Examples of the the word, consistently , in a Sentence Context

The word ( consistently ), is the 3544 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. His plays. He sometimes boasts of his originality as a dramatist yet his plays, consistently ,espouse opposition to radical new influences in Athenian society. He
  2. And phonemes, but,depending on the language, these rules may or may not be, consistently ,followed. In a perfectly phonological alphabet, the phonemes and letters would
  3. Certain phonemes can be represented in more than one way, but a given letter is, consistently ,pronounced. French, with its silent letters and its heavy use of nasal vowels
  4. The lack of case marking in the spoken varieties, most speakers are not able to, consistently ,use the correct endings in extemporaneous speech. As a result, spoken MSA tends
  5. Or 2–3 units a day for women, would not pose significant health risks, but that, consistently ,drinking four or more units a day (men),or three or more units a day (women
  6. Such as among dense underbrush or behind hilltops. Ambushes have been used, consistently ,throughout history, from ancient to modern warfare. In zoology, an ambush
  7. Purchased the Illinois Staats-Anzeiger, a German-language newspaper which was, consistently ,supportive; most of the state's 130,000 German Americans voted Democratic but
  8. System, largely due to the difficulty of obtaining detailed measurements, consistently ,for a large sample of asteroids (e.g. finer resolution spectra, or
  9. An International Degree in 2007. While CCSET's graduating classes have, consistently ,been awarded the ESSD this is somewhat controversial because CC SET students do
  10. In his often lengthy comments during concerts his expressed positions were, consistently ,anti-war, anti-Nixon,pro-drugs and in favor of making nuclear power illegal.
  11. These claims point to the fact that, in the 1991 Gulf War, Iraqi fighter pilots, consistently ,turned and fled as soon as American F-14 pilots turned on their fighters' very
  12. The destruction of weaponry in excess of those limits. Armenian officials have, consistently ,expressed determination to comply with its provisions and thus Armenia has
  13. For the duration of shooting. Shooting For his early films, although they were, consistently ,well photographed, Kurosawa generally used standard lenses and deep-focus
  14. Holding some of McClellan's troops in defense of the capital; McClellan, who, consistently , overestimated the strength of Confederate troops, blamed this decision for the
  15. University, a prominent liberal arts and research institution that has been, consistently ,ranked as one of the top 20 schools in the United States by U. S. News & World
  16. Base and the use of a digit representing zero. This allowed the system to, consistently ,represent both large and small integers. This approach eventually replaced all
  17. Football code, and,when compared with all sports throughout the nation, has, consistently , ranked first in the winter reports, and most recently third behind cricket and
  18. By the Hawke's Bay earthquake of February 3,1931, and is the world's most, consistently ,art deco city. Although a few Art Deco buildings were replaced with
  19. In the 40s and 50s throughout his first term. In his second term, his rating, consistently ,ranged from the high-50s to the high-60s. After his impeachment proceedings in
  20. East as South Carolina and Florida and as far north as Nebraska; they have been, consistently ,expanding their range in North America over the last century due to a lack of
  21. Secretly married circulated in 2003 and again in 2005. Kournikova herself has, consistently ,refused to directly confirm or deny the status of her personal relationships.
  22. Falls there, it is actually much stronger in tropical regions which receive, consistently ,more sunlight. Small-scale effects Albedo works on a smaller scale, too. People
  23. Solution. Further, different preparations of genetic material may not migrate, consistently ,with each other, for morphological or other reasons. Factors affecting
  24. Involvement of adaptive changes in antidepressant effects. Rodent studies have, consistently ,shown up regulation of the 3,5-cyclic adenosine monophosphate (camp) system
  25. Egoism, but of reason. If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it, consistently , all the rest follows. " Reception and legacy Reviews During Rand's lifetime
  26. Of this sort are very difficult to perform on brass instruments and may be, consistently ,and flawlessly executed only by highly proficient musicians. Flute and first
  27. Court banned Hizbullah's Almanac TV station on the grounds that it, consistently ,incites racial hatred and antisemitism. " Horseman Without a Horse" In
  28. e.g. CILIUM > (" son ", Sp., Cat., Pt. ). *Romance you (GE-, GI-, I-), consistently , became medieval, as in medieval Catalan and Portuguese. This becomes modern ch
  29. His death marked the first assassination of a U. S. president. Lincoln has been, consistently ,ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U. S. presidents. Early life Abraham
  30. Mistake in paraphrasing another, it appears Gould's paraphrases are, consistently ,slanted to serve his own message. Recent books The g Factor The g Factor: The
  31. Phylum was called" Bryozoa ", and the desire to avoid ambiguity, if applied, consistently ,to all classifications, would have necessitated renaming of several other phyla
  32. The 2000s Fordham Road was often used as a northern limit. The Bronx River more, consistently ,forms an eastern boundary. The South Bronx has many high-density apartments
  33. Foundation for them. The deities worshiped by them were Ares (who is, consistently ,assigned to them as a god of war, and as a god of Thracian and generally
  34. Knew in his childhood considered him to be English, and because Wallace himself, consistently ,referred to himself as English rather than Welsh (even when writing about his
  35. Not seen for all airlines in all regions. The overall trend of demand has been, consistently ,increasing. In the 1950s and 1960s,annual growth rates of 15 % or more were
  36. Adjacent to Ann Arbor to preserve them from sprawling development. Ann Arbor, consistently ,ranks in the" top places to live" lists published by various mainstream media
  37. speaker's native colloquial variety: **A short vowel (e.g. -i- or -ǝ-) is, consistently ,added, either between the second and third or the first and second consonants.
  38. In the International System of Units (SI) manual the word" symbol" is used, consistently ,to define the shorthand used to represent the various SI units of measure. The
  39. Free Trade Agreement into law. Throughout his first year in office, Clinton, consistently , supported ratification of the treaty by the U. S. Senate. Clinton and most of
  40. Agendas. Virtually alone on the Australian political landscape, Janet Powell, consistently ,attacked both the government and opposition which had closed ranks in support
  41. Rate of antisemitic incidents in Europe. The Netherlands and Sweden have also, consistently ,had high rates of antisemitic attacks since 2000. Much of the new European
  42. Center of pilgrimage for monotheism (2: 124-141; 3: 65-68,95-97). The Qur'an, consistently ,refers to Islam as the" religion of Abraham" ( millet Ibrahim) (2: 135)
  43. Medicine as a" set of practices that cannot be tested, refuse to be tested, or, consistently , fail tests. " He also states that" there is no alternative medicine. There is
  44. And father figure for Cockburn until his untimely death in 1967,and he has, consistently ,spoken highly of him. Ayckbourn's career was briefly interrupted when he was
  45. She is a committed animal lover and one of the few Conservative MPs to have, consistently ,voted for the ban on fox hunting. She has expressed a variety of views on
  46. Protected the suffrage of poor whites. The rural-dominated Alabama legislature, consistently ,underfunded schools and services for the disfranchised African Americans in the
  47. Of acres of forest in rural Georgia). Crime in Atlanta has been, consistently ,dropping. Between 2001 and 2009 the crime rate in Atlanta dropped by 40 percent
  48. So The Elders place an empty chair for her at their meetings. The Elders have, consistently ,called for the release of all political prisoners in Burma. * In 2008,Burma’s
  49. Him which suppliers and contractors Deign is most dependent on; these men are, consistently ,the next to disappear. Later in the novel, the reader discovers this worker's
  50. Of Antietam, which dissuaded the British from intervening. Abraham Lincoln, consistently ,made preserving the Union the central goal of the war, though he increasingly

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