Examples of the the word, associates , in a Sentence Context

The word ( associates ), is the 4872 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Building that Frank frequently goes to. Jeffrey concludes the men are criminal, associates ,of Frank. Jeffrey tells his new findings to Sandy and the two briefly kiss
  2. And a line of lake steamships. Carnegie combined his assets and those of his, associates ,in 1892 with the launching of the Carnegie Steel Company. By 1889,the U. S.
  3. Who else is to be held responsible for the course of events, if not the closest, associates ,around the Chief of State? An observer at the trial, journalist and author
  4. Netherlands. Popular opinion in the Western World and Former Soviet Union often, associates ,international law with the concept of opposing terrorism — seen as a crime as
  5. Instead he faded into obscurity. The remainder of Teach's crew and former, associates ,were found by Brand, in Bath, Governor Eden was certainly embarrassed by
  6. Was to investigate and report on future requirements of ships, Fisher and his, associates ,had already made key decisions. The terms of reference for the Committee were
  7. Plan in developing their next project. The band, their families, assorted, associates , and technicians moved to the Netherlands for the summer of 1972,renting a
  8. It is based on a mathematical notation developed by Kenneth E. Iverson and, associates ,which features special attributes for the design and specifications of digital
  9. And subjective. Objective claims stem from the extent to which the claim, associates ,the brand with a tangible product or service feature. For instance, the camera
  10. The Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University) by Fred Allison and, associates ,; the discoverers claimed they had found element 85 and, therefore,chose a name
  11. Between the categories C and D, then a natural transformation η from F to G, associates ,to every object X in C a morphism ex: F (X) → G (X) in D such that for
  12. Writers Association. A visit by Isabel Paterson to meet with Rand's California, associates ,led to a final falling out between the two when Paterson made comments that
  13. Rand underwent surgery for lung cancer in 1974. Several more of her closest, associates ,parted company with her and during the late 1970s her activities within the
  14. With the founding of the ACLU. Silver and Welles were Baldwin's closest, associates , The ACLU was formed to protect aliens threatened with deportation, along with
  15. Number has a mind-independent existence. The main forms are empiricism, which, associates , numbers with concrete physical objects; and Platonism, according to which
  16. His evident antipathy toward the Roman Catholic Church and her worship, and it, associates ,musical instruments with icons, which he considered violations of the Ten
  17. Role in the happenings of the night two years ago. One of Alexander's radical, associates ,manages to extract a confession from Alex after removing him from F. Alexander
  18. Bowl; for New Testament usage it gives two meanings:" baptize ", with which it, associates ,the Septuagint mention of Norman dipping himself in the Jordan River, and "
  19. This structure in some sense; such a process is called a functor. A functor, associates ,to every object of one category an object of another category, and to every
  20. Choose an encoding for Turing machines, where an encoding is a function which, associates ,to each Turing Machine M a bit string. If M is a Turing Machine which on input w
  21. Teaching speech to the deaf. During his Volta Laboratory period, Bell and his, associates ,considered impressing a magnetic field on a record as a means of reproducing
  22. Only approve the" fostering" of all ordained pastors, diaconal ministers, and, associates , in ministry, but they serve as the principal celebrant of all pastoral
  23. Arabia amongst pagan Arabs, Allah was not considered the sole divinity, having, associates , and companions, sons and daughters–a concept that was deleted under the process
  24. By the government. Belize possesses about 5 tertiary level institutions offering, associates , bachelors, and undergraduate degrees. The biggest university is the University
  25. The drug for a number of years may have contributed to what some of her later, associates ,described as volatile mood swings. The Fountainhead eventually became a
  26. Behind his last word. The reporter interviews the great man's friends and, associates , and Kane's story unfolds as a series of flashbacks. Thompson approaches Kane
  27. And came to be regarded as one of the leading surrealist sculptors. Among his, associates ,were Joan Miró, Max Ernst, Pablo Picasso, Bror North and Malthus. Between 1936
  28. LPF),Russian revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin and his collectivist anarchist, associates ,joined the First International (which had decided not to get involved with the
  29. Pogo). The three cartoonists were close personal friends and professional, associates ,throughout their adult lives, and occasionally referenced each other in their
  30. On agriculture and war, and that a man's status depended on the number of, associates ,and assistants he had. The latter were presumably the *about, as opposed to
  31. Offered Taliban leader Mullah Omar a chance to surrender bin Laden and his top, associates , The first forces to be inserted into Afghanistan were Paramilitary Officers
  32. Jazz instrument. By using a jazz style in the music, Weill immediately, associates ,the action as happening in America. In addition to making a relatively exotic
  33. Ulster says that in 878:" AED mac Canada, king of the Pict's, was killed by his, associates , " Tradition, reported by George Chalmers in his Caledonia (1807),and by the
  34. Day for two years. He quit the schedule because it conflicted with his business, associates ,' sleep habits, but stated that Domain sleep could help the United States win
  35. Improved complexion and possibly a lower risk of cancer. Preliminary research, associates ,consumption of almonds with elevating blood levels of high density lipoproteins
  36. Also released a videotape showing bin Laden speaking with a small group of, associates ,somewhere in Afghanistan shortly before the Taliban was removed from power.
  37. By George Gamow, who introduced big bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) and whose, associates , Ralph Alp her and Robert Herman, predicted the cosmic microwave background
  38. Characteristics: * they composed and performed personally for friends and, associates ,on topics of immediate interest to them; * they wrote in their native dialects
  39. Directives that present lists of symbolic names, each paired with a number that, associates ,the name with the corresponding numerically addressed word in the global vector
  40. Flooded into Navies. Meanwhile, Smith introduced plural marriage to his closest, associates , He also established ceremonies, which he stated the Lord had revealed to him
  41. It was hard to say it existed apart from bin Laden and a small clique of close, associates , The lack of any significant numbers of convicted al-Qaeda members, despite a
  42. Athletes, actors,writers, painters,etc.) which astrology traditionally, associates ,with those planets. Jacqueline and other supporters claim that the Mars effect
  43. Richard B Connolly, both Tammany men. Hall also appointed other Tweed, associates ,to high offices – such as Peter B. Sweeney, who took over the Department of
  44. Have been preaching that circumcision is required for salvation. Paul and his, associates ,strongly disagree. After much discussion, James the Just, leader of the
  45. And most powerful who were thought to have the largest number of attendants and, associates , " The cemeteries of the period in Bologna contain La Ten weapons and other
  46. Probably resulted from public animosity towards the philosopher's disgraced, associates ,(such as and by students of the Attic dialect in the Fourth and Fifth
  47. Said: Reconstruction began during the war, as Lincoln and his, associates ,anticipated questions of how to reintegrate the conquered southern states, and
  48. Per second. She was able to achieve this by using a super fluid. Had and her, associates ,at Harvard University have since successfully made a group of condensate atoms
  49. Agrippa, who was Augustus' second in charge and arguably the only one of his, associates ,who could have controlled the legions and held the Empire together. Although
  50. Of geometry. It also mentions his interest in the measurement of time and, associates ,him with the introduction in Greece of the noon. In Lace daemon, he

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