ,apples (also known as the wax apple) *Java moss, Versicularia Guyana, a
  43. World! " Example. // This should be saved in a file named as" Real-world., java ,". Public class Real-world extends Applet Additional simple applets are
  44. On the server side—without a face. // Hello. Java import, java , Io. import Java. Servlet. Public class Hello extends GenericServlet The
  45. Public inner classes. A class that is not declared public may be stored in any., java ,file. The compiler will generate a class file for each class defined in the
  46. Based on Java's http:// java .sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/ java /util/Date.html, java , Util. Date class. JScript was included in Internet Explorer 3.0,released in
  47. The class hierarchy is related to the name of the directory in which the., java ,file is located. The keyword static in front of a method indicates a static
  48. If the reference type is phantom),and the method to clear the reference. The, java , Lang. Ref also defines the class, which can be used in each of the
  49. Public class Dog extends Animal // from file SubtypePolymorphismExample., java ,package org. Wikipedia. Examples; import java . Util. *; public class
  50. That runs on the server side—without a face. // Hello., java ,import java . Io. import Java. Servlet. Public class Hello extends

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