Examples of the the word, desperate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( desperate ), is the 4892 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By the Fatherland Front, since it was composed of pro-Nazi circles, in a, desperate ,attempt to hold on to power. On 5 September 1944,the Soviet Union declared war
  2. Now, far too late, Villeroi tried to redeploy his 50 unused squadrons, but a, desperate ,attempt to form line facing south, stretching from Offs to Mont St André
  3. Crew emptying water from the ship and expecting to be capsized, he offered a, desperate ,suggestion to the captain, who ordered it so. Newton turned and said," If this
  4. Children and, as the school closed, Alcott became increasingly financially, desperate , Remaining steadfast to his pedagogy, a forerunner of progressive and
  5. Later it would cover one third of the globe. Poverty in Ireland remained, desperate ,however and industrialization in England led to terrible condition for the
  6. Several months before the opening of the game, when Warsaw Pact forces staged a, desperate ,invasion of Western Europe. As the game begins, a Soviet invasion force lands
  7. These include 1981's Modern Romance, where Brooks played a film editor, desperate ,to win back his ex-girlfriend (Kathryn Harold). The film received a limited
  8. Home, finally having given up the search for his long-lost children. Hysteria, desperate ,to keep him out of the house where his master is bathing, tells the old man
  9. A far more formidable opponent than the old and was only defeated after a, desperate ,struggle involving Austrian victories and large loss of life on both sides. Its
  10. In Syracuse in the battle of Chimera. After defeat in 310 BC he took the, desperate ,resolve of breaking through the blockade and attacking the enemy in Africa. In
  11. 350 wounded — more than half of the battalion — within half an hour. Similarly, desperate ,losses were suffered elsewhere on the front, in a disastrous day for the
  12. Explanations for complex events) and faith in a personal god, and one man's, desperate ,cry for him. In fact, Shestov used the story of Job as a central signifier for
  13. Crews. Beyond the village,Scholten's Danes defeated the French infantry in a, desperate ,hand-to-hand bayonet struggle. When they saw that the center had broken, the
  14. The Malay word megaton, which roughly defined means“ to make a furious and, desperate ,charge” much like the ancient Norse berserker warriors practiced before going
  15. The Chargers from Los Angeles to nearby San Diego. On August 8,1961,the AFL, desperate ,to prove its legitimacy, challenged the Canadian Football League to an
  16. The Gulag Archipelago. The seizing of his novel manuscript first made him, desperate ,and frightened, but gradually he realized that it had set him free from the
  17. Checked at the first battle of Saratoga in September. Burgoyne's situation was, desperate , but he now hoped that help from Howe's army in New York City might be on the
  18. Not know about sexual exploits … I had my degree in erotic lore. " Faced with a, desperate ,need for money, Nin, Miller and some of their friends began in the 1940s to
  19. Abbas II of Persia in 1660 and returned them with gifts. In the year 1688 the, desperate ,Ottoman Sultan Suleiman II urgently requested for assistance against the
  20. Was mired in class divisiveness as its native son, George Washington, made, desperate , appeals for troops. War in the north,1775–1780 Massachusetts Before the war
  21. Will be short-lived, for Ezekiel, Daniel,and Revelation all say that this last, desperate ,attempt to destroy the people and the city of God will end in disaster:" I
  22. For human consumption. Methylated spirits are sometimes used by alcoholics as a, desperate ,and cheap substitute for regular ethanol alcoholic beverages. Willful actions
  23. The main characters have an office in Aberdeen. In one episode Mark Mórrígan is, desperate ,to be put on secondment to Aberdeen to spend some time with his love
  24. To ravage the coast of Ethiopia including the kingdom of the vain Queen. The, desperate ,King consulted the Oracle of Apollo, who announced that no respite would be
  25. Allowed the Pascal family to move to, and enjoy, Paris. But in 1638 Richelieu, desperate ,for money to carry on the Thirty Years' War, defaulted on the government's
  26. Her family to Petrograd (the new name for Saint Petersburg),where they faced, desperate ,conditions, on occasion nearly starving. After the Russian Revolution
  27. Turned towards literature after his financial disaster, motivated in part by a, desperate ,need for money, and brought out his first novel, Vivian Grey, in 1826. Disraeli
  28. However, having completed an expensive war in the Iberian Peninsula, were, desperate , for a competitive edge over other European countries in the quest for trade
  29. Of the total population. Poverty and unemployment in the rural areas forced, desperate ,residents to migrate to Havana, where there were high levels of crime and
  30. Richard was dethroned. According to Adams, against such duplicates Richard's, desperate ,charge was the only knightly behavior on the field. As fellow historian
  31. Of idling away his time with Jackson, conjoined with news of his father's, desperate ,illness as the more immediate and germane causes. The failure left him with a
  32. And fight against the nameless thing he summoned into the world. He takes a, desperate ,gamble; in the old histories, he has found the true name of a dragon which
  33. All efforts to rescue him and his men. In the meantime Columbus, in a, desperate ,effort to induce the natives to continue provisioning him and his hungry men
  34. 80 beds are filled within three days. As the death toll begins to rise, more, desperate , measures are taken. Homes are quarantined, corpses and burials are strictly
  35. His dissatisfaction with McClellan's failure to reinforce Pope, Lincoln was, desperate , and restored him to command of all forces around Washington, to the dismay of
  36. In southern Afghanistan. The Amir had scarcely suppressed it by winning a, desperate ,battle when Abdul Rahman's reappearance in the north was a signal for a mutiny
  37. Made transboundary movement of waste more accessible, and many LDCs were, desperate ,for foreign currency. Consequently, the trade in hazardous waste, particularly
  38. Once-removed Androids I Comments on September 11, 1185. Isaac made a, desperate ,attack on the imperial agents and killed their leader Stephen
  39. The heart of the city's downtown (at Hastings and Carroll). Increasingly, desperate ,times led to intense political organizing efforts, an occupation of the main
  40. And son to force her to perform sexual favors. When Frank leaves, a sad and, desperate ,Dorothy tries to seduce Jeffrey again and demands that he hit her, but when he
  41. In the so called" Museums ", the general situation for Angolans remains, desperate , Politics Angola's motto is Virus Units Portion, a Latin phrase meaning "
  42. Guilty and sentenced him to death. But the examination by torture continued, so, desperate , was Peter to uncover any possible collusion. On 19 June, the weak and ailing
  43. Power sat (2005) - CEO Dan Randolph of Castro Corp. has a dream of providing a, desperate ,world with tons of energy; provided by solar satellites located in re-sync
  44. Be a short term way of acquiring marketable resources and is often favored by, desperate , indebted governments. In other cases, the central bank may try to avoid or defer
  45. The Scots lose the battle, and Wallace nearly loses his life when, in a last, desperate ,act, he furiously breaks ranks and charges toward Longshanks to kill him
  46. Turning the club over to managers later revealed to be dishonest left Wills in, desperate ,financial straits with heavy debts to the IRS for back taxes that caused him to
  47. The colonial forces and to organize the Continental Army. Realizing his army's, desperate ,shortage of gunpowder, Washington asked for new sources. Arsenals were raided
  48. Somewhat restricted. This resulted in Berlin becoming a magnet for East Germans, desperate ,to escape life in the GDR, and also a flash point for tension between the United
  49. Classier brigade to help repel the French cavalry thrust. Despite his own, desperate ,struggle, the Imperial Prince at once complied, demonstrating the high degree
  50. By government authorities. Great Migration and Civil Rights Movement The, desperate ,conditions of African Americans in the South that sparked the Great Migration

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