Examples of the the word, d , in a Sentence Context

The word ( d ), is the 1452 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. An d the following are equivalent: * d satisfies the ultrametric inequality’ d ,(x, y ) \LEQ \max ( d (x, z ), d (y, z )) for all x, y,z in F. * v (a)
  2. Domain of f an d d is any real number between f (a) an d f (b),then f (c), d , for some c between a an d b. To see this, let F be an anti d erivative of f an d
  3. Of 6s orbitals relative to 5 d orbitals (by comparison to correspon d ing s an d d ,electrons in lighter elements in the same column of the perio d ic table); this
  4. Equation (3) an d use of the i d eal gas law, P V = n R T, yiel d s: \text \squa d , d ,U = \alpha n R \, d T = \alpha \, d (P V) = \alpha (P \, d V + V \, d P).
  5. Integration):: :\int_ex \int_^ \ d ots \int_^ f (x_n) \, d x_n \ d ots \, d x_2\, d ,x_1= \int_ex f (t) \franc\, d t. Anti d erivative of non-continuous functions
  6. D, an d E be locate d at A (0,0),B (a,0),C (b, e ), D (c, f ), an d E= (, d , g). Using the mi d point formula, the points F, G,H, I,X, an d Y are locate d
  7. Between two points (x1,y1) an d (x2,y2) is d efine d by the formula:’ d ,= \sort, \! Which can be viewe d as a version of the Pythagorean theorem.
  8. To the previous year. Mohame d Ben Ali El Abbey, presi d ent of the Council’ d ,a d ministration of the emirate group EM AAR, presente d five" megaprojects" to
  9. An d contains a maximum of two electrons. The simple names s orbital, p orbital’ d ,orbital an d f orbital refer to orbitals with angular momentum quantum number l
  10. D (P V) = \alpha (P \, d V + V \, d P). Equation (4) is often expresse d as’ d ,U = n C_ \, d T because C_ = \alpha R. Now substitute equations (2) an d (4)
  11. Floating point algol68 test: (real a, b,c, d ; print (( RPG," Enter’ d ,:" )); rea d ( d ); for step from 0 while a: step print (all); b: = sin (a
  12. Gas law, P V = n R T, yiel d s: \text \squa d d U = \alpha n R \, d T = \alpha \, d ,(P V) = \alpha (P \, d V + V \, d P). Equation (4) is often expresse d as d
  13. By d (a, b ) = v (a − b),is a metric an d the following are equivalent: *, d ,satisfies the ultrametric inequality d (x, y ) \LEQ \max ( d (x, z ), d (y
  14. Delta Q=0. Then, accor d ing to the first law of thermo d ynamics, : \text \squa d , d ,U + \ d elta W \ d elta Q 0,where Du is the change in the internal energy of the
  15. T" as in" tiger," an d the () letter is pronounce d like the letter ", d ," as in" d evelop. " There is no precise linguistic bor d er between one d ialect
  16. Wave function d ensity) at the center of the nucleus. All other orbitals (p, d , f, etc.) have angular momentum, an d thus avoi d the nucleus (having a wave
  17. Relations as the generators of the d - d imensional rotation group SO (, d ,). SO (3) has the same Lie algebra (i.e. the same commutation relations)
  18. The large granary an d threshing-floor (a),mills (c),malt house (, d ,). Facing the west are the stables (e),ox-she d s (f),goat stables (GL
  19. To cubic harmonics, in fact it is possible to generate sets where all the’ d ,'s are the same shape, just like the PX, py, an d PA are the same shape.
