Examples of the the word, aggressive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( aggressive ), is the 3537 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Impossible in many areas. Many defoliated forest areas were quickly invaded by, aggressive ,pioneer species, such as bamboo and colon grass, which make it unlikely the
  2. To South Africa have become an enormous problem, due to their naturally, aggressive ,propagation. The pods of Acacia militia (under the name of Deneb),and of
  3. Concern. Crowding can constrain normal swimming behavior, as well as increase, aggressive ,and competitive behaviors such as cannibalism, feed competition
  4. Can initially make depression worse, can induce anxiety, or can make a patient, aggressive , dysphoric or acutely suicidal. In rare cases, an antidepressant can induce a
  5. In 1977. Spas sky won the first game as Black in good style, but tenacious, aggressive ,play from Karol secured him overall victory by +4 −1 =6. The Candidates '
  6. News has discontinued its Comments Page for remodeling to filter out obscene or, aggressive ,postings from users. * On February 25, 2009,AOL merged AIM Profiles with Bebop.
  7. Many are reserved and prefer not to be touched, but are not inherently, aggressive , Although raised to protect livestock, they do not have innate aggression
  8. Diyne" ). These compounds,e.g. calicheamicin, are some of the most, aggressive ,antitumor drugs known, so much so that the ene-diyne subunit is sometimes
  9. To each species, as well as separating size classes and grading to reduce, aggressive ,behavioral interactions. Keeping nets and cages clean can assist positive
  10. And Poseidon, Otos and Euphrates, grew enormously at a young age. They were, aggressive , great hunters, and could not be killed unless they killed each other. The
  11. The essential legitimate heir that should have been a dynastic linchpin of his, aggressive ,territorial policies have been adduced as a lack of interest in women. In
  12. Men (played by white actors in blackface) as unintelligent and sexually, aggressive ,towards white women, and the portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan (whose original
  13. And aided by hundreds of millions of dollars in donations, ASU embarked on an, aggressive ,years-long research facility capital building effort, resulting in the
  14. The story of his life. His father, although a kind man in private, was also an, aggressive ,prosecuting attorney who tried death penalty cases, arguing strongly for the
  15. Terra, examines a market anarchy based on Ceres and its interaction with the, aggressive ,statist society on Terra. Events *48 BC – Caesar's civil war: Battle of
  16. Of the enemies of Islam are those ... whom he ... made monkeys and pigs,the, aggressive ,Jews and oppressive Zionists and those that follow them ... Monkeys and pigs
  17. All treatments are focused on easing the symptoms. With earlier diagnosis and, aggressive ,treatment, many individuals can lead a decent quality of life. The drugs to
  18. Atonal album tentatively titled 'The Sicilian Defense' ( the name of an, aggressive ,opening move in chess),arguably to get out of their recording contract.
  19. County Sheriff's Department for" their incredibly discourteous, arrogant and, aggressive ,behavior of which I had never experienced in thirty years of travel. "
  20. Serious. It was however in Britain that Antoninus decided to follow a new, more, aggressive , path,with the appointment of a new governor in 139,Quintus Lollies Prices.
  21. For over nine months. Grant finally found a commander, General Philip Sheridan, aggressive ,enough to prevail in the Valley Campaigns of 1864. Sheridan was initially
  22. Dynamics, making Granny the matriarch and Jed subordinate to her. Granny can be, aggressive ,but is often over-ruled by Jed. She is a revisionist red to the core, defending
  23. Cycle returned to normalcy, major airlines dominated their routes through, aggressive ,pricing and additional capacity offerings, often swamping new startups. Only
  24. Major changes in a century. The cardinal-head logo was updated to be a more, aggressive ,version of its predecessor, making it look meaner. Numerous fans had called the
  25. In opposition to the act, which he said was unconstitutional. Johnson was an, aggressive ,stump speaker and often responded to hecklers, even those in the Senate. When
  26. Behavior, and hunting in packs, while others believe individuals may have been, aggressive ,toward each other, and that congregations of this genus are the result of lone
  27. Languages) which suggest that Jews are stingy, or greedy, or miserly, or, aggressive , bargainers. Krefeld suggests that during the nineteenth century, most of the
  28. Entered into a seemingly irreversible decline. As they grew less and less, aggressive , groups such as EIC began to drift away from the Salami cause in Europe.
  29. The islands until the 15th century when they were displaced by the more, aggressive ,Caribs, a tribe from the Lesser Antilles islands, after whom the Caribbean Sea
  30. Hobbs. Playing style As a player, Kournikova was noted for her foot speed and, aggressive ,baseline play, and excellent angles and drop shots; however, her relatively flat
  31. At a well. Abraham then reproached Abimelech due to his Philistine servant's, aggressive ,attacks and the seizing of Abraham’s well. Abimelech, however,acted in
  32. Take over neighboring ant colonies. Others are less expansionist but just as, aggressive ,; they invade colonies to steal eggs or larvae, which they either eat or raise
  33. To run ', as demonstrated for example by choruses who enter at speed, often in, aggressive ,mood) However, even though both these rhythms can seem to 'bowl along '
  34. Democracy. Jackson was nicknamed" Old Hickory" because of his toughness and, aggressive ,personality; he fought in duels, some fatal to his opponents. He was a rich
  35. Setting, found that modified salmon mixed with their wild relatives were, aggressive ,in competing, but ultimately failed. Animal welfare As with the farming of
  36. Cattle breeds, such as Jersey cattle). Aurochs were also known to have very, aggressive ,temperaments and killing one was seen as a great act of courage in ancient
  37. Of its charter and ensured its collapse. Whigs and moralists denounced his, aggressive ,enforcement of the Indian Removal Act, which resulted in the forced relocation
  38. And clean. Affirm the cleanliness of the individual after the state of madness, aggressive ,complete madness of a world abandoned to the hands of bandits. ” Formal goals
  39. Two priorities: to ensure that Washington was well-defended, and to conduct an, aggressive ,war effort that would satisfy the demand in the North for prompt, decisive
  40. Virus (HPV). Damage is more likely to occur if intercourse is forcible or, aggressive ,or if alcohol or other drugs have dulled sensitivity. Loss of control over the
  41. Falcons owner and CEO Arthur Blank. “ The new logo depicts a more powerful, aggressive ,Falcon – one of fast movement. It is also representative of the evolution and
  42. From what were thought to be exhausted oil wells. When first introduced, he is, aggressive ,towards Deign, whom he does not yet know and whom he blames for what are, in
  43. city's public housing was a persistent symbol of the problem. However, led by, aggressive ,community leaders, many burned-out tenements were replaced by single-and
  44. By state action. So they reject the state, based on the belief that states are, aggressive ,entities which steal property (through taxation and expropriation),initiate
  45. And Banner: Liberalizing the economy Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada pursued an, aggressive ,economic and social reform agenda. The most dramatic reform was the "
  46. In packs, it has been argued that Allosaurus and other theropods had largely, aggressive ,interactions instead of cooperative interactions with other members of their
  47. Point out that heavy subsidization of developed nations' agriculture and the, aggressive ,use of export subsidies by some developed nations to make their agricultural
  48. The logo was redesigned with red and silver accents to depict a more powerful, aggressive ,falcon, which now more closely resembles the capital letter F. Although the
  49. No controlled clinical trials have been conducted on ADAM treatment, but, aggressive , treatment aimed at rapidly reducing inflammation of the CNS is standard. The
  50. Of the Lombard garrison of Verona, where many may have opposed Alboin's, aggressive ,policy and could have cultivated the hope of reaching an entente with the

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