Examples of the the word, hurricane , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hurricane ), is the 4443 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On 15 June they landed at Carpet on the island of Martinique (Martini ca). A, hurricane ,was brewing, so he continued on, hoping to find shelter on Hispaniola. He
  2. Is fought. *1877 – ASAP Hall discovers Martian moon Phobos. *1891 – Major, hurricane ,strikes Martinique, leaving 700 dead. *1903 – German engineer Karl Jato
  3. To a later state. The effect derives its name from the theoretical example of a, hurricane ,'s formation being contingent on whether a distant butterfly had flapped
  4. Hurricane strikes about once every 26 years. The last significant hit from a, hurricane ,to cause severe damage to Barbados was Hurricane Janet in 1955. Parishes
  5. Of Trinidad and Tobago. Barbados is outside the principal Atlantic, hurricane ,belt. Barbados was initially visited by the Spanish around the late 1400s to
  6. A 13-year-old girl in Marietta, Georgia,United States. * 1915 – A Category 4, hurricane , hits Galveston, Texas with winds at. *1918 – Bolshevik revolutionary leader
  7. To pre- hurricane status. Due to the tropical location of the islands, more, hurricane , or tropical systems have affected the Cayman Islands than any other region in
  8. Money. This commodification of love is brought to a grotesque apex after the, hurricane ,spares Mahagonny; the residents now feel free to do what they want, and
  9. Site in the same coastal region, which leads to both being vulnerable to, hurricane ,damage (for example, primary site in New Orleans and recovery site in
  10. And the men ponder Jimmy’s philosophy, Fatty and Moses rush in with news: The, hurricane ,has unexpectedly struck Pensacola, destroying Berwick’s enemies, the federal
  11. Being sufficiently away from the coast to be safe from a direct hit from a, hurricane , Arkansas can often get the remnants of a tropical system which dumps
  12. Were derived from the neutrino language, and Indian words such as tobacco, hurricane ,and canoe were transferred to English and are used today. Further, field labor
  13. And bring colorful foliage across the state in October and November. During, hurricane ,season, tropical cyclones occasionally affect the region. Thunderstorms are
  14. Cape Verde's independence, as well as after natural disasters, including a, hurricane ,that struck the island of Brave in 1982,and after a severe volcanic eruption
  15. Though the current structure was erected in 1833 replacing one ruined by the, hurricane ,of 1831. Tombstones in the neighboring cemetery date from the 1630s. Now under
  16. Verb 'αïσσω (stem 'in-) =" I rush or move violently ". Akin to" καταιγίς ", hurricane , # The shield of a deity as described above #" goatskin coat ", from treating
  17. Are February and March. Hurricanes occasionally hit the islands, with the, hurricane ,season running from June to November. Politics Executive authority in British
  18. Usually form between June 1 and November 30 of every year. The most notable, hurricane ,in the Atlantic would be Hurricane Katrina in the 2005 season. Current
  19. After the bridge it is crossing is washed out by the 1933 Chesapeake–Potomac, hurricane , *1936 – The Australian Antarctic Territory is created. *1937 – In the Spanish
  20. 1835 the steamer" Tigris" of the English Euphrates expedition went down in a, hurricane ,just above Ana, near where Julian's force had suffered from a similar storm.
  21. A major natural hazard is the tropical cyclones that form during the Atlantic, hurricane ,season from July to November. Demographics The Cayman Islands have more
  22. Important buffer zones between land and sea, and are a natural defense against, hurricane ,and tsunami damage in particular. The Hungarians and Pichavaram are two of the
  23. Often in the low pressure areas of the eastern Caribbean. The Caribbean, hurricane ,season as a whole lasts from June through November, with the majority of
  24. At the mouth of the Rio Jain, the first Spanish treasure fleet sailed into the, hurricane , Columbus's ships survived with only minor damage, while 29 of the 30 ships in
  25. Did not feature it and British ships had the similar but differently-shaped ", hurricane ,bow," whose purpose was, like the clipper bow, to improve hydrodynamic
  26. Communications were disrupted in some areas for months as Ivan was the worst, hurricane ,to hit the islands in 87 years. Grand Cayman began a major rebuilding process
  27. Location in the Atlantic Ocean puts the country just outside the principal, hurricane ,strike zone. On average, a major hurricane strikes about once every 26 years.
