Examples of the the word, swim , in a Sentence Context

The word ( swim ), is the 4451 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Swimming event, the Cap 2 K, and other closed-course, open water, and cable, swim ,races around town. Austin is also the hometown of several cycling groups and
  2. That they preferred swampy and wet wooded areas and, like modern cattle, could, swim , for short distances, enabling them to inhabit islands within their range. Their
  3. Equipment across rivers. But the sources suggest the Batavia were able to, swim ,across rivers actually wearing full armor and weapons. This would only have
  4. Polyrhythms Monclova, a species of ant found in Australian mangrove swamps, can, swim , and live in underwater nests. Since they lack gills, they breathe in trapped
  5. Aligns the flagella into a single rotating bundle, causing the bacterium to, swim ,in a straight line. # Clockwise rotation breaks the flagella bundle apart such
  6. His companions then threw themselves into the River Euphrates. While trying to, swim ,across the dangerous Euphrates, Abd Brahman is said to have become separated
  7. The bay provides safety from the currents, although the adventurous, swim ,round to the harbor. Several scenes of Richard Jobson's 2003 movie" 16 Years
  8. Absences from school jeopardized his position as a diver on his school's, swim ,team. After high school, he attended Chester Adult School in Compton following
  9. About his days at Oxford. He and some colleagues had stripped naked for a, swim ,in the river when they were surprised by a party of ladies out for a stroll.
  10. From Cape Verde to Barbados). *In 1998,Benoit Become was the first man to, swim ,across the northern Atlantic Ocean without a kick board, stopping for only one
  11. Quickly settle on a surface. Others produce larvae that have little yolk but, swim ,and feed for a few days before settling. After settling, all larvae undergo a
  12. Imperial education, Caligula could not swim . Epileptics are encouraged not to, swim ,in open waters because unexpected fitting in such difficult rescue
  13. Of Cheap (and therefore They and Chen) will remain low, the cell will, swim ,smoothly, and the level of methylation of the MCPS will increase (because
  14. The Red River Rebellion. *1875 – Captain Matthew Webb became first person to, swim ,the English Channel *1891 – Thomas Edison patents the motion picture camera.
  15. Help by keeping them further from the hot ground. Camels have been known to, swim , Their mouth is very sturdy, able to chew thorny desert plants. Long eyelashes
  16. The fish is too heavy to lift, the eagle will be dragged into the water. It may, swim ,to safety, but some eagles drown or succumb to hypothermia. When competing for
  17. Walsh coached at Washington High School in Fremont, leading the football and, swim ,teams. Walsh was coaching in Fremont when he interviewed for an assistant
  18. Hills and Churchill. It maintains a Civic Association and a private park and, swim ,club for residents. Black ridge is defined as the territory bounded on the West
  19. Because it limits their maximum swim ming speed. Even if they have the power to, swim ,faster, dolphins may have to restrict their speed because collapsing cavitation
  20. Bacteria such as E. coli are unable to choose the direction in which they, swim , and are unable to swim in a straight line for more than a few seconds due to
  21. Despite swim ming being a part of imperial education, Caligula could not, swim , Epileptics are encouraged not to swim in open waters because unexpected
  22. Manufacturer In medicine: Other: *Bill Bahrain (1879–1959),American, swim ,coach known as" Bach" * Joel Sikhs (1561–1640),Polish pose and alarmist
  23. And German armies begin. *1926 – Gertrude Eberle becomes the first woman to, swim ,across the English Channel. * 1926 – In New York City, the Warner Brothers '
  24. His back gazing up at the stars and moon, and then when Narrow joins him they, swim ,side by side," with the same zest, the same rhythm, isolated from the world
  25. The Great Moon Hoax. *1875 – Captain Matthew Webb became the first person to, swim ,across the English Channel, traveling from Dover, England,to Calais, France
  26. Birds survived the K–T boundary as a result of their abilities to dive, swim , or seek shelter in water and marshlands. Many species of birds can build
  27. Can run, lie,stand up, jump,do somersaults (or even cartwheels),and even, swim ,wearing full armor. A modern hauberk made from 1.5 mm diameter wire with 10 mm
  28. Location. Silver Sands is becoming more popular with open water swim mers, who, swim , daily in the sea, both as a leisure pursuit, and as training for open water
  29. Develops into the spine, and in wholly aquatic species this helps the animal to, swim ,by flexing its tail. *A dorsal neural tube. In fish and other vertebrates this
  30. There is no evidence that late Maastrichtian nonavian dinosaurs could burrow, swim ,or dive, they were unable to shelter themselves from the worst parts of any
  31. Christopher Columbus. *In 1994,Guy Deluge was the first man to allegedly, swim ,across the Atlantic Ocean (with the help of a kick board, from Cape Verde to
  32. Abundant in the famous Mammoth Cave, being a distraction for visitors. Calmly, swim ,near the surface" as white aquatic ghosts" in the words of Professor Cope
  33. West Berlin was Günter Lit fin, a twenty-four-year-old tailor. He attempted to, swim ,across the Spree Canal to freedom in West Germany on 24 August 1961,the same
  34. Is an Italian actor, filmmaker and former swim mer (he was the first Italian to, swim ,100 m in less than a minute). He is known for past roles in spaghetti westerns
  35. He received from the Italian Swimming Federation's president Paolo Carelli, swim ,and water polo coach diplomas. Acting career Spencer's first movie role was
  36. Are also noted for the ability to rise from the grave as wisps of smoke and ", swim ," through solid rock, which would be useful as a means of exiting their graves.
  37. July 1,2003,Christopher Swain of Portland, Oregon,became the first person to, swim ,the Columbia River's entire length, in an effort to raise public awareness
  38. In nearby woods by encircling fires set by the Romans, others drowned trying to, swim ,across the Danube. Nevertheless, a substantial force did escape over the river
  39. Was allowed to stay in her house for two days before he attempted the, swim ,back. Sub FYI was later taken to Insane Prison, where she could have faced up
  40. Nicosia. Wegener is described by some accounts as being shot while trying to, swim ,to the Bar along. They were discovered in the engine room and shot on sight.
  41. Pools in deserts, in ice-covered mountain lakes and in Antarctica. They, swim ," upside-down" and feed by filtering organic particles from the water or by
  42. Stomach and intestines with air, which often doubles its size and allows it to, swim ,across narrow bodies of water. Armadillos use their claws for digging and
  43. Nicknamed" Boomer" Surname * Bill Boomer, former head coach of the men's, swim ,team at the University of Rochester * Garth Boomer (died 1993),an
  44. Coli are unable to choose the direction in which they swim , and are unable to, swim ,in a straight line for more than a few seconds due to rotational diffusion. In
  45. Because they have bony fins without nerve endings. Nevertheless, they cannot, swim ,faster because the cavitation bubbles create an air film around their fins that
  46. The overall movement of a bacterium is the result of alternating tumble and, swim ,phases. If one watches a bacterium swim ming in a uniform environment, its
  47. It in his poem Don Juan (1821). This event is recreated annually in a, swim ,event. In popular culture * The Australian indie rock band Dardanelles is named
  48. Dodgson, and the Duck was Rev. Robinson Duckworth. In order to get dry after a, swim , the Dodo proposes that everyone run a Caucus race — where the participants run
  49. To be there. To set a seal on the friendship between the two men, they go for a, swim ,together. This contact with the ocean is presented as a moment of renewal
  50. But he sent across a detachment of Germanic tribesmen, who were accustomed to, swim ,easily in full armor across the most turbulent streams. ... Thence the Britons

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