Examples of the the word, gore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gore ), is the 4894 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. S" The Spectral Horseman" ( 1810) (" Nor a yelling vampire reeking with, gore ,") and" Ballad" in St. Irvine (1811) about a reanimated corpse, Sister
  2. Album of the year despite its very poor production. The band's focus on, gore ,and anatomical decay, lyrically and in sleeve artwork, inspired the go regrind
  3. Models are based on body parts that can each independently sustain damage (, gore ,zones). There are 26 zones in total. A shot to the head with a powerful gun
  4. The first films to use traditionally B movie elements such as horror and mild, gore ,in a big-budget Hollywood film. 1979's Alien combined the naturalistic acting
  5. Мрда. " (On the top of the hill osier moves. ) -"Gore gore ego STO, gore , gore dole. " /"Горе горе горе горе, него што горе доле. " (Up there woods
  6. Walls from their foundations shake: mortal-destroying king, defiled with, gore , pleased with war’s dreadful and tumultuous roar. The human blood, and swords
  7. Found the picture to be well-made, despite what it called the" heavy doses of, gore ,". John McCarty of Cinefantastique stated that the house featured in the film
  8. And outdated, despite attempts to spice up the formula with added nudity and, gore , Although some attempts were made to broaden the range of British horror films
  9. Game to allow death matching over Ethernet, and the combination of violence and, gore ,with fighting friends made death matching in Doom particularly attractive.
  10. Of the play was left intact, with much attention devoted to the violence and, gore , The cast list for this production has been lost. The best known and most
  11. To Christian monks. *"Saint Francis Xavier" is featured in the Japanese, gore ,film, Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl, and is responsible for the death of
  12. Tom Saving. The remake was based on the original screenplay, but included more, gore ,and a revised plot that portrayed Barbra (Patricia Tillman) as a capable and
  13. The film was extremely controversial for its graphic terror, violence,and, gore , being initially turned down by almost all U. S. film distributors until a
  14. 3D: Doom was and remains notorious for its high levels of violence, gore , and satanic imagery, which have generated much controversy from a broad range
  15. Columbia Film Classification Office investigated and decided the violence, gore ,and acts of torture were not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. In a
  16. The United States National Film Registry. Blending psychological insights with, gore , it moved the genre even further away from the gothic horror trends of earlier
  17. Врх брда врба мрда. " (On the top of the hill osier moves. ) -"Gore gore gore , gore ,ego STO gore dole. " /"Горе горе горе горе, него што горе доле. " (
  18. With one of the game's the greatest praises being its graphic depiction of, gore ,and violence, which both proponents and detractors consider to be more
  19. Dead. Another style of comedy horror can also rely on over the top violence and, gore ,such as in Dead Alive (1992),Evil Dead (1981),and Club Dread - such films
  20. Makers, who were forced to prove that the murders were fake. Other than graphic, gore , the film contains several scenes of sexual violence and the genuine deaths of
  21. На врх брда врба мрда. " (On the top of the hill osier moves. ) -"Gore, gore , gore ego STO gore dole. " /"Горе горе горе горе, него што горе доле.
  22. By TBS and Universal Studios. The edited version was heavily cut to reduce, gore , violence and profanity; additionally it featured a narrator during the opening
  23. Well as a Golden Globe nomination. The film is a devastating blend of explicit, gore ,and Broadway tunes. Johnny Depp was nominated for the Best Actor Oscar for the
  24. To remain in the Genesis version (though a code was required to unlock the, gore ,). Nintendo allowed the Super NEW version of Mortal Kombat II to ship
  25. Another trend is the emergence of psychology to scare audiences, rather than, gore , The Others (2001) proved to be a successful example of psychological horror
  26. Known machining film. This short,100-second demo file contained the action and, gore ,of many others, but in the context of a brief story, The Ranger demo emphasized
  27. That deviate from regular grind core, including go regrind, focused on themes of, gore , and porno grind, fixated on pornographic lyrical themes. Other offshoots
  28. Games),a. Controversies Doom is notorious for its high levels of violence, gore , and satanic imagery, which have generated much controversy from a broad range
  29. The horror genre wore itself out with the proliferation of nonstop slasher and, gore ,films in the eighties. Secondly, the adolescent audience which feasted on the
  30. Release of the game, making it non-violent. By contrast, Sega allowed blood and, gore ,to remain in the Genesis version (though a code was required to unlock the
  31. Production Code of America in 1964,the financial successes of the low-budget, gore ,films of the ensuing years, and the critical and popular success of Rosemary's
  32. Character dismembering the other. Because the Sega Genesis version retained the, gore ,while the SNES version did not, it outsold the SNES version by a ratio of
  33. Of all time. Carpenter relied upon taut suspense rather than the excessive, gore ,that would define later slasher films in order to make the menacing nature of
  34. That it managed to be" horrifying without being a bloodbath (you'll see more, gore ,in a Steven Sea gal film) ", Bruce Westbrook of the Houston Chronicle called it
  35. Purchased the distribution rights. Hooper limited the quantity of onscreen, gore ,in hopes of securing a" PG" ( Parental Guidance) rating, but the Motion
  36. Easier to read. There is also considerable debate about the lengthiness and, gore ,of the Eaters segment of the story, as well as its necessity. Many fans find
  37. On the top of the hill osier moves. ) -"Gore gore ego STO gore , gore ,dole. " /"Горе горе горе горе, него што горе доле. " (Up their woods burn
  38. Mixed with the sound of a melon being gouged to add to the" stickiness" or ", gore ," of the effect. If the effect is featured in a close-up, the designer may also
  39. Shock effects and suspense, and in sacrificing everything at the altar of, gore , Carpenter sabotages the drama. The Thing is so single-mindedly determined to
  40. Sexuality in the Horror Film, David Hogan called it" the most affecting, gore ,thriller of all and, in a broader view, among the most effective horror films
  41. Change of one hour is required for each change of longitude by 15°. The 15°, gore , that is offset from GMT or UT1 (not UTC) by twelve hours is bisected by the
  42. Or elements often prevalent in typical horror films include ghosts, torture, gore , werewolves, ancient curses, satanism,demons, vicious animals, vampires
  43. Requirements of the ratings board, director Paul Verboten trimmed blood and, gore ,from the most violent scenes for an R rating. The unrated version is now
  44. States" This classic low budget horror film combines just the right amount of, gore ,and black humor, giving The Evil Dead an equal amount of thrills and laughs. "
  45. Run from the throat to the crown (top) of the envelope, are called gore s or, gore ,sections. Envelopes can have as few as 4 gore s or as many as 24 or more.
  46. Uncut release print a" PG" rating due to its minimal amount of visible, gore , Instead, it was originally rated" X ". After several minutes were cut, it was
  47. Tops responded initially by repainting 13 of the cards to reduce the, gore ,and sexuality, then,following inquiries from a Connecticut district attorney
  48. To surrender. The game also came with password-protected options to disable all, gore ,and there is even a version of the game with the extreme violence permanently
  49. And destroying it. The cards proved popular with children but their explicit, gore ,and implied sexual content caused an outcry, leading the company to halt
  50. На врх брда врба мрда. " (On the top of the hill osier moves. ) -"Gore, gore , gore ego STO gore dole. " /"Горе горе горе горе, него што горе

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