Examples of the the word, footnote , in a Sentence Context

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  1. See Philadelphia Baseball Wall of Fame#Centennial Team. Hall of Famers: See, footnote ,Ford C. Brick Award recipients Retired numbers The Phillies have retired six
  2. Meaning, three different precise definitions have been given to date. His, footnote ,#5; see discussion immediately below. The simplest of these to state (due to
  3. Footnote to Plato. To suggest that all of Western literature is no more than a, footnote ,to the writings of Ancient Greece is an exaggeration, but it is nevertheless
  4. Benedictine editor of the homilies, Bernard de Montfaucon, gives the following, footnote ,to the title:" A discourse against the Jews; but it was delivered against
  5. Between the U. S. and Denmark on security policy in the so-called ", footnote ,era" ( 1982–88),when an alternative parliamentary majority forced the
  6. Home uniform for day games, a throwback to the late 1940s. Rivalries: See, footnote ,New York Mets The rivalry between the New York Mets and the Phillies is said to
  7. Of race, or,as we might call it, with 'eugenic' questions ". He included a, footnote ,to the word" eugenic" which read:: That is, with questions bearing on what is
  8. Of his theory of evolution, obliquely,in a question at the end of a long, footnote ,to his popular poem The Loves of the Plants (1789),which was republished
  9. Replaced by a line. The Dallas Morning News ran the cartoon uncensored, with a, footnote ,that the editor believed profanity was appropriate, given the subject.
  10. The mouse hardware itself was incompatible with Microsoft's). An interesting, footnote ,is that the Microsoft driver standard communicates mouse movements in standard
  11. Discretion of the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy ..." as quoted from, footnote ,in previous volumes of Title 4 of the United States Code law books and is a
  12. Papers) * The Canterbury Emeralds (September 2010) by Jill Peyton Walsh As a, footnote , Lord Peter Wimsey has also been included by the science fiction writer Philip
  13. As cultural-historical environments of national significance. As a historical, footnote , Helsinki's neoclassical buildings were often used as a backdrop for scenes
  14. In his Logical Investigations, Husserl mentions Free only twice, once in a, footnote ,to point out that he had retracted three pages of his criticism of Frege's The
  15. Argument for the correctness of anyone. " (Roster 1939:225–6) Rosser's, footnote ,#5 references the work of (1) Church and Kleenex and their definition of
  16. Original cover pictures, others had new cover pictures. An important historical, footnote ,during this period is that in 1987,the very first Sesame Street CD was
  17. Wrote in 1964:" I am pleased to think of my own book The Gutenberg Galaxy as a, footnote ,to the observations of Inns on the subject of the psychic and social
  18. Have carried the diagnosis of epilepsy. In many cases, their epilepsy is a, footnote ,to their accomplishments; for some, it played an integral role in their fame.
  19. Island, Man,is frequently spelled as Mann. It is sometimes accompanied by a, footnote ,explaining that it is a two-syllable word, with the stress on the first
  20. The German American economist Nicholas Johann sen, the latter being cited in a, footnote ,of Keynes. Nicholas Johann sen also proposed a theory of effective demand in the
  21. Manuscript, in the Vatican Library, bears the relevant passage inserted as a, footnote ,at the bottom of a page, out of sequence, and in a different hand, one that
  22. His infallible definition Ineffability Zeus and the former work is cited in, footnote ,11 of the latter. Pope Alexander VIII (22 April 1610 – 1 February 1691),born
  23. 18th century? ): This subspecies of the Metallic Pigeon is only known from a, footnote ,in John Latham's" General History of Birds ", and seems to have died out some
  24. Krishnamurti in his book Dravidian Languages (Krishnamurti 2003: p. 2, footnote ,2) states:" Joseph (1989: IDL 18.2:134-42) gives extensive references to
  25. The most recent checklist of vegetation in 2009,which can be found at this, footnote , In 1967,Stoddard described the land area of Diego Garcia as being is
  26. Work of Alexander Grothendieck, American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 113,no. 9, footnote ,6). He retired from scientific life around 1970,after having discovered the
  27. Used that notation for the first time in my article Łukasiewicz (1),p. 610, footnote , " The reference cited by Jan Łukasiewicz above is apparently a lithographed
  28. 31 Craters, and Mercury's moon passed into astronomy's history books as a, footnote , The spacecraft made three close approaches to Mercury, the closest of which
  29. 150,000 and gave it to the National Trust, Wreck of Battleship Montage A naval, footnote ,in the history of Lundy was the wreck of the Royal Navy battleship HMS Montage.
