Examples of the the word, resident , in a Sentence Context

The word ( resident ), is the 1471 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. There were approx. 900,000 (approx. 27 %) persons with a migrant background, resident ,in Berlin. However, there are significant differences in the distribution of
  2. On August 28,Name and Ahmed Al-Hamdani reportedly bothered a Delray Beach, resident , Maria Si scar Simpson, to let them through her apartment to retrieve a towel
  3. S experts on the economics of illegal drugs. " He is also a senior fellow and, resident ,faculty member at the Ludwig on Miles Institute. * Jeffrey Tucker: editorial
  4. Cardinals and NBC broadcast legend Joe Parabola, Sr., a longtime Phoenix-area, resident ,and father of Joe Parabola, Jr., the first GM of the Diamondbacks (as head of
  5. Would become Mexico, attempting to wrest Belize for Spain, and a small force of, resident ,woodcutters called Laymen, who fought for their livelihood assisted by black
  6. Byre Hills, Fife,Scotland) On 8 November 1576,midwife Bessie Dunlop, resident ,in Dairy, Scotland,was accused of sorcery and witchcraft. She answered her
  7. Daytime population to 676,431. This is an increase of 62.4 % over Atlanta's, resident ,population, making it the largest gain in daytime population in the country
  8. Charles Lee Tilde, for whom Tilde Regional Park is named, was a longtime, resident ,of Alameda. Tilde Way at the southeast end of the city is named for him. *
  9. Target was Senator Ted Kennedy, parodied as" Senator O. Noble Gesture,", resident ,of" Hyideelsport. " The town name is a play on Hyannisport, Massachusetts
  10. Raided Site Arc in Damian City. On their way out, the kidnappers shot dead a, resident , Jacinto Clemente. The kidnappers are still holding Chavez, Estrella said the
  11. Of ethnicities in Hawaii and the history of the Chinese influence in Hawaii, resident ,Chinese cuisine forms a component of the cuisine of Hawaii, which is a fusion
  12. In 1940 for mere pennies on the dollar of their original cost. Today, Alameda, resident , Michael Chess seeks to preserve some historic artifacts from the
  13. John Danielle, musician from indie rock band The Mountain Goats; former Ames, resident ,* David M. Dobson, creator of Snood video game; grew up in Ames * Charles W. "
  14. Of memory and available disk space, whereas the early microcomputers had no, resident ,editors, limited memory and often substituted recordable audio tapes for disk
  15. The campaign for the better. Controversy During the election, Sharron Store,a, resident ,of Birmingham, criticised Prime Minister Tony Blair in front of television
  16. Could not be arranged, and Hasan Ali Shah was forced to remain a permanent, resident ,of India. While in India, Hasan Ali Shah continued his close relationship with
  17. An Act Concerning Aliens; ch. 58,) authorized the p resident to deport any, resident ,alien considered" dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States. " It
  18. On recent interviews with Mohamad Kamal Elzahabi, a Lebanese citizen, US, resident , and green card holder, who has been held without charge in the USA since 2003.
  19. Thomas Woods: American historian and New York Times-bestselling author, now, resident , scholar and senior faculty member of the Ludwig on Miles Institute, member of
  20. Of the Gets, battles three antagonists: Grendel, who has been attacking the, resident ,warriors of the mead hall of Hrothgar (the king of the Danes),Grendel's
  21. Poetry of Cyril of Tu raw is representative. By the 16th century, Polotsk, resident ,Francis Karina translated the Bible into Belarusian. It was published in
  22. Surrounding counties were mostly established within the next two decades. The, resident ,Black population listed in January of this same year was 176. The fear of
  23. War stranded him in New Guinea. As a subject of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, resident ,on a British colonial possession, he was effectively confined to New Guinea for
  24. Characters and attractions from L. Frank Baum's" Wizard of Oz ". Baum was a, resident ,of Aberdeen in the 1880s,but left after the failure of the newspaper he was
  25. Earlier than the men. Most of the Alemannic were probably at the time in fact, resident ,in or close to the borders of Germania Superior. Although Did is the earliest
  26. 8 days after first dose,24 hours after rash began. Diagnosed by a pediatric, resident ,at local university hospital. Image: Amoxicillin rash 11 hours after 17th dose.
