Examples of the the word, coordination , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coordination ), is the 3536 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of municipalities intended as an instrument of socioeconomic development and, coordination ,between municipal governments. It is possible that present-day mancomunidades
  2. Requires consideration of the type of fire support required and the extent of, coordination ,with the supported arm. It involves decisions about: *what effects are required
  3. One-third of the brain. Other well-developed areas involved hearing and muscle, coordination , Archaeopteryx continues to play an important part in scientific debates about
  4. Buspirone, and a combination of coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E. Gait, coordination , and balance training are large components of therapy. Training will likely
  5. And air support operations became impossible. Montgomery abhorred the lack of, coordination , the dispersion of effort, and the strategic muddle and opportunism he
  6. Of order" ) is a neurological sign and symptom that consists of gross lack of, coordination ,of muscle movements. Ataxia is a non-specific clinical manifestation implying
  7. Advanced pawns are usually more valuable than those on their initial squares), coordination , between pieces (for example, a pair of bishops usually coordinate better than
  8. Microchip inside her artificial brain handles gesture expression, body, coordination , and emotion expression. Her whole body is made of highly advanced synthetic
  9. Formed the basis of Alfred Werner's revolutionary theory on the structure of, coordination ,compounds. Werner noted that only two isomers (FAC- and MER-) of the complex
  10. Of berkelium (III) bromide are known: a monoclinic one with berkelium having, coordination ,6,and an orthorhombic one with coordination 8. The latter is less stable and
  11. In the field of accurate view. Aiming involves a similar sort of hand/eye, coordination ,which includes proprioception and motor/muscle memory between the mind/body
  12. The moon. The lack of any universal calendar for Ancient Greece suggests that, coordination ,of Panhellenic events such as games or rituals could be difficult and that
  13. Tied to the strength of the party in the chamber. The council is the, coordination ,hub, determining the daily legislative agenda and assigning committee
  14. Fusion tunes, the electric bass may play rapid, syncopated rhythmic figures in, coordination ,with the drummer, or lay down a low, heavy groove. In a jazz setting, the
  15. Their action. This often results in increased sedation, impaired motor, coordination , suppressed breathing, and other adverse effects that have potential to be
  16. Is very reactive. Ions of neptunium are prone to hydrolysis and formation of, coordination ,compounds. The largest chemical diversity among actinides is observed in
  17. Most male players are above and most women above. Guards, for whom physical, coordination ,and ball-handling skills are crucial, tend to be the smallest players. Almost
  18. Aluminium compounds, feature aluminum in the oxidation state 3+. The, coordination ,number of such compounds varies, but generally Al3+ is six-coordinate or
  19. Some other impairments reported were decreased IQ, visiomotor, coordination , information processing, verbal learning and concentration. The authors of the
  20. Registration Services pertain to the technical, coordination ,and inventory management of Internet number resources. Services include: For
  21. One with berkelium having coordination 6,and an orthorhombic one with, coordination ,8. The latter is less stable and transforms to the former phase upon heating to
  22. Building of the Phase II Silver Line tunnel under Fort Point Channel, done in, coordination ,with Big Dig construction. Silver Line buses now use this tunnel and the Ted
  23. Established a station at Bermuda and operated float planes from the harbor in, coordination ,with the British fleet. In 1936 Left Hans began to experiment with seaplane
  24. By its membership Services AKIN provides services related to the technical, coordination ,and management of Internet number resources. The nature of these services is
  25. The atomic chart, the type of chemical bond, the number of neighboring atoms (, coordination ,number) and a quantum mechanical property known as spin. When subjected to
  26. Development Services facilitate the development of policy for the technical, coordination ,and management of Internet number resources. All AKIN policies are set by the
  27. Patterns such as lamentation, mating,growth, and pathogenic. Behavioral, coordination ,and production of signalling substances is achieved through interpretation
  28. World. Like the other Airs, ARIN: *Provides services related to the technical, coordination ,and management of Internet number resources *Facilitates policy development by
  29. Such as C2B10H12. Characteristically such compounds feature boron with, coordination ,numbers greater than four. Isotopes Boron has two naturally occurring and
  30. Transport Commission, including the privatization of road haulage, ended the, coordination ,of transport in Great Britain. Rail revenue fell and in 1955 the network again
  31. Dioxygen (O2). List of allotropes Typically, elements capable of variable, coordination ,number and/or oxidation states tend to exhibit greater numbers of allotropic
  32. Requires Alexander teachers to demonstrate on themselves the improved physical, coordination ,they are communicating to the student. Alexander developed his own terminology
  33. Former youth coach of AZ Marcel Bout will be responsible for the technical, coordination , Current squad: As of 1 August 2011 For recent transfers, see List of Dutch
  34. Drowsiness, dizziness,and decreased alertness and concentration. Lack of, coordination ,may result in falls and injuries, in particular, in the elderly. Another result
  35. Configuration. Unlike silicates, the boron minerals never feature boron with, coordination ,number greater than four. A typical motif is exemplified by the tetra borate
  36. Functioning of Andalusia. The transportation network facilitates territorial, coordination , economic development and distribution, and intercity transportation. In urban
  37. In improvements of their arm function. ), and ataxic respiration (lack of, coordination ,in respiratory movements, usually due to dysfunction of the respiratory centers
  38. It only refers to goods, not to services, and it does not include a, coordination ,of policies. Compared to the European Union, the political and economic
  39. The assistance of Lindsay Banks took over responsibility for the management and, coordination ,of the European Endangered species Program (EEP) for the eastern bongo.
  40. The adverse effects such as memory problems, daytime sedation, impaired motor, coordination , and increased risk of motor vehicle accidents and falls. The long-term effects
  41. In some respect, although boron is often found not only in a tetrahedral, coordination ,with oxygen, but also in a trigonal planar configuration. Unlike silicates, the
  42. The individual. Such possible symptoms include: * Difficulties with movement or, coordination , including muscle weakness and even paralysis; * Difficulties of speech (
  43. As electronegativity, ionization potential, preferred oxidation state (s), coordination , number,and preferred types of bonds to form (e.g., metallic,ionic, covalent
  44. Benefits It has been shown that action video game players have better hand-eye, coordination ,and vasomotor skills, such as their resistance to distraction, their
  45. Nucleophilicity. Most primary amines are good ligands for metal ions to give, coordination ,complexes. Amines are alkylated by alkyl halves. Acyl chlorides and acid
  46. Shifts. These directives implied precise emphasis on: the search for political, coordination ,with emerging and developing countries, namely India, South Africa, Russia and
  47. A biographer of Clinton's, states the program failed because of a lack of, coordination ,within the White House. A U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission
  48. For historical reasons, ammonia is named amine in the nomenclature of, coordination ,compounds. Some notable amine complexes include tetraamminediaquacopper (II)
  49. As a state of" non-doing" or" allowing. " Primary control This innate, coordination ,that emerges is also described more specifically as" Primary Control ". This
  50. Others would prefer that delegates concentrate their efforts on the, coordination ,and organization of the movement and on the planning of new campaigns. However

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