Examples of the the word, beg , in a Sentence Context

The word ( beg ), is the 4868 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Revolutionaries ... still profoundly grieve and regret what we did .... I, beg ,you to show clemency. " He had earlier written to Stalin in 1937," For the
  2. Poems into Serbo-Croatian was published in 1920,and was the work of Safe, beg ,Basic. In 1932,Jelena Skerlić-Ćorović re-published these nine, alongside 75
  3. Toward all Rationals. " He later clarifies:" By the name Rationals I, beg ,leave to understand, as well God as Man; and I do it upon the Authority of
  4. His nephew the enraged praetorian guard swore to protect him. Elagabalus had to, beg ,the troops to let him live, and this humiliation could not last for long.
  5. Which is of utmost importance since food is rare at that time and beg gars, beg ,for food, not money. Before the food is given, a bath is offered to the
  6. With which infanticide was often viewed::" I am still in Alexandria. ... I, beg ,and plead with you to take care of our little child, and as soon as we receive
  7. That the Father and the Son are equal in essence.: O venerable father, beg ,Christ our God to save our souls. Athanasius is venerated as a saint by the
  8. War of words developed between Braid and the leading exponents of Mesmerism. I, beg ,farther to remark, if my theory and pretensions, as to the nature, cause,and
  9. Willing to work, he intends embarking by the October mail for Bombay, and I, beg ,most earnestly to bring him under your notice and bespeak for him as early
  10. This political building no better than the Builders of Babel: ... I therefore, beg ,leave to move -- that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven
  11. The Garter Inn Adolfo and Pistol (now in the pay of Ford),pretending to, beg ,for forgiveness for past transgressions, announce to their master the arrival
  12. And sometimes even encouraged, to feed the bears. The bears had learned to, beg ,for food, and visitors welcomed the chance to get their pictures taken with
  13. Barbarian, Marcellina and the" Countess" from behind the pavilion. All, beg ,him to forgive Figaro and the" Countess ", but he loudly refuses, repeating "
  14. Powerful chorus (" Benefactor father (Give us bread) "),the hungry people, beg ,for bread. As the chorus subsides, the yuródivïy's cries are heard. Boris asks
  15. Productive powers of social labor, the most complete development of man. But I, beg ,his pardon. (He is both honoring and shaming me too much. )" Marx goes on to
  16. And chased them away with the admonition that they should get jobs and not, beg ,from honest people. As they were leaving, they passed the man’s wall and saw
  17. Reported that the city also had beg gars (only crippled people were allowed to, beg ,), thieves and prostitutes. At night, in the dark alleys one could find
  18. Every syllable in English. Thus, one would need separate symbols for" bag ",", beg ,"," big "," bog "," bug ";" bad "," bed "," bid "," bod "," bud ", etc.
  19. In pre-Islamic Arabia, upon capture, those captives not executed were made to, beg ,for their subsistence. During the early reforms under Islam, Muhammad changed
  20. Having let Bodhidharma leave and was going to dispatch a messenger to go and, beg ,Bodhidharma to return. The Official then said," Your Highness, do not say to
  21. Is most apparent toward the end of the Gideon cycle in which the Israelites, beg ,Gideon to create a dynastic monarchy over them and Gideon refuses. The rest of
  22. Officials from the robot government approach Acquit and first order and then, beg ,him to complete the formula, even if it means he will have to kill and dissect
  23. Proved unsuccessful, the Emperor was constrained to give in his submission and, beg ,for absolution. Although peace was thus secured (August 1230) for a season
  24. The 1952 film Umberto D. showed a poor old man with his little dog, who must, beg ,for alms against his dignity in the loneliness of the new society. This work is
  25. Themselves and the only condition upon which they can obtain forgiveness, would, beg , of their brethren to shed their blood, that the smoke might ascend to God as an
  26. My philosophical contemplation, counterbalances all these afflictions. And I, beg ,you to take care of the children of Metropolis, in a manner worthy of the
  27. Cases, the kowtow can be used to express profound gratitude, apology,or to, beg ,for forgiveness. The kowtow remains alive as part of a formal induction
  28. Sweet William's Ghost" ( 1868) recounts the story of a ghost returning to, beg ,a woman to free him from his promise to marry her, as he obviously cannot being
  29. From the Council. William Page and the Earl of Roundel rode to Framingham to, beg ,Mary's pardon, and Roundel arrested Northumberland on 24 July. Northumberland
  30. Average" ). The ending is changed as well, with Wormwood trying to repent and, beg ,for forgiveness, when it appears that his mission has failed. Philadelphia
  31. Bill a note addressed to his wife, Sarah:" I have no time to say more but to, beg ,you will give my duty to the Queen, and let her know her army has had a
  32. An opportunity to earn money by reading her poetry, she describes having to, beg ,a simple dress from a friend to replace the one she had been living in.
  33. Equality, forbids the rich and the poor alike to sleep under bridges, to, beg , in the streets, and to steal bread. " (Le Lies Rouge) *" If the path be
  34. Scientific progress, which can help determine, what is according to nature. I, beg ,you my brothers let us avoid another Galileo affair. One is enough for the
  35. Country got vassal status. In 1366 Byzantine Emperor John V visited Hungary to, beg ,for help against Turks. John V came to the Hungarian capital of Bud, where
  36. Only the four that he has chosen because time is running short. The villagers, beg ,him to take Katsushirō also and, with some prodding by the others, he agrees. A
  37. In the sack; to avoid starvation through lack of work it was necessary to, beg ,or steal, and to avoid conscription into the army many of them had to go on the
  38. The" dative of pronouns. " For example: ***"Pay close attention to this, I, beg , you (i.e., please pay. ) ". ***"Oh, mother,how handsome grandpa is (I've
  39. These words literally mean" beg gar ", and it is traditional for bhikkhus to, beg ,their food. In most places this has become an elaborate ritual, where lay
  40. Capabilities. Certain enemies can perform particular actions. Enemies sometimes, beg ,for their life if the player has delivered enough damage to them. If they are
  41. As a follower of Martí, I believe the hour has come to take our rights and not, beg ,for them, to fight instead of pleading for them. " The Castro brothers and a
  42. And gentlemen I would like you to meet Loaf. (pauses, looks dumbfounded) I, beg ,your pardon, what? (he listens to the director's aside) Oh! Why ... why I'm
  43. Wrote in his 1996 biography of Laurie:" children were made to kneel and, beg ,God that their parents not be damned should they have the temerity to vote for
  44. The word“ prayer” is a derivative of the Latin“ prepare ”, which means“ to, beg ,”. The Hebrew equivalent“ Delilah ”, however,along with its root“ Peel” or
  45. Saint took the princess and threw her over a precipice. He then went to Rome to, beg ,absolution, which was refused. Realizing the appalling nature of his crimes
  46. Racked and disemboweled alive, Wallace refuses to submit to the king and, beg ,for mercy. Awed by his courage, the Londoners watching the execution beg in to
  47. As" just home folks ". At dinners,Harding's dog Laddie Boy, was allowed to, beg ,guests for food and play with children. Red velvet upholstery covered much of
  48. And disappointment were converted into penitence and remorse" and they would, beg ,to return to his authority. The plan meant destruction for the Loyalists and
  49. Words that would be placed onto the medal:" It is my great honor to be here. I, beg ,you to strike a medal for Duke, to order the President to strike it. And I feel
  50. Mine. Make up something that will work for you! But keep breaking traditions, I, beg , you. " Emotion memory Stanislavski's 'system' focused on the development of

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