Examples of the the word, duke , in a Sentence Context

The word ( duke ), is the 4437 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Correspond roughly with the figures of ten thousand men-at-arms recorded by the, duke ,of Berry's herald. The Burgundians also recorded 4,000 archers and 1,500
  2. Commanded by Fritz Redneck and Caspar Gnostic. Auxiliary forces sent by, duke ,Eric II of Pomerania, ally of the Polish king, did not enter the battle. Polish
  3. And the wars against the Ottoman Turks, they did not enforce the ban on the, duke , and agitation against him soon died away. In imperial politics Albert was
  4. The lord Louis, that was from thenceforth duke of Enjoy, and the lord John, duke ,of Berry, and the lord Philip, who was after duke of Burgoyne ". The French
  5. Foes ". Richard's the most loyal subject was John Howard,1st Duke of Norfolk. The, duke ,served Richard's brother for many years and was one of Edward IV's closer
  6. Welsh enemies seized his home castle after he had set forth with his army. The, duke ,abandoned his plans and fled to We, where he was betrayed by his servant and
  7. Albert Frederick (, ; 7 May 1553 Königsberg – 28 August 1618 Munchhausen) was, duke ,of Prussia from 1568 until his death. He was a son of Albert of Prussia and
  8. Rushed back from Saxony and defeated the duke of Frills in battle. The, duke ,was slain. The duke of Soweto signed a treaty. Their co-conspirator, Arechis
  9. Was in charge of the Spanish March and also went to southern Italy to fight the, duke ,of Benedetto on at least one occasion. He took Barcelona in a great siege in
  10. Then six score banners, and the four sons of the king, who were but young,the, duke ,Charles of Normandy, the lord Louis, that was from thenceforth duke of Enjoy
  11. Potentially weakened. He had several quarrels with his sons. The turbulent, duke ,Andrew was the second son of King Bela III and his first wife, Agnes of Antioch
  12. Munich became the sole capital. 17th and 18th centuries In 1623 the Bavarian, duke ,replaced his relative, the Count Palatine of the Rhine in the early days of the
  13. Appoint a regent, as his only son, Albert Frederick was still a mere youth. The, duke ,was forced to consent to a condemnation of the teaching of Slander, and the
  14. Alemannic formed part of the Frankish dominions and were governed by a Frankish, duke , In 746,Carlo man ended an uprising by summarily executing all Alemannic
  15. And" Duke of Goa" by king Manuel I of Portugal, becoming the first Portuguese, duke ,not from the royal family, and the first Portuguese title landed overseas. For
  16. The highest-ranking conspirator was Buckingham. No chronicles tell of the, duke ,'s motive in joining the plot, although historian Charles Ross proposes that
  17. Master of the Teutonic Knights and, after converting to Lutheranism, the first, duke ,of the Duchy of Prussia, which was the first state to adopt the Lutheran faith
  18. And Anna Marie of Brunswick-Lüneburg. He was the second and last Prussian, duke ,of the Attach branch of the Hohenzollern family. Duke of Prussia Albert became
  19. Full administrative powers in his region. But the shift from count (comes) to, duke ,(due) and from county (cogitates) to duchy (ducats) also signalled the
  20. In the final phase of the attack. When the Dauphin and other sons withdrew,the, duke ,of Orleans also withdrew. This had a demoralizing effect on the French. Combat
  21. In 1475) took a prominent part in the campaign against Charles the Bold, duke ,of Burgundy, and in 1487 led an expedition against Matthias Carvings, King of
  22. In Mexico from Don Jesus Medina. “ Don Jesus Medina, a descendant of the great, duke ,of Armada fame, and one of the highest chiefs of Scottish Rite free-masonry. My
  23. Vincenzo Bellini, La stranger. Her sister Hedwig of Andes married Henry I, duke ,of Silesia and was canonized as Saint Hedwig in 1267. Another sister, Gertrude
  24. A revolt against Constantinople in 1043 and to the Albania as subjects of the, duke ,of Dyrrachium. It is disputed, however,whether that refers to Albanians in an
  25. Near which, about AD 909,a reformed Benedictine abbey was founded by William, duke ,of Aquitaine and count of Aubergine, under Bern, abbot of Beau me. He was
  26. Local magister minimum. Alboin's decision to create a duchy and designate a, duke ,were both important innovations; until then, the Lombards had never had duke s
  27. Of the land then met at Königsberg and took the oath of allegiance to the new, duke , who used his full powers to promote the doctrines of Luther. This transition
  28. Binding on all teachers and preachers. Virtually deprived of power,the, duke ,lived for two more years, and died at Taipei on 20 March 1568. Albert was a
  29. From Saxony and defeated the duke of Frills in battle. The duke was slain. The, duke ,of Soweto signed a treaty. Their co-conspirator, Arechis, was not subdued, and
  30. In chronicles written by Jan of Carnot, he spoke of the Lithuanian grand, duke ,Jail and his mother being imprisoned in 1381 at" Albeit Russian, Poloczk
  31. By news of a fresh rising. Groningen was captured, but soon afterwards the, duke ,died at Eden. He was buried at Masses. Albert, who was a man of great
  32. Of Soweto rebelled. Charlemagne rushed back from Saxony and defeated the, duke ,of Frills in battle. The duke was slain. The duke of Soweto signed a treaty.
