Examples of the the word, hunger , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hunger ), is the 5076 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Grew in the west end of the city along the Mississippi River. Sickness, hunger , and unsanitary living conditions plagued the area. The situation would soon
  2. Are the hard soles of my feet, my bed is the earth, my food is only seasoned by, hunger ,- and I eat nothing but milk and cheese and meat. Come and visit me, and you
  3. Robbed and threatened by local people. About 1,000 died of exposure and, hunger , and 1,000 more deserted or fell sick. Charles meanwhile wheeled about and
  4. Director-General, Jacques Drought, for their long-standing commitment to fighting, hunger ,and poverty. In 2008,Anderson Cooper was the first journalist to receive the
  5. Only motivation for labor was either the possibility of great reward or fear of, hunger , This belief led classical liberal politicians to pass the Poor Law Amendment
  6. Their hopes crushed, all their natural inclinations thwarted. With nothing but, hunger ,and inhumanity to greet them, these victims soon sink back into crime as the
  7. Hunger that teachers implement in their classrooms. Recognizing the paradox of, hunger ,in the developing world amidst an obesity epidemic in the United States, the
  8. Patronizing businesses, rallies,street marches, strikes,sit-ins, and, hunger , strikes. Some activists try to persuade people to change their behavior
  9. Not to acquire nutrients—without realizing that the reason people experience, hunger ,is because it causes them to acquire nutrients. Growth of the field Due to the
  10. Start of his second presidency, various measures have been introduced to combat, hunger ,and to improve access to healthcare and education, which have helped to reduce
  11. Left them out of doors at nighttime, were also particular targets for the, hunger ,and hatred of the undead: Dräger are noted for having numerous magical
  12. For her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, an advocate for victims of, hunger ,and HIV/AIDS, and a spokesperson for Heifer International. Documentary
  13. Mazda, Italian footballer (b. 1910) *1981 – Michael Devine,1981 Irish, hunger ,strike figure (b. 1954) *1982 – Souza II, King of Swaziland (b. 1899)
  14. And began a strict blockade. No blood was shed this time; Alaric relied on, hunger ,as his most powerful weapon. When the ambassadors of the Senate, entreating for
  15. People died from all causes and of those deaths more than 36 million died of, hunger ,or diseases due to deficiencies in micronutrients. Tobacco smoking killed 100
  16. Enslaved to work in gold mines. As a consequence of oppression, forced labor, hunger , disease, and mass killings, it is estimated that by 1508 that number had been
  17. Cultures, individually or in a social setting, to restore vitality and ease, hunger ,pangs. In 1911,kola became the focus of one of the earliest documented health
  18. Of the United Nations (FAO) leads international efforts to defeat, hunger ,and provides a neutral forum where nations meet as equals to negotiate
  19. Protests against racism and apartheid Further student protests, including, hunger , strike and more barricades of Hamilton Hall and the Business School during the
  20. And high school students from all over the world in the fight against global, hunger ,and malnutrition. The Race aims to educate American students about the causes
  21. And transparency. In the short term, Action Against Hunger addresses, hunger ,and malnutrition through feeding centers, food and supply distributions and by
  22. Aids survival and reproduction),but the immediate cause of eating is, hunger ,(causation). Hunger and eating are evolutionarily ancient and are found in
  23. By the late 1970s,melodrama was nearly finished as an overt genre, as the, hunger ,for realism dominated film in groundbreaking movies like Martin Scorsese's
  24. And rehabilitate clinics. Advocacy Action Against Hunger raises awareness about, hunger ,and seeks to alert the international community when human rights, especially
  25. Resulted in some Red Cross humanitarian aid, but there was considerable, hunger ,and privation during the five years of German occupation particularly in the
  26. Educational component of the Race involves an interactive program about global, hunger ,that teachers implement in their classrooms. Recognizing the paradox of hunger
  27. Subsidies in 1991,malnutrition resulted in an outbreak of diseases and general, hunger , Despite this, the poverty level reported by the government is one of the
  28. Disruption, breaking of ancient traditions, losses in battle and to disease and, hunger , betrayal to their enemies, all made the American Revolution one of the darkest
  29. ABD Brahman told his men that time had come to go down fighting than die of, hunger , The gate lifted and ABD ar-Rahman's men fell upon the unsuspecting Abbasid's
  30. Demeter punished Erysichthon of Thessaly by inflicting him with insatiable, hunger ,after he cut down a tree in a sacred garden which killed a dryad and the other
  31. The Race aims to educate American students about the causes of global, hunger ,and inspire them to be a part of the solution. The educational component of the
  32. Following the Invasion of Normandy in June 1944. There was considerable, hunger ,and privation during the five years of German occupation, particularly in the
  33. 9 tragedy in Tbilisi, Georgian SSR an anti-Soviet peaceful demonstration and, hunger ,strikes, demanding restoration of Georgian independence is dispersed by the
  34. Crossing of the Andes cordillera: at almost 4,000 meters of altitude, the cold, hunger ,and tiredness meant the death of various Spaniards and natives, but mainly
  35. Is an international humanitarian organization with a focus on ending world, hunger , Action Against Hunger specializes in responding to emergency situations of war
  36. Neuroprotective properties for dopamine neurons. The experience of insatiable, hunger , aches, insomnia/oversleeping, lethargy,and persistent runny nose are often
  37. Speed up recovery by months or years and thereby prevent millions of deaths by, hunger , cold and disease. According to human capital theory in economics, a country's
  38. His troops supplied Pompey decided to simply mirror Caesar's forces and let, hunger ,do the fighting for him. Caesar began to despair and used every channel he
  39. Who slept in the house, had no burial, : People were flailing at themselves from, hunger , For many years, the events described in" The Curse of Akkad" were thought
  40. A long-term influence on the movement, as the writer of books since 1986 on, hunger , debt, international financial institutions and capitalism. The works of Jean
  41. Every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who, hunger ,and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is
  42. Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu in recognition of his outstanding work against, hunger , malnutrition and poverty worldwide. Past recipients of the award have included
  43. Hope for the future. The Western powers worst fear was that the poverty and, hunger ,would drive the Germans to communism. General Lucius Clay stated" There is no
  44. To US$1.50,AUD$2 or 1 pound per day. The eradication of extreme poverty and, hunger ,was the first Millennium Development Goal, as set by 179 United Nations Member
  45. Chosen charity, the appeal strives to bring attention to the problem of global, hunger ,and raise over £1 million annually for this cause. During the months of
  46. By year's end, the unemployment rate was higher than twenty percent, and ", hunger ,demonstrations" sometimes gave way to riots. Goldman began speaking to crowds
  47. Following characters: 鸡/雞 chicken, 机/機 machine, 基 basic, 击/擊 (to) hit, 饥/饑, hunger , and 积/積 product. In speech, the golfing of a monosyllable to its meaning must
  48. Him. Death was granted a fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, with, hunger , with death, and with the beasts of the earth. (6:7-8) ###Fifth Seal:" Under
  49. From the food and beverage industry to bring attention to problem of global, hunger , Each year, the campaign raises vital funds and support for Action Against
  50. French princes. Henry's men, on the other hand, were already very weary from, hunger , illness and marching. Even though he knew as well as the French did that his

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