Examples of the the word, laden , in a Sentence Context

The word ( laden ), is the 4454 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To pieces and disappears. In the latter half of the 17th century a Dutch ship, laden ,with gold coins earmarked for the payment of the salaries of employees of the
  2. He joined Guillaume Le Test, a French buccaneer, in an attack on a richly, laden ,mule train. Drake and his party found that they had captured around 20 tons of
  3. By Plutarch. Plutarch reported that Archimedes moved an entire warship, laden ,with men, using compound pulleys and his own strength. Types of systems These
  4. Has been closed for a number of years, forcing Armenia to receive rail cars, laden ,with cargo only through the relatively expensive rail-ferry services operating
  5. Dust (lung cancer is a possible result of prolonged exposure to beryllium, laden ,dust). Although the use of beryllium compounds in fluorescent lighting tubes
  6. Touch his feet (an expression of respect among Indians) and detonated a belt, laden ,with 700 grams of RDX explosives tucked under her dress. The explosion killed
  7. Failure shortly after take off from McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The fuel, laden ,plane crashed at a street intersection and caused a huge fire. 30 were killed
  8. In what was called a" Body Attack" ( 体当たり; 体当り) dietary — in planes often, laden ,with explosives, bombs,torpedoes and full fuel tanks. The aircraft's normal
  9. By one of the conspirators, Elieser Suit. Begin's impassioned rhetoric, laden ,with pathos and evocations of the Holocaust, appealed to many, but was deemed
  10. Germany, Italy,and France. From this tour Ray and Willougbhy returned, laden ,with collections, on which they meant to base complete systematic descriptions
  11. Roots rock ", the wider experimentation of progressive rock, or riff, laden ,heavy rock. In 1966 Bob Dylan went to Nashville to record the album Blonde on
  12. Mórrígan. *1944 – Port Chicago disaster: Near the San Francisco Bay, two ships, laden ,with ammunition for the war explode in Port Chicago, California,killing 320. *
  13. New York, which holds about 3 % of the gold ever mined, as does the similarly, laden ,U. S. Bullion Depository at Fort Knox. In 2005 the World Gold Council estimated
  14. When the city fell. Then the Scythians began returning to their homeland, laden ,with booty and captives, among them many of senatorial rank. Or August 251
  15. Is hot and dry with the Harmattan wind, a continental tropical (CT) air mass, laden ,with dust from the Sahara Desert prevailing throughout this period. With the
  16. Playoff streak in 1992. Football is the most popular and tradition, laden ,sport in the region with the nation's first-ever professional game being
  17. The waters of the Tigris and Euphrates above their confluence are heavily silt-, laden , irrigation and fairly frequent flooding deposit large quantities of silty loam
  18. The Dry season and the Rainy season. The dry season is accompanied by a dust, laden ,air mass from the Sahara Desert, locally known as Harmattan, or by its main name
  19. Sealift Command as a Maritime Repositioning ship serving at Diego Garcia, laden ,with U. S. Air Force munitions. She is self-sustaining, that is, she can unload
  20. Death of governor Pieter Both, who was coming back from India with four richly, laden ,ships in the bay, caused the route to be considered as cursed by Dutch sailors
  21. Liquid oxygen and kerosene propellants. Whilst the vehicle could be left fully, laden ,with 20+ tonnes of kerosene, the 60 tonnes of liquid oxygen had to be loaded
  22. Ended up receiving came from Joseph's brothers who brought before him a coat, laden ,with blood. Jacob identified the coat as the one he made for Joseph. At that
  23. Escorts, having not yet established their air defense, and still almost fully, laden , the two SLS in Port Pleasant were sitting targets for two waves of Argentine
  24. From Shanghai with" the most valuable cargo of tea and silk ever to be, laden ,in one bottom ". Competition among the clippers was public and fierce, with
  25. Waters),and economic (corrosion of equipment and infrastructure) - sulfide, laden ,wastewater must be handled carefully and remediated before they can be