  33. Out in 769 led by Donald II, maybe son of Waiter. He took refuge with the ally, duke ,Lupus II of Gascony, but probably out of fear of Charlemagne's reprisal
  34. He was sent by the Pope to convert the heathen Prussians. Coleslaw the Brave, duke ,of Poland (later king),sent soldiers with Albert. The bishop and his
  35. Held the duchy, rarely for more than three generations. With the revolt of, duke ,Henry the Quarrelsome in 976,Bavaria lost large territories in the south and
  36. And these theological disputes soon created an uproar in the town. The, duke ,strenuously supported Slander, and the area of the quarrel soon broadened.
  37. Of Enjoy, and the lord John duke of Berry, and the lord Philip, who was after, duke ,of Burgoyne ". The French army also comprised a contingent of Scots commanded
  38. S position in Europe. According to Bohemian accounts, in 1039 the Bohemian, duke ,Bratislava I looted the bones of Saint Albert from Gino in a raid and moved
  39. Accents, is dropped after all alveolar and interdental consonant, so that new, duke , Tuesday, resume are pronounced, * æ-tensing in environments that vary
  40. On 7 July 2006,the new Town Museum of Babelsberg was opened in the former, duke ,'s castle in the town. Kuchlbauer Brewery Two blocks west of the Old Town is
  41. Bear, became,with the help of his mother's inheritance, the first Albanian, duke ,of Saxony in 1139. But he lost control of Saxony soon to the rival House of
  42. Of Waiter, Duke of Aquitaine. Now, one Donald (seemingly other than Donald the, duke ,) led the Aquitanians as far north as Angulate. Charlemagne met Carlo man, but
  43. Count of Andes, a castle and territory near Immersed, Bavaria and from 1183, duke , of Melania (Stria). Her mother was Agnes of Schlitz. She is called Marie by
  44. Wary of new Basque uprisings, Charlemagne seems to have tried to diminish, duke ,Lupus’s power by appointing a certain Seguin as count of Bordeaux (778) and
  45. Young, the duke Charles of Normandy, the lord Louis, that was from thenceforth, duke ,of Enjoy, and the lord John duke of Berry, and the lord Philip, who was after
  46. 1085) and Vladislav II (1158),but their heirs would return to the title of, duke , The title of king became hereditary under Ottoman I (1198). His grandson
  47. The queen mother, Baldwin,count of Flanders and emperor of Constantinople,the, duke ,of Burgundy, and six lords, visited the abbey, the whole party, with their
  48. People Albert of Prussia, Grand Master of the Teutonic Order and the first, duke ,of Prussia. In the late 16th century, the physician to margrave Georg Friedrich
  49. IV, considered themselves to be the rightful successors of the Athenian grand, duke ,dynasty, and their use of the name" Russia" as referring to all former
  50. A revolt against Constantinople in 1043 and to the Albania as subjects of the, duke ,of Dyrrachium. It is disputed, however,whether the" Albania" of the events

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