Examples of the the word, compatible , in a Sentence Context

The word ( compatible ), is the 4459 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. CPU performance and gave the same visual quality as the BBC Micro, it remained, compatible ,only with software that used the ROM routines for outputting text and graphics
  2. 2005,and Acute sells the AmigaOS 3 compatible Minimum systems with a MC68000, compatible , CPU and AmigaOS 4 compatible Sam440 and Sam460 systems with PowerPC processors.
  3. Invention. On the other hand, he holds that copyrights are in some situations, compatible ,with a free society. His argument is that when a copyright notice is on a piece
  4. 11 to 25 special graphic symbols. To include all these, and control characters, compatible ,with the Comte Consultation International Telephone et Telegraphic
  5. Of BBS Systems caused by availability of the acoustic couplers that were, compatible ,with the 8-bit home computers. AT ASCII text animations are also referred to as
  6. No I/O facilities; implementations defined their own in ways that were rarely, compatible ,with each other. In contrast, ALGOL 68 offered an extensive library of transput
  7. Run well on a TRS-80. So they decided to design a TRS-80 and CP/M software, compatible ,computer system, which (following the lead of Apple Computer) they decided to
  8. Under the AmigaOne brand from 2002 to 2005,and Acute sells the AmigaOS 3, compatible , Minimig systems with a MC68000 compatible CPU and AmigaOS 4 compatible Sam440
  9. For use with these emulators. Appleton and MESS are among the best emulators, compatible ,with most Apple II images. The MESS emulator supports recording and playing
  10. June 1995 * Medusa 040,Medusa 060,Hades 040,Hades 060—3rd-party Falcon/TT, compatible ,machines manufactured by Medusa Computer Systems
  11. Act on the basis of one's will. He then shows (quite briefly) how they are, compatible ,notions, and have no bad consequences on ethics or moral life. 9. Of the reason
  12. Are no mathematical objects. Nonetheless, some versions of structuralism are, compatible ,with some versions of realism. The argument hinges on the idea that a
  13. Motherboard, powered by a Motorola/Free scale 68060 and its chipset. It is, compatible ,with the original Amiga chipset, which has been inscribed on a programmable
  14. Have the same numeric codes in both sets. This allows UTF-8 to be backward, compatible ,with ASCII, a significant advantage. ASCII control characters ASCII reserves
  15. DS had the distinction of being built on top of SNA, and thereby being fully, compatible ,with DS on the IBM midrange AS/400 and mainframe systems. For the graphical
  16. Operating system that the iPhone uses and many of the same iPhone apps are, compatible ,with the iPad. This gave the iPad a large app catalog on launch even with very
  17. Had believed, but Anselm put forth the opinion that faith and rationalism were, compatible ,and encouraged rationalism in a Christian context. His views set the stage for
  18. 3 compatible Minimum systems with a MC68000 compatible CPU and AmigaOS 4, compatible ,Sam440 and Sam460 systems with PowerPC processors. The name Amiga was chosen by
  19. Three alternative video display adapters to supplement or replace the TRS-80, compatible , video card, ( due to the modular nature of the Aster it was simply a matter of
  20. Without a boot floppy or with a TRS-DOS floppy, the Aster would be fully TRS-80, compatible , with 48 KB or RAM. When the bootloader detected a CP/M floppy, the Aster would
  21. External Disk III floppy disk drives. The Disk III was only officially, compatible ,with the Apple III, although the Apple III was able to use the Apple II's
  22. Only a single set of nonempty sets. Note that strengthened negations may be, compatible ,with weakened forms of AC. For example, ZF + DC + BP is consistent, if ZF is.
  23. Will impose this ideology. (Voluntarism socialism, of course, is completely, compatible ,with anarcho-capitalism. ) Some also argue that human beings are motivated
  24. Of the original TRS-80. A special version of News/80,(an improved TRS-DOS, compatible ,Disk operating system) was used to support these disk capacities when using
  25. Was first introduced the dominant office computing platform was the PC, compatible ,running MS-DOS. The" TOPS Teleconnector" system enabled MS-DOS PCs to
  26. Operating system in a specialized version specific to the ANS. AIX was only, compatible ,with the Network Servers and was not ported to standard Power Macintosh
  27. Reasoning, and,since reason could not run in opposition to God, reason must be, compatible ,with theology. This ran contrary to the commonly held Platonic belief that
  28. Of Apple's App Store; the store provided applications for download that were, compatible ,with the iPhone. On April 24, 2009,the App Store surpassed one billion
  29. A replacement card for the original TRS-80 compatible video card, software, compatible , to the original one, but with added color and very high resolution capabilities
  30. So they require conversion for compatibility. (similarly UCS-2 is upwards, compatible ,with UTF-16) Order ASCII-code order is also called ASCIIbetical order.
  31. Then, the Boeing Ball became one of the most well-known symbols for Amiga and, compatible ,computers. Within the context of this tradition of bouncing ball demos at the
  32. And write Amiga and other special disc formats on standard x86 PCs. * NE2000, compatible , PCMCIA Ethernet cards for Amiga 600 and Amiga 1200 Networking Amiga had three
  33. Of this card was finished. * A replacement card for the original TRS-80, compatible , video card, software compatible to the original one, but with added color and
  34. And three input gates. The input and output levels and operating voltages were, compatible ,between the different gates. Each gate consisted of one inverting vacuum tube
  35. Including associativity of multiplication and distributivity, as well as, compatible ,multiplication by the elements of the field K or the ring R. In some areas of
  36. And in accelerated versions that ran faster than. Although it was not 100 %, compatible ,with the Apple II, it was close, and its popularity ensured that most major
  37. In mathematics, an associative algebra A is an associative ring that has a, compatible ,structure of a vector space over a certain field K or, more generally, of a
  38. Parallel) and RS232c (serial) ports, as well as the standard six Apple II, compatible ,slots. Unlike the Apple II it came with a detached full-stroke keyboard (
  39. A theory was proposed that indicated that the circumstances of his death are, compatible ,with poisoning by water of the river Styx (Mariners) that contained
  40. For their proofs. Contemporary set theorists also study axioms that are not, compatible ,with the axiom of choice, such as the axiom of determinant. Unlike the axiom of
  41. For his analysis of complex proprietary protocols and algorithms, to allow, compatible ,free and open source software implementations. Projects Bridge was a major
  42. For the 80-column display was built into the Apple Die, remaining fairly, compatible ,with the older Videx-style cards, even though the low-level details were very
  43. Regarding whether anarchism and religion are, compatible , This is exemplified when the glorification of the state is viewed as a form of
  44. First released in 1989,ran on IBM PS/2 personal computers with Intel 386 and, compatible ,processors. IBM mainframes In 1988,IBM announced AIX/370,also developed by
  45. The internal memory architecture of the system, to either be 100 % TRS-80, compatible , or optimally support CP/M, with as much" workspace" as possible, and the
  46. The future, but He does know it. God's certainty and human contingency are, compatible , Corporate view of election The majority Arminian view is that election is
  47. But by that time she had already opened her infamous salon, and Arthur was not, compatible ,with the vain, ceremonious ways of the salon. He was also disgusted by the ease
  48. Apparently altruistic behavior were accelerated by the need to produce theories, compatible ,with evolutionary origins. Two related strands of research on altruism have
  49. Tradition of Aristotle, Puffendorf and Hutches on,Smith's teacher, – elements, compatible ,with a neoclassical theory – chanced to the macro-economical view of the
  50. The headphone jack was changed from a recessed jack to a flush jack to be, compatible ,with more styles of headphones. The software capabilities changed as well, with

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