Examples of the the word, measurable , in a Sentence Context
The word ( measurable ), is the 8669 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- One parallel world to another can still pass between them, and these should be, measurable ,with advanced technology. Deutsche proposed such an experiment in a 1985
- While the second part consists in relating the diffusion coefficient to, measurable ,physical quantities. In this way Einstein was able to determine the size of
- As (and limited to) a method of inquiry based on gathering observable and, measurable ,evidence subject to specific principles of reasoning. " However, they,as well
- Dead Sea basin has been dry and the algae and the bacteria have not returned in, measurable ,numbers. Many animal species live in the mountains surrounding the Dead Sea.
- Necessitates that intuitive concepts such as depression be replaced by specific, measurable ,concepts before they are scientifically meaningful. One critic states of
- Of his property rights. Benson opines that, despite the lack of objectively, measurable ,losses in such cases," standardized rules that are generally perceived to be
- Clear operationalization of the problem, an emphasis on measurement (and, measurable ,changes in cognition and behavior) and measurable goal-attainment. Effective
- Second part of Einstein's theory relates the diffusion constant to physically, measurable ,quantities, such as the mean square displacement of a particle in a given time
- Epidemiological studies on inorganic arsenic exposure suggests a small but, measurable ,risk increase for bladder cancer at 10 parts per billion. According to Peter
- Measurement basis ". It is a fundamental theorem of quantum theory that nothing, measurable ,or empirical is changed by adopting a different basis. Everett was therefore
- Traits that are uniquely adapted to the ecological niche. A trait is a, measurable ,property, phenotype,or characteristic of an organism that influences its
- A consequence, if is the linear map represented by the matrix A, and S is any, measurable ,subset of Rn, then the volume of f (S) is given by | DET (A) | times the
- ZF is. It is also consistent with ZF + DC that every set of reals is Lebesgue, measurable ,; however, this consistency result, due to Robert M. Solvay, cannot be proved
- Divided; this corresponds to addition or subtraction in the vector space. When, measurable ,quantities are raised to a rational power, the same is done to the dimensional
- At each locus among various individuals. Allele variation at a locus is, measurable ,as the number of alleles (polymorphism) present, or the proportion of
- Measured on average on 3 days, placing Amsterdam in AHS Heat Zone 2. Days with, measurable ,precipitation are common, on average 186 days per year. Amsterdam's average
- Inhaled, injected or introduced through the skin, then it could result in a, measurable ,dose. The relative biological effectiveness (BE) of alpha radiation is
- This infinity, one may argue that only differences in energy are physically, measurable ,; this argument is the underpinning of the theory of renormalization. In all
- Elements of A (elements x with x* x) are thought of as the observable,the, measurable ,quantities, of the system. A state of the system is defined as a positive
- S theorem. The same result holds if ƒ and g are only assumed to be nonnegative, measurable ,functions, by Tonelli's theorem. Differentiation In the one-variable case,
- X is a set, and Σ is a sigma-algebra on X, so that the pair (X, \Sigma) is a, measurable ,space. Μ is a finite measure on the sigma-algebra, so that the triplet (X
- Sensitivity of Cordite to then current U. S. Naval propellant powders against a, measurable ,and repeatable flash source finding that the result was that cordite would
- As another example, a subset of the real numbers that is not Lebesgue, measurable ,can be proven to exist using the axiom of choice, but it is consistent that no
- Nu) (E) = \int\! \! \! \int 1_E (XY) \, d\mu (x) \, d\nu (y) for each, measurable ,subset E of G. The convolution is also a finite measure, whose total variation
- Other, geographically separated, observers to determine that the comet had no, measurable ,parallax. Within the precision of the measurements, this implied the comet must
- Now it is easy to convince oneself that the set X could not possibly be, measurable ,for a countably additive measure. Hence, one couldn't expect to find an
- Of the plane is defined using Lebesgue measure, though not every subset is, measurable , In general, area in higher mathematics is seen as a special case of volume for
- Co., New York,1973. *There exists a model of AFC in which every set in Rn is, measurable , Thus, it is possible to exclude counterintuitive results like the Banach–Tarski
- This time were generally distinguished by their atomic weights, a property, measurable ,with fair accuracy by available analytical techniques. Atomic definitions The
- On measurement (and measurable changes in cognition and behavior) and, measurable ,goal-attainment. Effective cognitive behavioral therapy is also dependent on a
- Axiom of determinant, or AD, implies that every set of reals is Lebesgue, measurable , has the property of Bear, and has the perfect set property (all three of
- Which states that there is a subset of the real numbers that is not Lebesgue, measurable , **The Lebesgue measure of a countable disjoint union of measurable sets is
- Because the strength of the force falls off rapidly with distance, it is only, measurable ,when the distance between the objects is tiny. On a submicron scale
- With premature death due to coal mining was five times greater than all, measurable ,economic benefits from the mining. Other industries depend on the ecosystems
- Effective dose, the smallest amount of a substance required to produce a, measurable ,effect on a living organism * Equivalent dose, a measure of radiation dosage to
- To lead on EISTI implementation, and publishing a fully costed Work Plan with, measurable ,targets, a timetable for implementation and an assessment of capacity
- And Eurasia since 2000. While in a decline since the 1940s,there is still a, measurable ,amount of antisemitism in the United States of America as well, although acts
- Of the whole, and the loss of any rivet weakens the plane by a small but, measurable ,amount. Pop too many rivets and the plane will crash that is, some vital
- Careful market research to determine if and where the phenomenon can provide, measurable ,benefits for client interactions, sales and support. It is stated that people
- Identify ways to adjust and adapt the process to particular projects without, measurable ,losses of quality or deviations from specifications. Process Capability is
- Lebesgue measurable . **The Lebesgue measure of a countable disjoint union of, measurable ,sets is equal to the sum of the measures of the individual sets. **Stone's
- Predicted and observed branching probabilities. And even then we would see, measurable ,levels of radiations. Also, experiments indicate that the ratios of deuterium
- Patients in an attempt to prove that the soul was material, tangible and thus, measurable , Although MacDougall's results varied considerably from" 21 grams ", for some
- That may participate in bonding. This makes its decay rate dependent to a, measurable ,degree upon its electron configuration – a rare occurrence in nuclear decay.
- Has handed down to us. In physics, a conservation law states that a particular, measurable ,property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves.
- Sequences, but it can be evaluated more easily (and this is often the only, measurable ,condition number, when the problem to solve involves a non-linear algebra, for
- State-of-the-art modeling of structure formation and galaxy evolution, and has, measurable ,effects on the anisotropies observed in the cosmic microwave background. All
- As a function a from a collection M of special kind of plane figures (termed, measurable ,sets) to the set of real numbers which satisfies the following properties: *If
- Diamond, it will conduct the tip's thermal energy rapidly enough to produce a, measurable ,temperature drop. This test takes about 2–3 seconds. Whereas the thermal probe
- Low temperature was on December 8,1972. There are an average of 194 days with, measurable ,precipitation. The wettest year was 1950 with and the driest year was 1985 with
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