  26. And Sorrow),and the American Samuel Barber (e.g. 'With rue my heart is, laden ,'). Gerald Fine repeatedly began settings, though never finished any. Even
  27. Burhs posed significant obstacles to Viking invaders, especially those, laden ,with booty. The system threatened Viking routes and communications making it
  28. From entering Tokyo. In a fielded area outside the city, they dig a large pit, laden ,with explosives and lure Godzilla into it, but Godzilla is unharmed. They next
  29. The Asia,763 tons, arrived in the Midway with a foul bill from Alexandria, laden ,with linseed; her freight was £1475 and her quarantine dues £610. The same year
  30. In England were of the most haphazard and arbitrary kind. In 1721 two vessels, laden ,with cotton goods from Cyprus, then a seat of plague, were ordered to be burned
  31. Supper's Ready" by Genesis (ca. 1972),a near-23-minute epic song, laden ,with religious and mythological imagery, refers to the myth of Narcissus as
  32. Basis of the Oedipus complex). The scenery and buildings in Tokyo-3 often seem, laden ,with psychological import, even in the first episode. The connection between
  33. Powers, as well as a dig at the typical video game plot, which tends to be, laden ,with" deus ex machina" artifices and other poor script writing techniques.
  34. Of Sri Lanka has led to the title The Pearl of the Indian Ocean. The island is, laden ,with lush tropical forests, white beaches and diverse landscapes with rich
  35. Sail to Hispaniola and lie in wait for an expected Spanish armada, supposedly, laden , with money to pay the garrisons. Teach questioned Rostock about the movements
  36. The battle. The origin of this vessel, an abandoned and burning ship's boat, laden ,with highly flammable material, is uncertain, but it may have been launched from
  37. Ports in the Americas and shipping that was returning across the Atlantic, laden ,with treasure from the New World. At the same time, influential writers such as
  38. Greatly increased the demand for iron. Medieval knights for example were often, laden ,with up to 100 pounds of plate or chain link armor in addition to swords
  39. Minister Aswan Singh as a 'dress rehearsal' for September 11 attacks. Bin, laden ,personally welcomed Altar and threw a lavish party in his honor after his
  40. In Chile. A most consequential action Near Lima, Drake captured a Spanish ship, laden ,with 25,000 pesos of Peruvian gold, amounting in value to 37,000 ducats of
  41. Help shape the sub-genre. Led Zeppelin added elements of fantasy to their riff, laden ,blues-rock, Deep Purple brought in symphonic and medieval interests from their
  42. Status after playing frequently at midnight movie circuits. It is so thoroughly, laden ,with critiques of late-1960s American society that one historian described the
  43. Load (and thus range): large, slow planes such as the E-2 Hawkeye and heavily, laden ,strike fighters like the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and Sushi Su-33 do not launch
  44. And Schelling, for example, tried to bring traditional" metaphysically ", laden ,notions like" the Absolute,"" God," or" Being" into the scope of Kant's
  45. Heard in slave ring shouts and field hollers, expanded into" simple solo songs, laden ,with emotional content ". Blues has evolved from the unaccompanied vocal music
  46. Renamed the ship the Virginian. The ship was contracted to carry containers, laden ,with ammunition to support the global war on terrorism and the United States
  47. Program for managing fonts *Aggregate Trailer Mass, the total mass of a fully, laden ,trailer *Athlon, Tullamore, Mullingar Gateway or Midlands Gateway
  48. The cunning of men, by their craftiness and deceitful wiles. " He devised hymns, laden ,with doctrinal details to inoculate right-thinking Christians against heresies
  49. Dominion Day as being" a renunciation of the past and a misreading of history, laden ,with political correctness and historical ignorance ". As the anniversary of
  50. The reason for the sinking as being caused by" too much fly ... for she was, laden ,with much ordinance, and the ports left open, which were low, & the great

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