  20. Outsi d e our galaxy) the luminosity d istance DL must be use d instea d of’ d ,(in parsecs). Given the absolute magnitu d e M\! \, you can also compute
  21. 2 Ex D 63; Re Stephen Election Pen, Isaacson v Durant (1886) 17 QED 54); (, d ,) A legal obe d ience, where a particular law requires the taking of an oath of
  22. Of characters—it is calle d a minimal d escription of s. Then the length of’ d ,(s)—i.e. the number of characters in the d escription—is the Kolmogorov
  23. Use of Christ's Wor d s of Institution, an d of the elements or d aine d by Him.: (, d ,) The Historic Episcopate, locally a d apte d in the metho d s of its a d ministration
  24. V’ d = \franc which d efines the Abbé number with respect to the yellow Fraunhofer’ d ,(or D3) helium line at 587.5618 nm wavelength. It can also be d efine d at the
  25. Integration):: :\int_ex \int_^ \ d ots \int_^ f (x_n) \, d x_n \ d ots \, d ,x_2\, d x_1= \int_ex f (t) \franc\, d t. Anti d erivative of non-continuous
  26. Group SO (3). This is why J always satisfies these commutation relations. In’ d , d imensions, the angular momentum will satisfy the same commutation relations as
  27. Twice by Pisistratus: all attempts d irecte d at seizing political power by coups’ d ,' eat. Nevertheless, it seems that a nine-gate wall, the Enneapylon, ha d been
  28. For an arbitrary fiel d . If v is an absolute value on F, then the function’ d ,on F × F, d efine d by d (a, b ) = v (a − b),is a metric an d the following
  29. From the total number of electrons which occupy a complete set of s, p, d , an d f atomic orbitals, respectively. Intro d uction With the d evelopment of
  30. It is also use d to enumerate a list in the same manner that a, b,c, d ,etc. are use d in the English language. Etymology The name" Ahea d " () d erives
  31. More general notion of a d istance function as follows: A real value d function’ d ,on a set X × X is calle d a d istance function (or a metric) on X, if it
  32. D satisfies the ultrametric inequality d (x, y ) \LEQ \max ( d (x, z ), d ,(y, z )) for all x, y,z in F. * v (a) \LE 1 \Right arrow v (1+a) \LE 1
  33. Each with shapes more complex than those of the d -orbitals. For each s, p, d , f an d g set of orbitals, the set of orbitals which composes it forms a
  34. Are equivalent: * d satisfies the ultrametric inequality d (x, y ) \LEQ \max (, d ,(x, z ), d (y, z )) for all x, y,z in F. * v (a) \LE 1 \Right arrow v (
  35. Available to the programmer. Floating point algol68 test: (real a, b,c, d ,; print (( RPG," Enter d :" )); rea d ( d ); for step from 0 while a: step
  36. Phonemes an d consi d ere d separate single letters) woul d follow the letters’ d , e, g,l, n,r, t,x an d z respectively. Nor is, in a d ictionary of English
  37. b) there are a few witnesses, c ) the speaker has no integrity’ d ,) the speaker is overly hesitant or bol d , or e) the speaker is known to have
  38. Speakers pronounce () as an aspirate d " t" as in" tiger ", ( ) like the ", d ," in" d evelop ", an d () as an aspirate d voiceless stop, soun d ing somewhere
  39. Are oriente d to each of the six primary d irections of 3-D space; for the 5’ d , orbitals,there are a total of 18 lobes, in which again six point in primary
  40. Value property. That is, if a, b is a subinterval of the d omain of f an d d ,is any real number between f (a) an d f (b),then f (c) d for some c
  41. P \, d V + V \, d P). Equation (4) is often expresse d as d U = n C_ \, d ,T because C_ = \alpha R. Now substitute equations (2) an d (4) into equation
  42. Algol68 test: (real a, b,c, d ; print (( RPG," Enter d :" )); rea d (, d ,); for step from 0 while a: step print (all); b: = sin (a); c: = cos (a)
  43. The Kolmogorov complexity of s, written K (s). Symbolically, : K (s) = |, d ,(s) |. \qua d We now consi d er how the choice of d escription language affects
  44. The d ifferent kin d s of falcons; c) the way of preparing them for the hunt; an d d ,) the cures for sick an d woun d e d falcons. His scholarly legacy justifies his
  45. Its d istinct letter shapes. For example, a comma-shape d letter represente d g, d , y, k,or j. However, such apparent simplifications can perversely make a
  46. 6 primary axes. A d d itionally, as is the case with the s orbitals, in d ivi d ual p, d , f an d g orbitals with n values higher than the lowest possible value, exhibit
  47. The program function GenerateFixe d String () return s If a d escription of s’ d ,(s),is of minimal length—i.e. it uses the fewest number of characters—it is
  48. Area in Bunhill-row, while meantime Clari d ge's Whitehall paving" continue (, d ,) in goo d or d er ". In d ee d , in 1838,there was a flurry of entrepreneurial
  49. Fiel d . If v is an absolute value on F, then the function d on F × F, d efine d by’ d ,(a, b ) = v (a − b),is a metric an d the following are equivalent: * d
  50. Fun d amental) mo d e of the wave. As with s orbitals, this phenomenon provi d es p, d , f, an d g orbitals at the next higher possible value of n (for example,3p

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