Examples of the the word, ass , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ass ), is the 4444 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And better, euphemisms,ending when Patch comes up with" and if we bury you, ass ,up,we'll have a place to park my bike. " Warfare The last time the United
  2. And Micky Dozen, accusing guitarist Ne smith of having his head" firmly up his, ass ,".: Jones told the National Enquirer:" Nesmith's not an entertainer in the
  3. A man whom Oswald would find on eBay and pay to come to his house and kick his, ass , He co-hosted the British television show Full Metal Challenge, in which teams
  4. Women and girls can be referred to with forms of the neuter pronoun hat:: DAT, ass ’d'Nathalie. Hat ass mid, well et will a hired GAAR geschafft duet. (" That
  5. Indeed, he cultivated it. " I think the American people want a solemn, ass ,as a President," he once told Ethel Barrymore," and I think I will go along
  6. Cannon. A bystander said," There goes the President, and they are firing at his, ass , " Baldwin replied that he did not care" if they fired through his ass . " He
  7. Ninth, and when this resemblance was pointed out to Brahms, he replied that any, ass ,– Seder ESL – could see that. In 1876,when the work was premiered in Vienna
  8. Asserts that Henry once remarked that an illiterate king was a crowned, ass , He was certainly the first Norman ruler to be fluent in the English language.
  9. Would succeed in weeding most of these out, but some remain, like the ox and, ass ,in the Nativity of Christ. An icon is a religious work of art, most commonly a
  10. Example in English is donkey replacing the old Indo-European-derived word, ass , The word dandelion (literally, tooth of lion, referring to the shape of the
  11. Goldwater retorted:" Every good Christian ought to kick Falwell right in the, ass , " (According to John Dean, Goldwater actually suggested that good Christians
  12. Of Lucius, the character in Apuleius's story who had been turned into an, ass ,and changed back by Isis into human form, into the successive degrees of the
  13. Of His birth. * Zechariah forecasts His entry into Jerusalem on the foal of an, ass , Second coming and Daniel 7 Justin connects Christ's second coming with the
  14. Extra ending: * De Mann ass groups. (masculine," The man is tall. ") * D'Frey, ass ,groups. (feminine," The woman is tall. ") * D'Chechen ass groups. (neuter
  15. German: Website) ** deck as an emphatic like gang and will,e.g. DESE Such, ass ,deck gut! (" This cake is perfect! ") **recent expressions, used mainly
  16. Of you people make reference to his manhood,you'll be out of here before your, ass ,hits the ground. ' Illness and death As early as 1967,Lombardi had been a
  17. Humans have a historically long interaction with perissodactyls. The wild, ass ,was the first equip to be domesticated, around 5000 BC in Egypt. Horses were
  18. It is formed using the adverb me: e.g. chain → me chain * Lëtzebuerg, ass ,me she Wei Each. (" Luxembourg is prettier than Each. ") The superlative
  19. With representations of figures with the head of a cock, a lion, or an, ass , and the tail of a serpent was formerly taken in the light of what Grenades
  20. Tall. ") * D'Frey ass groups. (feminine," The woman is tall. ") * D'Chechen, ass ,groups. (neuter," The girl is tall. ") * D'Manner is groups. (plural," The
  21. Under law. Ginsberg used phrases such as“ cocksucker ”,“ fucked in the, ass ,”, and “ cunt” as part of the poem's depiction of different aspects of
  22. At his ass . " Baldwin replied that he did not care" if they fired through his, ass , " He was convicted in the federal court for speaking" seditious words tending
  23. When this was pointed out to Brahms, he is reputed to have retorted" Any, ass ,can see that! ", which suggests the imitation was intentional. Brahms's first
  24. With verbs likes inn (" to be" ), and receive no extra ending: * De Mann, ass ,groups. (masculine," The man is tall. ") * D'Frey ass groups. (feminine,"
  25. Crew members wore protest t-shirts with slogans such as" Yes Guvnor, my, ass ," and" Will Rogers never met Ridley Scott" in reference to Will Rogers' most
