Examples of the the word, tools , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tools ), is the 4440 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the adjoining archaeological layers, combs,jewelry and basic multipurpose, tools ,have been found that indicate the settlement is from approximately year 900.
  2. Allowed the ancient Egyptians to build monuments, sculpt statues, make, tools , and fashion jewelry. Embalmers used salts from the Wadi Nat run for
  3. Of Americans may be affected by one or more of them. Standardized screening, tools ,such as Sung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and HAM-A (
  4. Amber factories, which use pale amber to manufacture pipes and other smoking, tools , turn it on a lathe and polish it with whitening and water or with rotten stone
  5. The buying and selling of equipment, occurs online. Many amateurs use online, tools ,to plan their nightly observing sessions using tools such as the Clear Sky
  6. As the Bronze Age; it was harder than pure copper and originally used to make, tools ,and weapons, but was later superseded by metals and alloys with better
  7. Press (tool company) of Kalamazoo, Michigan,the largest supplier of machine, tools ,to the hobbyist market in the middle of the 20th century * Atlas Were, a
  8. At the east side),through which gods entered and left and ceremonial, tools ,were taken in and out. The Ainu have regarded this window as sacred and have
  9. Often look at the sky using nothing more than their eyes, but common, tools ,for amateur astronomy include portable telescopes and binoculars. People have
  10. In upper Egypt, the Radar, was known for its high quality ceramics, stone, tools , and its use of copper. In Northern Egypt, the Radar was followed by Agrarian
  11. AOL Active Virus Shield ". MIS contained all components of VSP plus includes, tools ,like automatic back-up. Free services On August 2,2006,AOL announced a plan
  12. Language, and both compile-time and run-time performance tended to be slow and, tools ,primitive. Compiler vendors expended most of their efforts in passing the
  13. Indexed by key strings),and regular expressions. AWK is one of the early, tools ,to appear in Version 7 Unix and gained popularity as a way to add computational
  14. The ancient Egyptians were skilled builders; using simple but effective, tools ,and sighting instruments, architects could build large stone structures with
  15. By age 18 months, and about four-fifths notice by age 24 months. Screening, tools ,designed for one culture's norms for behaviors like eye contact may be
  16. By various methods including herbal abortifacients, the use of sharpened, tools , physical trauma, and other traditional methods. Contemporary medicine utilizes
  17. And programs that can transform raster images into text symbols; some of these, tools ,can operate on streaming video. For example, the music video for pop singer
  18. Company. All he had brought with him was a musket, gunpowder,carpenter's, tools , a knife, a Bible, some clothing and rope. Life on the island Hearing strange
  19. With serious visual impairments live independently, using a wide range of, tools ,and techniques. Examples of assistive technology for visually impairment is
  20. Play, The Mousetrap, to her grandson. Recently, using experimental textual, tools ,of analysis, Canadian researchers have suggested that Christie may have begun
  21. Statistical methods, natural experiments and constructed experiments as, tools ,applicable to economics, saying that while it is appropriate in the natural
  22. Calculated images, such as Mandelbrot fractal animations. There are now many, tools ,and programs that can transform raster images into text symbols; some of these
  23. Possible with agate it has been used for centuries for leather burnishing, tools , Idar-Oberstein was one of the centers which made use of agate on an industrial
  24. Greywacke, and gold. Flint was the first mineral collected and used to make, tools , and flint hand axes are the earliest pieces of evidence of habitation in the
  25. Were only suitable for small applications. The growth of end-user computing, tools ,such as Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Access also eroded into potential APL
  26. For use by amateurs. The One-Mile Telescope is one such example. Common, tools ,Amateur astronomers use a range of instruments to study the sky, depending on a
  27. Erythematosus, where they can bind to and hydrolyze DNA. Enzymes are potential, tools ,in biotechnology, e. g., to perform specific actions on DNA. Enzymes function
  28. Worldwide, along with silver, gold and platinum, which were also used to make, tools , jewelry, and other objects since Neolithic times. Copper was the hardest of
  29. And film-industry software products; Logic Studio, a suite of music production, tools ,; the Safari web browser; and iOS, a mobile operating system., the company
  30. Available on the citation platform, arming subscribers with powerful search, tools ,and collaboration, notification,and change-management functionality. *ANSI, in
  31. Many amateurs use online tools to plan their nightly observing sessions using, tools ,such as the Clear Sky Chart. Common techniques While a number of interesting
  32. Activities: fragments of pottery vessels, garbage,human remains, stone, tools , or evidence left from the construction of dwellings. However, many other
  33. Allowed. The development of tool path control via jigs, fixtures,for machine, tools ,(such as the screw-cutting lathe and milling machine) during the 19th century
  34. Concept Assembly lines are designed for a sequential organization of workers, tools ,or machines, and parts. The motion of workers is minimized to the extent
  35. To Henry Ford::” The principles of assembly are these::: (1) Place the, tools ,and the men in the sequence of the operation so that each component part shall
  36. Does. Meteoric iron could be forged from a red heat to make objects such as, tools , weapons, and nails. In many cultures it was shaped by cold hammering into
  37. Genome was found to be short and easy to manipulate. Researchers now have, tools ,to improve strawberry flavors and aromas of cultivated strawberries as stated
  38. Have made use of the internet to showcase their own works and provide useful, tools ,for those fans searching for anything alternate history. 's" Sci FI Site of
  39. Required. Sustainability Technological advancements help provide farmers with, tools ,and resources to make farming more sustainable. New technologies have given
  40. The relevant concepts (interchangeable parts, tool-path control via machine, tools ,and jigs, transfer of skill to the equipment, allowing use of semi-skilled or
  41. A cricket bowler's performance * Within analysis – the analysis of stone, tools ,using basic scientific techniques * Protocol analysis – a means for extracting
  42. Craftsmen would create each part of a product. They would use their skills and, tools ,such as files and knives to create the individual parts. They would then
  43. Electrophoresis research often takes advantage of software-based image analysis, tools , such as Image. An allele (or) is one of two or more forms of a gene or a
  44. System, Armenia had developed a modern industrial sector, supplying machine, tools , textiles, and other manufactured goods to sister republics in exchange for raw
  45. With the help of Henry Maud slay and others, designed 22 types of machine, tools ,to make the parts for the blocks used by the Royal Navy. This factory was so
  46. Remain unknown as they had no known writing system. * Cultural divisions are, tools ,of the modern scientist, and so should not be considered similar to divisions
  47. To the world: 105 Industries: Diamond processing, metal-cutting machine, tools , forge-pressing machines, electric motors, tires,knitted wear, hosiery,shoes
  48. Construction Sometimes it is possible to" see" anagrams in words, unaided by, tools , though the more letters involved the more difficult this becomes. Anagram
  49. The ARD. Before this period, simple digging sticks or hoes were used. These, tools ,would have also been easier to transport, which was a benefit as people only
  50. Diamonds are mined—although by members of the public with primitive digging, tools ,for a small daily fee, not by commercial interests. (near Murfreesboro).

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