Examples of the the word, directors , in a Sentence Context

The word ( directors ), is the 4889 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. During his five years as an assistant director, Kurosawa worked under numerous, directors , but by far the most important figure in his development was Cairo Yamamoto.
  2. Of astronauts assigned to the support crew, as well as non-astronaut flight, directors ,and their staffs. The support crew members were not trained to fly the mission
  3. Not deserve. *Clem Weather by is a government representative on the board of, directors ,of Haggard Transcontinental. Deign considers him the least bad of the
  4. Veteran directors . After 1953,more films were produced, many of them by young, directors , The Khrushchev Thaw opened Soviet society and allowed, to some degree, Western
  5. Vote to determine the nominees only in their respective categories (i.e. only, directors ,vote for directors , writers for writers, actors for actors, etc.); there are
  6. Flew Apollo 16,the fifth mission to land on the moon. Support crew Flight, directors ,Objective The Apollo 13 mission was to explore the Frey Mauro formation, or Frey
  7. That seemed to suit Aristophanes since he appears to have used these same, directors ,in many later plays as well (Philomaths for example later directed The Frogs
  8. A new project to prove he was still viable. To his aid came friends and famed, directors ,Daisuke Hiroshima, Masaki Kobayashi and On Chicana, who together with
  9. Established their reputations in the early to mid-1970s; and c) other Asian, directors , Ingram Bergman called his own film The Virgin Spring" touristic, a lousy
  10. Co-write all of his own films. He also frequently wrote screenplays for other, directors , This outside scriptwriting would serve Kurosawa as a lucrative sideline
  11. Music. This allowed Tchaikovsky to see films of European, American and Japanese, directors , an experience which influenced his own film making. His teacher and mentor at
  12. Shaw as its first president. In August 1871,Shaw" retired" to the board of, directors ,and Agassiz became president, a position he held until his death. Agassiz was a
  13. night's ceremony was $5. Fifteen statuettes were awarded, honoring artists, directors ,and other personalities of the filmmaking industry of the time for their works
  14. Year. Dan also helped launch the career of two other very successful Hollywood, directors , Victor Fleming, who went on to direct the Wizard of Oz (1939 film) and
  15. And ultimately be assigned as the original Apollo 13 CMP. Support crew Flight, directors ,Call signs After the crew of Apollo 10 named their spacecraft Charlie Brown and
  16. Movies to be so honored. Kurosawa, with producer Spiro Motor and fellow, directors ,and friends Cairo Yamamoto, Mikio Na ruse and Enrich Yamaguchi, formed a new
  17. Credited, perhaps wrongly, with directing The Wasps. ) Aristophanes's use of, directors ,complicates our reliance on the plays as sources of biographical information
  18. Neo-noir stories produced for the Showtime premium cable network in 1993; other, directors ,who worked on the series included Steven Lederberg, Jonathan Kaplan, Peter
  19. The Police General Commander, and the 2nd in command; * The chiefs and, directors ,of the intelligence and security organs. The President is also provided a
  20. Tchaikovsky to see films of the Italian neorealism, French New Wave, and of, directors ,such as Kurosawa, Buñuel, Bergman,Reason, Andrzej Wanda (whose film Ashes
  21. Him. (He was ultimately replaced, for the film's Japanese sequences, with two, directors , Kanji Murasaki and Ohio Masada. ) Torn! Torn! Torn!, finally released to
  22. The early film-making forming only a prelude. The list has also no films or, directors ,from Tarkovsky's native Russia, although he rated Soviet directors such as
  23. Led by the mayor and the 5 elected councilmen as political and administrative, directors , The 6 magistrate departments of the city are the" Mayor's Magistrate ","
  24. 1957. The early Khrushchev era offered unique opportunities for young film, directors , Before 1953,annual film production was low and most films were directed by
  25. Immediately, but instead traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland where he again met the, directors ,of Braidwood. They again refused to teach him their methods. Gallaudet then
  26. 1953,annual film production was low and most films were directed by veteran, directors , After 1953,more films were produced, many of them by young directors . The
  27. Deaf daughter, Alice Cog swell. While in England, Gallaudet hit a roadblock when, directors ,of the Braidwood Schools, who taught the oral method, refused to share their
  28. To Apple as an advisor. On July 9,1997,Gil Amelia was ousted by the board of, directors ,after overseeing a three-year record-low stock price and crippling financial
  29. And CEO John Sculley, who had been hired two years earlier. The Apple board of, directors ,instructed Sculley to" contain" Jobs and limit his ability to launch
  30. Since apparent self-references might have been made on behalf of his, directors ,instead. Thus, for example a statement by the chorus in The Albanians seems to
  31. Teams on Earth rotated in three shifts, each led by a flight director. The, directors ,for Apollo 8 included Cliff Charles worth (Green team),Glynn Tunney (Black
  32. A film each, it has been suggested that the real motivation for the other three, directors ,was to make it easier for Kurosawa to successfully complete a film, and
  33. Charon co-edited the film with Luis Plan. It is somewhat unusual for, directors ,to be credited co-editors, although the Coin Brothers and Robert Rodriguez have
  34. To organize a putsch and called a board meeting at which Apple's board of, directors ,sided with Sculley and removed Jobs from his managerial duties. 1986–1993: Rise
  35. And distribution of all its projects. Board of directors The ASF board of, directors ,has responsibility for overseeing the ASF's activities and acting as a central
  36. To recognize excellence of professionals in the film industry, including, directors , actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is
  37. Cape Kennedy Air Force Station, Florida. Crew Backup crew Support crew Flight, directors ,Mission highlights Apollo 7 was a test flight, and confidence-builder. After
  38. Nominees only in their respective categories (i.e. only directors vote for, directors , writers for writers, actors for actors, etc.); there are some exceptions
  39. No films or directors from Tarkovsky's native Russia, although he rated Soviet, directors ,such as Boris Barnes, Sergei Paradjanov and Alexander Dovzhenko highly.
  40. Club of the Four Knights (Yonks no Kai). Although the plan was for the four, directors ,to create a film each, it has been suggested that the real motivation for the
  41. Rights for the development and distribution of all its projects. Board of, directors ,The ASF board of directors has responsibility for overseeing the ASF's
  42. Self-indulgence. " Worldwide impact Reputation among filmmakers Many celebrated, directors ,have been influenced by Kurosawa and/or have expressed admiration for his work.
  43. Dress up as anime characters. Also, guests from Japan ranging from artists, directors , and music groups are invited. In addition to anime conventions, anime clubs
  44. Theory and how to play certain instruments. His relationship with the board of, directors ,of the Rosedale was often strained. The board had to take a vote every year on
  45. Was added to their mission patch in remembrance of him. Support crew Flight, directors ,Mission parameters LM - CSM docking EVA Original mission profile In April 1966
  46. Room, who taught many film students who would later become influential film, directors , In 1956,Tchaikovsky directed his first student short film, The Killers, from a
  47. Kurosawa, and Woman in the Dunes, by Hiroshi Teshigahara. Among his favorite, directors ,were Bunuel, Mizoguchi, Bergman,Reason, Kurosawa,Michelangelo Antonio
  48. 2011. Prior to this, Apple did not have a chairman and instead had two co-lead, directors , Andrea Jung and Arthur D. Levinson, who continued with those titles. On
  49. S The Hidden Fortress, among other works. Lucas, like many other New Hollywood, directors , revered Kurosawa and considered him a role model, and was shocked to discover
  50. Reputations in the 1950s and early 1960s; b) the so-called" New Hollywood ", directors , that is, American moviemakers who, for the most part, established their

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