  28. Have played key—and devastating—roles in Belizean history. In 1931 an unnamed, hurricane ,destroyed over two-thirds of the buildings in Belize City and killed more than
  29. Are February and March. Hurricanes occasionally hit the islands, with the, hurricane ,season running from June to November. This article is about the demographic
  30. Season goes from May to November, which almost coincides with the Atlantic, hurricane ,season, and during this time, it rains constantly in some regions. The location
  31. Carried away by the onstage emotion. For example, in act 2,scene 13,the, hurricane ,has spared Mahagonny, and the people feel free to do whatever makes them happy.
  32. Country just outside the principal hurricane strike zone. On average, a major, hurricane ,strikes about once every 26 years. The last significant hit from a hurricane to
  33. Preparation to survive any emergency situation, be it flood, earthquake, hurricane , or zombie apocalypse. The videos will be judged by the" CDC Zombie Task Force
  34. His first voyage. By sailing directly due west from the Canary Islands during, hurricane ,season, skirting the so-called horse latitudes of the mid-Atlantic, Columbus
  35. Chant their hymn as the hurricane draws nearer. Act 2, Scene 12 Magically,the, hurricane ,bypasses Mahagonny, and the people sing in awe of their miraculous rescue. This
  36. The islands. Hurricane Andrew hit the northern islands during the 1992 Atlantic, hurricane ,season, and Hurricane Floyd hit most of the islands during the 1999 Atlantic
  37. 1992 – Hurricane Andrew makes landfall just south of Miami as a Category 5, hurricane , *1994 – Initial accord between Israel and the PLO about partial self-rule of
  38. A major natural hazard is the tropical cyclones that form during the Atlantic, hurricane ,season from July to November. Environmental issues An important environmental
  39. Build, he asks, if not for the pleasure of destroying? Since Man can outdo any, hurricane , fear makes no sense. For the sake of human satisfaction, nothing should be
  40. On how Jimmy feels and think about what the meaning of this sudden, hurricane ,is. Weill also contributed greatly to the Verfremdungseffekt by his music.
  41. The island's small size means that direct landfalls are rare. The last, hurricane ,to cause significant damage to Bermuda was category 3 Hurricane Fabian on 5
  42. And is densely populated with its estimated 103,000 people. It lies outside the, hurricane ,belt. History Aruba's first inhabitants are thought to have been Caution
  43. The effects of widespread unemployment were worsened by a devastating, hurricane ,that struck the colony in 1931. Perceptions of the government's relief effort
  44. Season, and Hurricane Floyd hit most of the islands during the 1999 Atlantic, hurricane ,season. While there has never been a freeze reported in The Bahamas, the
  45. Ohio and Mississippi River Valleys, and response and clean-up after the 1938, hurricane , in New England. Conservation to Defense,1939-1940 On 30 June 1939 legislation
  46. Border. Dean caused extensive damage in northern Belize. The most recent, hurricane ,to affect Belize directly was the Category 2 Hurricane Richard, making landfall
  47. To the plot of Mahagonny. The most notable of these is the threat of a, hurricane ,approaching the city during the first act. On Trier's earlier movie Danville
  48. Then it’s you. In the background, the men continue to chant their hymn as the, hurricane ,draws nearer. Act 2, Scene 12 Magically, the hurricane bypasses Mahagonny, and
  49. S Spanish fleet in 1502 was the first recorded instance of a destructive, hurricane , These storms have in the past caused a number of incidents related to the
  50. Example, Jimmy is going crazy at having nothing to do, when all of a sudden a, hurricane ,starts heading towards Mahagonny. The audience is forced to give up

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