Examples of the the word, installation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( installation ), is the 2605 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stage of its assembly. After finishing its work on the first car, the engine, installation ,crew can begin working on the second car. While the engine installation crew
  2. Telecommunication Union. The sector is beginning to improve following, installation ,of a 22 Bit/s fiber optic international link, a vast improvement over the
  3. This can be at preferential rates, as the sole client using the IT, installation ,is the bank. If the bank can generate 5 % interest margin on the 400 million of
  4. And stranded up to 20 aircraft at the Everett plant while they awaited engine, installation , The program was further delayed when one of the five test aircraft suffered
  5. To be the cause of the roof collapse. The Power-Fast Epoxy Adhesive used in the, installation ,was designed for short-term loading, such as wind or earthquake loads, not
  6. Hood station; meanwhile, subsequent cars (if any) can be moved to the engine, installation ,station. Assuming no loss of time when moving a car from one station to another
  7. Batten),and Chose (Cottbus) came under imperial control through the, installation ,of margraves. Their main function was to defend and protect the eastern marches
  8. Speech impairments. When Title IV took effect in the early 1990s,it led to, installation ,of public Teletypewriter (TTY) machines and other Adds (Telecommunications
  9. Looking end product (no bulky unit hanging out of the window) which may allow, installation ,in areas with stricter neighborhood ordinances/association rules, and are
  10. A fear of lawsuits. Kaspersky, for example, was sued by Mango for blocking the, installation ,of their products. Mango software and components are almost universally
  11. The Park Inn Berlin and the World Time Clock, a continually rotating, installation ,that shows the time throughout the globe, and Hermann Henselmann's Has DES
  12. By friends, alumni,and the province. War Memorial Gymnasium also saw the, installation ,of a new playing floor to benefit its basketball and volleyball teams. In
  13. Began on April 12, 1861,when Confederate forces attacked a U. S. military, installation ,at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. Lincoln responded by calling for a volunteer
  14. L-3 will provide weapons kits, named " precision strike packages ", for, installation , on the aircraft at Warner Robins Air Logistics Center, Georgia. MC-130Ws fitted
  15. Of Raymond Field was completed in the fall of 2007 and features the, installation ,of an eight-lane all-weather running track and a move to the same premium
  16. Expression in Ann Arbor is the fairy doors. These small portals are examples of, installation ,art and can be found throughout the downtown area. The Ann Arbor Hands-On
  17. Former Soviet early warning radar. The Cabala Radar is a bistatic phased-array, installation , currently operated by the Russian Space Forces under a contract until 2012.
  18. Outside the city. The system was controversial for its considerable cost of, installation , maintenance and also for the numerous initial technical problems that
  19. Pursuing new sources of revenue for the Corporation. Orchestras Up until the, installation ,of disc recording equipment in 1935,all content broadcast on the ABC was
  20. Belgium under a provisional government and a national congress. Since the, installation ,of Leopold I as king on 1831 (which now celebrated as Belgium's National Day
  21. Town in what is now the section of Bonn-Castell to build a large military, installation ,dubbed Castro Consensus, i. e., literally," Fort Bonn ". Initially built from
  22. Car would be assembled at a time. If engine installation takes 20 minutes, hood, installation , takes 5 minutes, and wheel installation takes 10 minutes, then a car can be
  23. In traditional production, only one car would be assembled at a time. If engine, installation ,takes 20 minutes, hood installation takes 5 minutes, and wheel installation
  24. Region of a building or home in a modular fashion, not requiring permanent, installation , They are used for much the same purposes and in much the same ways as
  25. But they serve as the principal celebrant of all pastoral ordination and, installation ,ceremonies, diaconal consecration ceremonies, as well as serving as the" chief
  26. On the assembly line determines the throughput (20 minutes for the engine, installation ,) so a car can be produced every 20 minutes, once the first car taking 35
  27. And Poland as well as the Czech Republic were published. The plans propose the, installation ,of the latest generation ABM system with a radar site in the Czech Republic and
  28. Serve many actual websites. For example, one machine with one Apache, installation ,could simultaneously serve WWW. Example. Com, www. Example. Org,test47.
  29. And Josiah. God's commission to Joshua in chapter 1 is framed as a royal, installation , the people's pledge of loyalty to Joshua as successor Moses recalls royal
  30. Scripts such as AWS tats/W3Perl or Visitors. Virtual hosting allows one Apache, installation ,to serve many actual websites. For example, one machine with one
  31. Architect Christophe Giraud opened in February 2007. The steel and new media, installation ,interrogates the symbolism of the national monument, questioning the balance of
  32. Services or any web server that supports CGI can be used. Bugzilla's, installation ,process is command line driven and runs through a series of stages where system
  33. File (e.g. setup. EXE) which updates the installer and starts the real, installation ,after the update. Sometimes the bootstrapper also installs other prerequisites
  34. Rory Brenner, English comedian and impressionist *1962 – Iris Hassle, German, installation , artist *1965 – Frank Black, American singer/songwriter (Pixies and Frank Black
  35. User interface of the software or on a screen presented to the user during the, installation ,process. The object of the Adware is to generate revenue for its author. Adware
  36. For solar cells, some locations lack sufficient wind for an economical turbine, installation , In the Great Plains of the United States a 10-metre turbine can supply enough
  37. Many dam guides state that the design was to be Gothic Revival, including the, installation ,of gargoyles with water shooting out of their mouths. Kansas City is home to
  38. Atlantic for enemy submarines, first German and, later,Soviet. The principal, installation , Kindly Air Force Base on the eastern coast, was transferred to the U. S. Navy
  39. Constant Nieuwenhuys, Dutch painter (b. 1920) *2006 – Jason Rhodes, American, installation , artist (b. 1965) * 2006 – Bob Thames, American cartoonist (b. 1924) * 2006
  40. Though some may develop into fully functional applications that require, installation , Applet vs. Subroutine A larger application distinguishes its applets through
  41. Was the same part used with Intel products but keyed differently to prevent, installation ,of the wrong CPU. The cartridge assembly allowed the use of higher speed cache
  42. Copying data from an optical drive to a hard drive (such as during software, installation ,), this effect probably doesn't matter: Such jobs are necessarily limited by
  43. Rules, and are generally easier to install (the window design and, installation ,part itself becomes much less of an obstacle for the average person); for this
  44. Mason from Breaching, included the word" Brave heart" on Wallace's shield. The, installation ,became the cause of much controversy, one local resident stated that it was
  45. With the development of flexible anti-tank missiles, which were capable of, installation ,on almost any vehicle in the 1960s,the concept of the tank destroyer has
  46. To solve the" chicken or the egg" causality dilemma. Installers During the, installation ,of computer programs it is sometimes necessary to update the installer or
  47. Engine installation crew can begin working on the second car. While the engine, installation ,crew works on the second car, the first car can be moved to the hood station
  48. Virus was first described by Kaspersky Lab and requires users to confirm the, installation ,of unknown software before it can propagate. The virus was written as a
  49. Installation takes 20 minutes, hood installation takes 5 minutes, and wheel, installation ,takes 10 minutes, then a car can be produced every 35 minutes. In an assembly
  50. Their features in favor of SmarterChild. URI scheme AOL Instant Messenger's, installation ,process automatically installs an extra URI scheme (" protocol" ) handler

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