  26. Of one Lucius, who experiments with magic and is accidentally turned into an, ass , In this guise he hears and sees many unusual things, until escaping from his
  27. In their literal meaning, used to generalize a bad event. " Having your, ass ,handed to you "," left for the rats "," toasted "," roasted "," burned ","
  28. People in Britain, Hermann Göring warned Hitler that Ribbentrop was a" stupid, ass ,". Ribbentrop further compounded the damage to his image and caused a minor
  29. Be referred to with forms of the neuter pronoun hat:: DAT ass d'Nathalie. Hat, ass ,mid, well et will a hired GAAR geschafft duet. (" That's Nathalie. She is
  30. Not exist without the corruption of what it consumes; the lion must slay the, ass ,in order to live, and if there were no wrong doing, there would be no sphere
  31. Used in Atlantic Canada and among older people in Ontario and to the west) or, ass , or cities (used in the Prairie Provinces, especially in northern and central
  32. Hornswagglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass ,kickers, shit kickers – and Methodists" ). In a scene where Lamar hires his
  33. How he saved himself from several dangers in his youth, by using the skin of an, ass ,for shelter and camouflage (In quell anti). Musical style * In spite of all
  34. A mistake to underestimate on Ribbentrop's influence and write him down as an, ass ,because he does not adopt orthodox procedure. At the very least he is a
  35. S wife: the lady thereupon censures Ercolano's wife: but unluckily an, ass ,treads on the fingers of the boy that is hidden under the hen-coop, so that he
  36. Philosophus et ex philosophy sinus" Albert was suddenly transformed from an, ass ,into a philosopher and from a philosopher into an ass . In 1968,he was cited by
  37. Up in the meadow, and began whispering the story, saying " King Midas has an, ass ,'s ears ". Sarah Morris demonstrated (Morris 2004) that donkeys' ears were a
  38. To Milch, upon hearing the message, Speer burst out," The Führer can kiss my, ass , " After a lengthy argument, Milch persuaded Speer to withdraw his offer of
  39. Of a locker during the mission, Shepard would say," Tell Hernán, BEEP-BEEP my, ass , " Return On the way back to Earth, the crew conducted the first U. S.
  40. Insulting way: the composer was dismissed literally" with a kick in the, ass ,", administered by the archbishop's steward, Count Arc. Mozart decided to
  41. Less than 7 participants; at the time it was jokingly referred to as" critical, ass ," (a play on Critical M ass bike rides). Participants would 'purchase' a bike
  42. Calling the book" trashy, profane & obscene" and the author" a pretentious, ass ,". On July 11, 1855,a few days after Leaves of Gr ass was published,Whitman's
  43. Howard Stern Show by stating Lee would have to" stand on a chair to kiss my, ass , " Samuel L. Jackson, who has appeared in both directors' films, defended
  44. Ice Cube song" Now I Have to Wet 'CIA" featured the line" I'll Kurtis Blow yo, ass ,away/Like AJ ". * The R. A. the Rugged Man song" L. I. is Finest" featured
  45. The adverbial structure am+ -seen: e.g. chain → am christen: * Lëtzebuerg, ass ,Dee christen / been allerschéinsten / am christen. (" Luxembourg is the
  46. Transformed from an ass into a philosopher and from a philosopher into an, ass , In 1968,he was cited by William F. Buckley as one of several historical
  47. Claim a" nuisance suit ", referring to Ellison as a" parasite who can kiss my, ass , " On April 24, 2000 Ellison sued Stephen Robertson for posting four stories to
  48. Fallacy) Bureaucracy Bureaucratic collectivism Burg hart Schmidt Buridan's, ass ,Burleigh Taylor Wilkins Bureaus Frederick Skinner Burton Green Business ethics
  49. don't care. It's the truth. Harlan Ellison is a parasite who can kiss my, ass , " Marketing Around and shortly after The Terminator's release in theaters, a
  50. On,4),trans-Panamanian (an,4),banana (Ana,2), ass ass ination (, ass , 2). Long words with just two, three,four, etc. distinct letters include

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