  27. Cases more. The non-citizen component of the population was divided between, resident ,foreigners (metrics) and slaves, with the latter perhaps somewhat more
  28. River being successfully navigated in 1853 by Francis Ca dell, an Adelaide, resident , South Australia became a self-governing colony in 1856 with the ratification
  29. Branches, each of which consists of local branches which any Australian, resident ,can join, plus affiliated trade unions. Individual members pay a membership fee
  30. New monumental standards for civic architecture and greatly increased the, resident ,population. " Tswana continued to absorb cultures rather than eradicate them.
  31. Allow resident s in their homes to use force when ejecting an intruder. The, resident ,merely needs to assert to the court that he felt threatened by the intruder's
  32. Maxwell (1886) 2 TLR 790; Falcon v Famous Players Film Co 1926 2 KB 474). A, resident ,alien owed allegiance even when the protection of the Crown was withdrawn owing
  33. Was due by an alien while in the protection of the Crown. All friendly, resident ,aliens incurred all the obligations of subjects (The Angelique (1801) 3 Ch
  34. Was a cheerleader * Shirley Temple Black, actress and former U. S. ambassador, resident ,* Steve Bye, MLB player for the Minnesota Twins, Milwaukee Brewers, and the
  35. Group as a whole. For example, the Costa Book Awards are awarded to authors, resident ,in the UK or Ireland. The Man Booker Prize is awarded to authors from the
  36. Eugene Meany of Toronto, Canada,is said to be Barbados' richest permanent, resident , It has been reported that the year 2006 would have been one of the busiest
  37. The books - the ruling family of Amber, known as the Elder Americas - or a, resident ,of the Courts. However, since some feel that being the children of the main
  38. Marin Santa). In 1610 Pietro Della Value found a Scot, George Astrakhan, resident ,at Ana (to study Arabic) as physician to the Amir (i. 671-681). In 1835
  39. Rebels Alliance Tactics () was a Greek military writer of the 2nd century, resident ,at Rome. Aelian's military treatise in fifty-three chapters on the tactics of
  40. EU nationals may only vote in local and European Parliament elections while, resident ,in either the UK or Ireland. In 2008,a UK Ministry of Justice report
  41. Of Limb ang, Brunei finally became a British protectorate in 1888,receiving a, resident ,in 1906. In the post-occupation years, it formalized a constitution and fought
  42. Palace at Attach was rebuilt in Baroque style. Jewish families were, resident ,in Attach from at least the end of the 18th century. They set up a Jewish
  43. Office an ordained woman can be appointed to. A dean is a priest who is chief, resident ,cleric of a cathedral or other collegiate church and the head of the chapter of
  44. And oppression in East Berlin, as expressed in the private thoughts of one, resident , who confided to her diary" Our lives have lost their spirit…we can do nothing
  45. Not Greek at all, but Thracian. As Athens attracted an increasing number of, resident ,aliens (metrics),this shift in the definition of citizen worked to keep the
  46. Side effects of isoniazid. In 1952,before Lure and Salver, Delay,with the, resident ,Jean-Francois Bison, reported the positive effect of isoniazid on depressed
  47. Theater Austin has a strong theater culture, with dozens of itinerant and, resident ,companies producing a variety of work. The city also has live performance
  48. Academic work on Basque in 1852. A speaker of both Solution and Saurian,a, resident ,of Lauri, Abbadie considered himself a Basque from Sole. The popularity of
  49. Alien Enemies; ch. 66,) authorized the p resident to apprehend and deport, resident ,aliens if their home countries were at war with the United States of America.
  50. Preferred to Americano for U. S. nationals; the latter tends to refer to any, resident ,of the Americas and not necessarily from the United States. In Portuguese

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