Examples of the the word, ache , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ache ), is the 8670 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Bleeding tendency. Other nonspecific presentation are malaise, anorexia,muscle, ache , low fever, slight increase in white blood count and graft tender. Results
  2. Symptoms (runny nose, itchy eyes, head ache ,scratchy throat, ear, ache , scalp pain, mental confusion or sleepiness, palpitations of the heart, upset
  3. Patients are able to strengthen their shoulders to limit the day to day dull, ache , but with limited mobility and function. Surgery reatt ache s the labrum to the
  4. Receivers of deep tissue massage to have their pain replaced with a new muscle, ache ,for a day or two. Deep tissue work varies greatly. The term“ deep tissue” is
  5. Severe head ache , sleep problems, nausea,lack of appetite, lethargy and body, ache , Mountain sickness may progress to HAVE (High Altitude Cerebral Edema) and
  6. In the digestive tract, causing side effects, such as nausea and stomach, ache , Ties filed for patent protection for the drug around 1980 and subsequently
  7. Loss of ability and often stiffness. " Pain" is generally described as a sharp, ache , or a burning sensation in the associate muscles and tendons. OA can cause a
  8. Go on their way. Symbolism and themes Hardy's writing often illustrates the ", ache ,of modernism ", and this theme is notable in Tess, which,as one critic noted
  9. Said, regarding the problem of the Moon's orbit, that " It cause my head to, ache , " This general procedure is a widely used mathematical tool in advanced
  10. Cottony layer over the surface of the mushroom. Some reported cases of stomach, ache ,following consumption of dried porcine have been attributed to the presence of
  11. S death. Except a priest in Sara who had gotten a stomach, ache ,after mocking Henry, all miracles seem to have taken place in Finland. The
  12. Cork, against the advice of his companions, and despite suffering from stomach, ache ,and depression. Collins reputedly told his comrades that" They wouldn't shoot
  13. Meaning" returning home ", a Homeric word, and (Argos),meaning" pain, ache ,". It was described as a medical condition, a form of melancholy, in the Early
  14. Featuring Ark's (Alcohol),(Janmashtami),(Shadhinota),James (This, ache ,bond) etc. albums. Both Hasan (Ark) and James proved their ability as a
  15. And cosmetic Mint was originally used as a medicinal herb to treat stomach, ache ,and chest pains, and it is commonly used in the form of tea as a home remedy to
  16. Bomb of Baku mythology, who vomited out the world upon feeling a stomach, ache ,; *** Atom in Ended, whose semen becomes the primal components of the universe
  17. A re-incarnation of a witch in her previous life. She also confessed her deeper, ache ,for love than before.
  18. Have said, regarding the problem of the Moon's orbit" It cause my head to, ache , " This general procedure – starting with a simplified problem and gradually
  19. Which is really rather good. Containing tracks that shimmer like Coldplay, ache ,like Radiohead and thunder like Muse, it is better than 80 per cent of this
  20. Loss of consciousness. The seat angle has been associated with reports of neck, ache , possibly caused by incorrect use of the head-rest. Subsequent U. S. fighters
  21. Lead to photosensitivity. Etymology The name 'lavage' is from" love- ache ", ache ,being a medieval name for parsley; this is a folk-etymological corruption of
  22. Or intermittent, stay in one place or radiate to other areas. It may be a dull, ache , or a sharp or piercing or burning sensation. The pain may radiate into the arm
  23. Limbs; they feel body parts that are no longer there. These limbs can itch, ache , burn, feel tense, dry or wet, locked in or trapped, or they can feel as if they
  24. Pain that while not debilitating is unpleasant and persistent (such as a belly, ache , against which P. erect was used). The change from initial" t" to" p "
  25. Strong odor, bleeding from the ear, dizziness,vertigo, balance disruption, ear, ache , head ache s or tinnitus. There can also be facial nerve weakness. Causes There
