Examples of the the word, weird , in a Sentence Context

The word ( weird ), is the 4442 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Works as a bicycle repairman, though he spends most of his time inventing, weird ,Rube Goldberg-like contraptions. One day, the trio discover that one of
  2. Iliad and the Odyssey. His grandfather also stirred the boy's interested in the, weird ,by telling him his own original tales of Gothic horror. His mother, on the
  3. Pretty much knew the building was going to collapse because it started making, weird ,sounds and creaking ". After the collapse, the interior fires intensified
  4. We found people who were welcoming, friendly and extremely nice. A little, weird , yes, and no doubt homophobic, but well-meaning…kind of. " Footnotes
  5. Of Streaky's imagination. Red kryptonite has appeared and is stated as having, weird ,effects on Kryptonite for a day; it has swapped the minds of Kevin and Krypton
  6. In Literature. Letters Although Lovecraft is known mostly for his works of, weird ,fiction, the bulk of his writing consists of voluminous letters about a variety
  7. Insert a kluge into a program. " I've kluged this routine to get around that, weird ,bug, but there's probably a better way. " 5. WEI n. A feature that is
  8. Cheese said in an interview that one of Chapman's great attributes was" his, weird ,takes on things. " In writing sessions Chapman" would lob in an idea or a line
  9. Varèse's percussion composition Ionization, produced by EMS Recordings, as " a, weird ,jumble of drums and other unpleasant sounds ". Zappa decided to seek out Varese
  10. Out more than a hundred short stories, nearly all of which can be classed as, weird ,horror or science fiction. Like Lovecraft, he drew upon the nightmares that had
  11. Including mysterious cat pictures, apparent Mickey Mouse references and, weird ,books wedged into the many shelves that clutter the catalogs. " IKEA Family
  12. Computer games. The word hentai is a kanji compound of 変 (hen;" change ",", weird ,", or " strange" ) and 態 (tai;" attitude" or" appearance" ). The term is
  13. As an Episcopalian. Lovecraft's later correspondence is primarily too fellow, weird ,fiction writers, rather than to the amateur journalist friends of his earlier
  14. An" explosion" of major plans with subsequent extinctions. The seemingly, weird ,Burgess Shale animals have been found to be representatives of a group known as
  15. In some of his stories to a great dark wizard," Klarkash-Ton. " Smith's, weird ,stories form several cycles, called after the lands in which they are set:
  16. Of Evil was written in 1920. Weird Fiction: 1926–1935 Smith wrote most of his, weird ,fiction and Cthulhu Mythos stories, partially inspired by H. P. Lovecraft.
  17. Red/green food coloring in his mouth" to create a grotesque texture of some, weird ,ooze. " More than 60 Catsuits were designed in the six-month shoot at $1,000
  18. Outsiders. Nobody wants to be the weird kid; you just somehow end up being the, weird ,kid. It's kind of like that, but with metal you have all the weird kids in one
  19. 1897 proclaimed it a classic of Gothic horror," In seeking a parallel to this, weird , powerful, and sorrowful story our mind reverts to such tales as The Mysteries
  20. Pbk) and ISBN 978-0-9804625-4-8 (HBO) ), discusses some of Lovecraft's, weird ,poetry. * The Intersection of Fantasy and Native America: From H. P. Lovecraft
  21. State said:" The people round here are all cannibals. You never saw such a, weird ,looking lot in your life. There are also dwarfs (called Fatwas) in the forest
  22. Themes, most notably technologically mediated masochism, these tawdry and, weird ,technologies service the dark and hidden desires and schemes of the human
  23. Being the weird kid. It's kind of like that, but with metal you have all the, weird ,kids in one place. " Scholars of metal have noted the tendency of fans to
  24. Quo Wadis? In 1912,and then in the famous Cambria (1914) to reinforce the, weird ,atmosphere in one scene. Silhouette effects in location scenes began to appear
  25. Of his writing consists of voluminous letters about a variety of topics, from, weird , fiction and art criticism to politics and history. He sometimes dated his
  26. The radius of the referent and the epicycle: 3122+1/2: 247+1/2. The somewhat, weird ,numbers are due to the cumbersome unit he used in his chord table according to
  27. And noted that it exhibited" shrill music, ... loose controls and some, weird ,design decisions ". Notwithstanding his disapproval of these elements, Parish
  28. Or so" shots of painkillers before each game and commented that" it sounds, weird , but he could play football and not be fit to serve in the Army. " In 1962
  29. Preoccupied with images of death, decay and abnormality. Most of Smith's, weird ,fiction falls into four series set variously in Hyperbola, Poseidonis
  30. In general. In French, means a funny or ridiculous clothing; often a, weird ,disguise or a getup, though it can be said also for people with bad taste in
  31. Etc.; Forgotten Futures IX: It's My Own Invention: Adventures in the worlds of, weird ,science and engineering. Includes two novels by George Griffith, articles and
  32. For only one group or a few groups of audience but would be regarded kind of, weird ,or would not be understood in the same way as it actually should when it would
  33. Author of horror, fantasy and science fiction, especially the subgenre known as, weird ,fiction. Lovecraft's guiding aesthetic and philosophical principle was what he
  34. With" and that metal is" outsider music for outsiders. Nobody wants to be the, weird ,kid; you just somehow end up being the weird kid. It's kind of like that, but
  35. And Community Research, and Deborah Lipstadt, who described the decision as ", weird ," and" strange. " Antony German has supported Yale's decision, describing the
  36. Los Angeles Times on April 22, 2010 about the disease, saying," I have this, weird , incurable disease that seems like it's from outer space, but my health's the
  37. Style of Husserl to Lovecraft and has developed what he describes as ", weird ,realism" ) to Iranian writer Reza Negarestani. In music, examples of
  38. With them back then, and they were just tearing the meat up. It was a really, weird ,scene, man. There was blood and meat everywhere. " As Decide (1989–2004)
  39. Providing a variety of locally grown and often organic goods. Austin is also ", weird ," for its many statues and landmarks, such as the Hyde Park Bar & Grill fork
  40. Were saying. Forget about us, even the crew from Beijing thought this was all, weird ,". The film led to a boost in popularity of Chinese Julia films in the western
  41. Every time I hear that guitar riff a rhythmic musical phrase I feel this, weird ,thing in my stomach ". In August 2008,Coldplay released an alternative music
  42. Make it" because, according to Carpenter," it was too violent, too scary, too, weird , " He had been inspired by the film Death Wish which was very popular at the
  43. For 20 years. He's the best man that I know in my life and so,it's, weird ,to me that people want to paint it negatively. " It has been reported
  44. Hair who live in over-decorated apartments with a striped sofa and a small, weird ,dog and who worship campy performers. " In response to the strong reactions of
  45. He also declares Blackwood's" The Willows" to be the single best piece of, weird ,fiction ever written. Among the books found in his library (as evidenced in
  46. Enter here: INTERCAL ". The compiler and commenting strategy are among the ", weird ," features described: In cryptography, the International Data Encryption
  47. The theme of much of his work is egotism and its supernatural punishment; his, weird ,fiction is generally macabre in subject, gloatingly preoccupied with
  48. Works as a bicycle repairman, though he spends most of his time inventing, weird ,Rube Goldberg-like contraptions. One day, the trio discover that one of Re odor
  49. Of the same title, directed by Roger Norman. * The 80-minute Hour (1974) A, weird ,and ambitious" space opera" where the characters actually sing. The world is
  50. Just sort of my own interest in American folklore. I'm in this place where a, weird ,part of history occurred. " He later made a statement about one of his final

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