Examples of the the word, protective , in a Sentence Context

The word ( protective ), is the 4400 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of zoo id in which the lophophore is replaced by an extension that serves some, protective ,function, ) consist only of the body wall and funicular strands crossing the
  2. With his other foe, Ged tries to return to the safety of Role, but the magical, protective ,Mage-wind drives away the ship on which he is a passenger. Unsure of where to
  3. Or silica) and chitinous exoskeletons. * A true exoskeleton (that is, protective ,tissue derived from mesoderm) is also present in Echinoderms. Porifera (
  4. Peroxide. Because of its sensitivity to air, samples are generally stored under, protective ,oils. The reaction is violent if barium is powdered. The metal is readily
  5. Required and whether the target is likely to move or quickly improve its, protective ,posture. During World War II UK researchers concluded that for impact fused
  6. With an ultraviolet lamp (usually by placing it on a light box, while using, protective ,gear to limit exposure to ultraviolet radiation). The illuminator apparatus
  7. In a mixture of salts called natron. The body was then wrapped in linen with, protective ,amulets inserted between layers and placed in a decorated anthropoid coffin.
  8. As either a pagan invocation of the powers of these deities, or a Christian, protective ,charm against them. A runic inscription on a fibula found at Bad Ems reflects
  9. To depend on geography. Trials conducted in the UK have consistently shown a, protective ,effect of 60 to 80 %, but those conducted elsewhere have shown no protective
  10. With self-extinguishing versions. * Plumbing and wiring were covered with, protective ,insulation. Thorough protocols were implemented for documenting spacecraft
  11. Cascade involving pro–IL-1β and pro-IL-18. Aspirin was found to have a, protective ,effect on hepatocytes because it led to the" down regulation of proinflammatory
  12. Over about 24 knots (44 km/h) as a battlecruiser, regardless of the amount of, protective ,armor, although the G3 was considered by most to be a well-balanced fast
  13. Decade. Discography Filmography Armour or armor (see spelling differences) is, protective ,covering used to prevent damage from being inflicted to an object, individual
  14. Deity. The name has been extended to many other entities, and the concept of a, protective ,shield is found in other mythologies, while its form varies across sources. Now
  15. Responsibility of members of the museum profession to create and maintain a, protective ,environment for the collections in their care, whether in store, on display, or
  16. Of cognition, consciousness and rigor. The latter effect may be due to either, protective ,effects of fever, or that diagnosis and treatment is sought more rapidly when
  17. S novel Moby-Dick. In other animals Many animals with albinism lack their, protective ,camouflage and are unable to conceal themselves from their predators or prey;
  18. government's commitment to heavy industry and lack of money to spend on, protective ,measures forced it to conceal major environmental hazards, especially when
  19. Environmental movement, some Bulgarian plants have been closed or have added, protective ,measures; the Giorgi plant, however,was planning to expand in 1991. Pollution
  20. Him over the top. Pennsylvania iron interests were reassured by his support for, protective ,tariffs. Lincoln's managers had been adroitly focused on this delegation as
  21. Of funding. In 1876 the Conservative opposition announced a National Policy of, protective ,tariffs, which resonated with voters. When an election was held at the
  22. To regulate the increased oxidative stress. This effect may be to some extent, protective ,against diseases which are associated with oxidative stress, which would
  23. Stress may increase lifespan in the worm Caenorhabditis elegant, by inducing a, protective ,response to increased levels of reactive oxygen species. The suggestion that
  24. A new free trade agreement with the United States, eliminating the high, protective ,tariffs on Canadian goods in US markets. However, this action did not bolster
  25. And his strong support for Whitish programs of internal improvements and the, protective ,tariff. On the third ballot Pennsylvania put him over the top. Pennsylvania
  26. Philosophically, the tank is, by its very nature, an offensive weapon. Being a, protective ,encasement with at least one gun position, it is essentially a pillbox or small
  27. Furthermore, the persistent nature of dioxins, erosion caused by loss of, protective ,tree cover, and loss of seeding forest stock, meant reforestation was difficult
  28. To severe hemorrhage. Although arsenic causes toxicity, it can also play a, protective ,role. Elemental arsenic and arsenic compounds are classified as" toxic" and "
  29. Also reported moderate anxiety. This might indicate that anxiety is a, protective ,mechanism designed to prevent the organism from engaging in potentially harmful
  30. Peculiarities of our Solar System (for example, the presence of Jupiter as a, protective ,shield) may have greatly increased the probability of intelligent life arising
  31. Since the previously useless and exposed organ is sealed with a flap of, protective ,skin Another likely explanation for the loss of its eyes is that of selective
  32. Or" Crimson" desert of the modern Arabs, which is held to be inhabited by, protective ,evil spirits and monsters of death. Of this desert many strange and
  33. Damage from deep needling in the low back. Haemopericardium, or puncture of the, protective ,membrane surrounding the heart, which may occur with needling over a sternal
  34. Other insects, ants have an exoskeleton, an external covering that provides a, protective ,casing around the body and a point of attachment for muscles, in contrast to
  35. Is commonly used for shop glasses, shooting glasses, and many other examples of, protective ,eyewear. Other initiatives *In 2008 ANSI, in partnership with Citation
  36. In the first 10–15 seconds of fire,i.e. the time needed to react and improve, protective ,posture, however,this is less relevant if air burst is used. There are several
  37. Of the shield appearing on the garment. It originally was derived from the, protective ,shield associated with a religious figure when related in myths and images. The
  38. Railroads, and internal improvements and espoused urbanization as well as, protective ,tariffs. In 1846,Lincoln was elected to the U. S. House of Representatives
  39. Is full of materials for them to use and with the skills of both men and women, protective ,garments were made out of materials on both land and sea and nothing was wasted
  40. At the public reception where he was assassinated. United States Secret Service, protective ,agents receive training in the psychology of assassins. Audio CD is an umbrella
  41. The area of the evolution of animal coloration in general and the concept of, protective ,coloration in particular. It was also part of a life-long disagreement Wallace
  42. 1920). In 1922,the Deutsche Schulman of Vienna, an ethnic nationalist ", protective ," organization of Germans within the Austrian empire, printed membership stamps
  43. Effective in preventing tuberculosis for a duration of 15 years; however, its, protective , effect appears to vary according to geography. History The history of BCG is
  44. In Betsy Tobin's novel Iceland, where the necklace is seen to have significant, protective ,powers. In mathematics, the Bork–Slam theorem, named after Stanislav Slam and
  45. The East German government claimed that the Wall was an" anti-fascist, protective ,rampart" () intended to dissuade aggression from the West. Another official
  46. As EOS did),but was tricked into killing him by her brother Apollo, who was ", protective ," of his sister's maidenhood. The Cloacae These twin sons of Iphigenia and
  47. Create a smooth surface which can be buffed to a high shine and also acts as a, protective ,layer against sunlight. FRP structures can be made stiffer with sandwich panels
  48. Glass window to prevent it from shattering. This launch showed that additional, protective ,measures were necessary to protect structures in the immediate vicinity. Future
  49. And algae stop is usually taken to be the presence of reproductive organs with, protective ,cell layers, a characteristic not found in the other alga groups. Symbiotic
  50. The protection provided by a high religious authority or the holder of a, protective ,shield signifying the same, such as a bag-like garment that contained a shield.

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