  26. Acute infection may appear as an acute gastritis with abdominal pain (stomach, ache ,) or nausea. Where this develops into chronic gastritis, the symptoms, if
  27. Learn how arduous is the writer's task. It dims your eyes, makes your back, ache , and knits your chest and belly together. It is a terrible ordeal for the whole
  28. May spread to the shoulder or back. Sometimes it becomes a fairly constant dull, ache , Depending on its cause, pleurisy may be accompanied by other symptoms: * Sore
  29. Had invested so much. Paley replied that he did not want a constant stomach, ache ,every time Murrow covered a controversial subject. See It Knows final broadcast
  30. Of the elevator ANI muscle. The etiology is unknown. Symptoms include a dull, ache ,to the left 2 inches above the Anus or higher in the rectum and a feeling of
  31. And even had time to meet some of his lawyers. He later complained of stomach, ache , The Full () is a river in Hesse, Germany. It
  32. Yin/yang. It is characterized by aversion to cold and/or wind, head ache ,muscle, ache , mild fever, a " floating" pulse, and a normal tongue appearance. There are no
  33. Back or crop (although, curiously,another meaning of" stew" is to throb or, ache ,), while " latch" means short or low to the ground. Given the repetition of "
  34. As if I have just downed a frozen margarita too quickly. My jaws and limbs, ache , But I am elated. " Curtis Hartmann, a lawyer in western Massachusetts, stated:
  35. A lump in one testis which may or may not be painful * sharp pain or a dull, ache ,in the lower abdomen or scrotum Diagnosis The main way testicular cancer is
  36. Words that did not look as if they should rhyme but did (e.g. bake and, ache ,), and words that neither looked nor sounded like rhymes (e.g. keys and fort
  37. The plate and get it over, maybe even for a strike. But even that made my arm, ache ,like a tooth was busting every time I threw. And the balls I was throwing never
  38. Nalle-Maja draws strength from it, but also winds up with the stomach, ache , Late 1985 the triplets were informed on the arrival of another sibling; Burma
  39. Varied levels of pain, swelling,joint stiffness and sometimes a constant, ache ,around the joint (s). Arthritic disorders like lupus and rheumatoid can also
  40. Calls me ever, in waking, or sleep, : Till my soul cries with anguish, my eyes, ache ,to weep.: In fancy I see thee, again as of yore, : Thy verdure clad hills and
  41. Syndrome, the cuboid can be subjugated downward causing a swollen kind of, ache ,along the central portion of the lateral border of the foot. }} Leopold Sedan
  42. Metastatic disease. The pain is usually felt in the upper abdomen as a dull, ache ,that radiates straight through to the back. It may be intermittent and made
  43. Soaps. In herbalism, spearmint is steeped as tea for the treatment of stomach, ache , Health effects Recent research has shown that spearmint tea may be used as a
  44. The shoulder, typically in overhead movements. Symptoms include a dull, ache ,deep in the shoulder joint, trouble sleeping due to the instability and
  45. To valerian have been reported. In some individuals, valerian can cause stomach, ache , anxiety, and night terrors (see above). Though some people like the earthy
  46. Australia it is irreverently known as Charlie Gusto or Charlie Guts ache (guts, ache , slang for stomach pain). In its country of origin it is officially named Greg
  47. Risk of developing dry gangrene. The early signs of dry gangrene are a dull, ache ,and sensation of coldness in the affected area along with pallor of the flesh.
  48. Or groin pain, exacerbated by hip/leg movement. The pain feels like a tooth, ache , possibly severe. There is a reduced range of motion at the hip joint and a
  49. As B (be),C (see),Ch (Che),D (DE),F (eye),G (he),H (, ache ,), J (hot),K (key),L (eye),LL (eye),M (EME),N (ENE),NG (
  50. Of Dawson's Creek. Variety. January 19, 1998. 71. *Ray Richmond. " Youth, ache ,100 episodes ". The Hollywood Reporter. April 17, 2002. (Part of special

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