Examples of the the word, rick , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rick ), is the 4455 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Term in Chinese used for most grains, one also sees such translations as“ Corn, rick ,mountain ”. Mai means“ grain ”. Hi (积) means“ stack” or“ mound ”. Shan (
  2. The game birds, it flies a short distance on rounded wings, often calling rick , rick , rick as it rises. They are a seed-eating species, but the young in particular
  3. Which fell into a rather deep puddle. Ambi's sister Vida slipped out of a, rick ,Shaw and fell into that puddle with the unattended wire, in which she was
  4. Hill by the Common. Stream Common is now under threat of a" temporary" ice, rick ,being built on it while Tesco's re-develop the site of the current Stream
  5. Announcing his run for presidency in the upcoming days and is expected to rival, rick ,Perry as a front-runner. As a junior, Boss proved a multi-sport athlete for the
  6. The compression forces. The stack was fenced from the rest of the paddock in a, rick ,yard, and often thatched or sheeted to keep it dry. When needed slices of hay
  7. Times over a period of five weeks that the manner in which he built the hay, rick ,was dangerous, but he said" he would chance it. " Consequently, the hay
  8. Cord, running cord, face cord, fencing cord, country cord, long cord, and, rick , all subject to local variation. These are usually taken to mean a well-stacked
  9. Of sheaves is traditionally called a corn rick , to distinguish it from a hay, rick ,(" corn" in British English means" grain ", not " maize ", which is not
  10. End color: Guitar bar: temp from:01/01/1983 till:01/01/1984 color: Bass bar:, rick ,from:01/01/1984 till:01/01/1985 color: Bass bar: Ross from:01/01/1985 till: end
  11. Of the game birds, it flies a short distance on rounded wings, often calling, rick , rick as it rises. Saurian Partridge is not globally threatened, but may be
  12. Of the blogging has been evil, and,in his closing argument, he performed a, rick ,roll on the audience. He also provided the stand-up comedy for the closing
  13. With rails on each edge for the barrels to roll upon. A simulated barrel, rick ,with posts and cross-beams is constructed on one of the long sides. The rick
  14. Of the game birds, it flies a short distance on rounded wings, often calling, rick , rick as it rises. They are a seed-eating species, but the young in
  15. In New Religious Movements and the American Psychological Association - via, rick ,Ross. Com, with Alberto Migrant,Ph.D., Cults & Society, Vol. 1,No.1,2001
  16. Bar: bran text:" Brandon Rudely" bar: temp text:" temporary bassists" bar:, rick ,text:" Rickey Pall amino" bar: Ross text:" Shaun Ross" bar: Evan text: "
  17. Fairs. Small bales are stacked in a crisscrossed fashion sometimes called a ", rick ," or" hay rick ". Since rain washes nutrition out of the hay and can cause
  18. The game birds, it flies a short distance on rounded wings, often calling rick , rick , rick as it rises. Saurian Partridge is not globally threatened, but may be
  19. S stack ". It is known locally as" the Reek ", a Hiberno-English word for a ", rick ," or" stack ". In pagan times it was known as Crucial Angle, being mentioned
  20. Of the sport. Kicker The kicker takes the first barrel and rolls it to the, rick , His job is to properly align the barrels such that after rolling down the
  21. Roll down the final rail and to reposition any barrels that either impact the, rick ,itself or fall off the rails. Corner The man in the corner takes the third
  22. The concept of the reasonable person in law. Facts The defendant built a hay, rick ,(or haystack) near the boundary of his land which bordered the plaintiff's
  23. Of arson during the period of Swing (October to December 1830). Swing the, rick ,burner was not only more destructive, but infinitely harder to apprehend than
  24. Boundary of his land which bordered the plaintiff's land. The defendant's hay, rick ,had been built with a precautionary" chimney" to prevent the hay from
  25. To get any more milk from the cow. Then the old man set him to bring in a hay, rick , The maid told him to tie the horse to the rick and count. He did so, and when
  26. Gulf War story, he asked a Customs Officer if covering the" Free" before ", rick ," on his passport was OK. An airport employee who misheard the story told local
  27. Contemporary Filipino pop music, Broadway musicals, musical revues, jazz, rick , and grand classical operas. This versatility is what made the PCC a favorite
  28. The buildings of Vale Royal Abbey and some estates: *" Between a, rick ,and two trees, a famous battle shall be ": * The Battle of St Albany,1461 took
  29. Must push one barrel from the starting point around the track, set it and, rick ,it. The remaining 9 just need to be set into position and rolled onto the rick .
  30. Hay to be thrown down into hay-racks below. Depending on region, the term" hay, rick ," could refer to the machine for cutting hay, the haystack or the wagon used
  31. Gamebirds, it flies a short distance on rounded wings, often calling rick , rick ,as it rises. Saurian Partridge is not globally threatened, but may be
  32. Now in this picture, there are two of them. There are two …. This man likes to, rick , Yesterday, he …. The resulting research report, The Child's Learning of
  33. Captain Swing disturbances. Threshing machines were a particular target, and, rick , burning was a popular activity. However, the riots led to the first formation of
  34. Inwards, then covered with thatch or a tarpaulin; this is called a stack or, rick , In the British Isles a rick of sheaves is traditionally called a corn rick , too
  35. Gamebirds, it flies a short distance on rounded wings, often calling rick , rick ,as it rises. They are a seed-eating species, but the young in particular take
  36. Own online show 'jackass world live' ( formerly known as the 4:20 show with, rick ,kick) which also commonly features other staff members including Sean Oliver
  37. The first rail. For the individual event,9 barrels are placed in line with the, rick , but behind the rick ing position. The individual must push one barrel from the
  38. Rickshaw or three-wheeler (Tutu, trishaw, auto, rick shaw, auto rick , bajaj, rick , tricycle, mototaxi, or baby taxi in popular parlance) is a (usually
  39. Said he was counting packs of wolves in the forest. The horse hauled the entire, rick ,of hay back hastily, when it heard what the prince said. Then the old man set
  40. Thatch or a tarpaulin; this is called a stack or rick . In the British Isles a, rick ,of sheaves is traditionally called a corn rick , to distinguish it from a hay
  41. Soccer league and was called up for the national team where he scored a hat, rick ,on his debut against Lebanon. Currently he is in some fierce competition to be
  42. Man set him to bring in a hay rick . The maid told him to tie the horse to the, rick ,and count. He did so, and when the horse asked why, he said he was counting
  43. Notice or forewarning, and thence to Mayo of the Saxons, and left neither, rick ,nor basket of corn in the large churchyard of Mayo, or in the yard of the
  44. Rick with posts and cross-beams is constructed on one of the long sides. The, rick ,has a removable bar at one end which the first barrel will strike. A metal
  45. Is moved. Time stops when all barrels are in their final resting place on the, rick , Barrels must be supported only by the rails, and not the ground between. 10
  46. Or rick . In the British Isles a rick of sheaves is traditionally called a corn, rick , to distinguish it from a hay rick (" corn" in British English means" grain
  47. Rick it. The remaining 9 just need to be set into position and rolled onto the, rick , External links
  48. ISD revenue falls short of projections, TAKS scores go up" by Rob Had:, rick ,:: • 1st Place – Best Business Feature Story –" Plant in Leander will be 'game
  49. 2000 *"Mind Control" in New Religious Movements: clarifying some issues - via, rick ,Ross. Com, By Alberto Migrant and Raffaello Di Mario,1998
  50. With" CADIE's" commentary. Under Redmond WA a link is listed which will, rick ,roll the viewer. Blogger http://cadiesingularity.blogspot.com/ CADIE's

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