Examples of the the word, denial , in a Sentence Context

The word ( denial ), is the 4453 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. As such. Christianity usually reserved the death penalty for heresy,the, denial ,of the orthodox view of God's view, and witchcraft or similar non-Christian
  2. Of the patients. Common reactions, such as desperation, anger,frustration, and, denial , are possible. The focus of the patient care should be on creating an amicable
  3. Not bolster the original claim. To construe evidentiary invalidation of the, denial ,as evidentiary validation of the original claim is fallacious (on several
  4. Of a criminal history when applying for certification may be grounds for, denial ,of certification. Carl Merger (February 28, 1840 – February 26, 1921) was the
  5. Cases to a double life which can be highly burdensome. At the same time,the, denial ,of BDSM preferences can induce stress and dissatisfaction with one's own "
  6. Set the portrait on fire. His advisers calmed him, and argued that outright, denial ,of Constantine's claims would mean certain war. Galleries was compelled to
  7. Human Rights Watch, who said the following of the White House's attempts at, denial ,:" This hostility yielded, among other things, an inordinate amount of
  8. Also, it is difficult to reason objectively about the question, because a, denial ,that an animal is conscious is often taken to imply that it does not feel, its
  9. Rivalries and the lack of strong local governing bodies. In the case of Sydney, denial ,of access to grounds and the loss of professional players to other football
  10. Nirvana is not equivalent to the condition that Schopenhauer described as, denial ,of the will. Nirvana is not the extinguishing of the person as some Western
  11. For their independence, Carnegie believed that the conquest of the islands is a, denial ,of the fundamental democratic principle, and he also urged William McKinley to
  12. Note, however,that this argument is valid only insofar as it devalues the, denial ,; it does not bolster the original claim. To construe evidentiary invalidation
  13. Domain of knowledge. " However, the Church is historically opposed to a full, denial ,of the ability of human reason to know God. The Council of the Vatican, relying
  14. Reality even if it may exist; the latter case often takes the form of a, denial ,of the idea that we can have conceptualized experiences (see Myth of the
  15. some chemical weapons, biological weapons may also be useful as area, denial ,weapons. These agents may be lethal or non-lethal, and may be targeted against
  16. Lacks the confession and Hitler's tearful reaction, and contains an explicit, denial ,that any confession or emotional exchange took place, as had been alleged in a
  17. Of a conventional battle fleet. It proposed what would nowadays be termed a sea, denial ,strategy, based on fast, long-ranged cruisers for commerce raiding and torpedo
  18. Which stated" Forty years ago, when the foregoing essay was written,the, denial ,of competition had not yet effected the enormous concentration of wealth that
  19. S Bundle theory is a very similar concept to the Buddhist stands, though his, denial ,of causation lead him to opposite conclusions in other areas. Arthur
  20. Allegorical representation, as humanist dialectic conveyed them. The, denial ,of medieval allegory as found in the 11th-century works of Hugh of St Victor
  21. Arian" was also applied to the early Unitarians such as John Biddle though in, denial ,of the pre-existence of Christ they were again largely Socinians not Arians. In
  22. Decried what they considered to be the boring color choice as well as the, denial ,of the opportunity to earn more money through shoe contracts. A compromise was
  23. Affair with a ballgirl, would deny the claim whether it was true or false. His, denial , in itself, carries little evidential weight against the claim of an affair.
  24. Of the struggle documented in Confessions: that proper love exercises a, denial ,of selfish pleasure and the subjugation of corporeal desire to God. To the
  25. Involve a change in the organization of self, tends to be resisted through, denial ,or distortion of symbolism” ( Rogers,1951). If the content or presentation
  26. Release from the baseball organization claimed that they were the victims of a, denial ,of service attack. These claims, however,were unsubstantiated and neither the
  27. Prime Minister in 2003,was heavily criticized as an example of Holocaust, denial , In his book, Abbas wrote:" It seems that the interest of the Zionist movement
  28. As of right. However, certain critical interlocutory court orders, such as the, denial ,of a request for an interim injunction, or an order holding a person in
  29. Celibacy is the single life, free from such distraction, not a life of saintly, denial , Sex, in turn, is not sinful but natural, and sex within marriage is both
  30. The Second World War as a potential means of attacking German cattle for food, denial , but never employed the weapon. In the 1950s,the United States had a field
  31. Although killing oneself is forbidden under normal Jewish law as being a, denial ,of God's goodness in the world, under extreme circumstances when there has
  32. Japanese military and any deletion of or revision to (the descriptions) is a, denial ,and distortion of the many testimonies by those people who survived the
  33. And non-involvement in partisan politics unless submission to law amounts to a, denial ,of Faith. With specific regard to the pursuit of world peace, Bahá'u'Allah
  34. Since the 1960s. " The existence of such real conspiracies coupled with the, denial ,of any conspiracies whatsoever even though the government itself promoted
  35. Effectively. While Bluetooth has its benefits, it is susceptible to, denial ,of service attacks, eavesdropping,man-in-the-middle attacks, message
  36. The term anti-realism is used to describe any position involving either the, denial ,of an objective reality of entities of a certain type or the denial that
  37. True. Clarence Thomas refused to take a polygraph test. Thomas made a blanket, denial ,of the accusations, claiming this was a" high-tech lynching ". After extensive
  38. Politically risky, and pushed religious tolerance to new boundaries, as a, denial ,of the doctrine of the Trinity was illegal until the 1813 Act. Although
  39. Referred to as an" apocalyptic antisemitism ". Conspiracy theories Holocaust, denial ,and Jewish conspiracy theories are also considered a form of antisemitism. New
  40. Myth of the Holocaust" in defending Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's, denial ,of it. The Egyptian government-run newspaper, Al-Akhbar, on April 29, 2002
  41. The story hit the national press at about the same time of the official, denial ,of alien big cat evidence on Bodmin Moor. The skull was sent to the Natural
  42. On heaven and hell with his teaching of" soul sleep" * The Christadelphian, denial ,of the pre-existence of Christ, and interpretation of verses such as" I came
  43. Or goals of life in Vedanta Hinduism. In Schopenhauer's philosophy, denial ,of the will is attained by either: * personal experience of an extremely great
  44. Degrading punishment ". Amnesty International considers it to be" the ultimate, denial ,of Human Rights ". Contemporary use Global distribution File: Death Penalty
  45. Either the denial of an objective reality of entities of a certain type or the, denial ,that verification-transcendent statements about a type of entity are either
  46. Issues of interest include phenomena such as subliminal perception, blindsight, denial , of impairment, and altered states of consciousness produced by psychoactive
  47. Psychological conditions, and other hypothetical ones: paranoia, denial , schizophrenia, mean world syndrome. Sociopolitical origins represents
  48. The Roman Empire, though its primary aim at the time seems to have been the, denial ,of access to the Adriatic Sea to another major sea power. Germany, in turn
  49. Of government, voter suppression or disenfranchisement in the southern states, denial ,of economic opportunity or resources nationwide, and private acts of violence
  50. The White House, Clinton denied having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky a, denial ,that became the basis for the impeachment charge of perjury. On November 18

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