  30. Literature Alfred North Whitehead once claimed that all philosophy is but a, footnote ,to Plato. To suggest that all of Western literature is no more than a footnote
  31. Also Flax and Turmeric) the" youths" are infertile, and he devotes the, footnote ,to other examples of neutered organs in flowers, insect castes, and finally
  32. Of development, carefully copied from two works of undoubted accuracy" with a, footnote ,citing the sources and noting that" Hacker has also given analogous drawings
  33. Red Sox, are both still involved with the Phillies' cause. Fan support: See, footnote ,Phillies fans have earned a reputation over the years for their occasional
  34. Particular identification with any one of these definitions. " (cf. the, footnote ,† in Turing 1939 (his Ordinals paper) in Davis 1965:160). The thesis can be
  35. Story, including the identification of" Ne phi ", but indicates" Moroni" in a, footnote , Throughout his life, Smith claimed to have been visited by a number of angels.
  36. Apostle called by Jesus (Matthew 4) and Peter was married (Matthew 8). A, footnote ,in the New American Bible says:“ Some scholars take the call to be eunuchs for
  37. By Professor John R. Magazine of Columbia University. In this same paper a, footnote ,mentioned an op-amp design by a student that would turn out to be quite
  38. Clemens and Curt Schilling, again pitching on three days' rest. Game 7: See, footnote ,Sunday, November 4,2001, at Bank One Ballpark in Phoenix, Arizona It was a
  39. I would bet: A silk pajama: There isn't any: Three-Ll llama. (Nash appended a, footnote ,to this poem:" The author's attention has been called to a type of
  40. Is clear that he referred to reproduction related structures of protists. In a, footnote , which was published as a correction in the next issue of the journal, he
  41. To Plato’s Ideas, Schopenhauer quotes Laertes verbatim in an explanatory, footnote , Diogenes Laertes (III,12) Plato ideas in natural velum exemplary digit
  42. Whitlock's appearance on the Latter with Tools Holland show). Another tragic, footnote ,to the Dominos story was the fate of drummer Jim Gordon, who was an undiagnosed
  43. An identification of computability † with effective inoculability" ( † is the, footnote ,above, ibid ). History One of the important problems for logicians in the 1930s
  44. Interpreted the child as a reference to genes in sperm. Crowley added in a, footnote ,to the text on sacrifice," the intelligence and innocence of that male child
  45. And thus gain from the experience of others' testimonies). (Hume 1974:385, footnote ,17. ) 10. Of miracles (in two parts) The next topic which Hume strives to
  46. And" they were so close together you couldn’t separate them ". In a, footnote ,near the beginning of the classified report, Shannon announced his intention to
  47. Was donated to the Miami Art Museum after the artist's death in 2000. This, footnote ,provides a link to a picture of the sculpture. Literature Fear and Trembling (
  48. Carrie paper, British Journal of Cancer,1972 Aug; 26 (4):239-57,there is a, footnote ,regarding the pronunciation:" We are most grateful to Professor James Cormack
  49. Texts of the Bible treat Ezra-plus-Nehemiah as a single book. (Nehemiah 3:32, footnote , ) Later the Jews divided this scroll and called it First and Second Ezra.
  50. Sound of the Middle Korean letter as or rather than. (DBO & Starting 2008:, footnote ,50) 15 Before. 16 Before, or. Vowels Vowel harmony is pervasive

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