Examples of the the word, emperor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( emperor ), is the 5467 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of a new governor in 139,Quintus Lollies Prices. Under instructions from the, emperor , he undertook an invasion of southern Scotland, winning some significant
  2. The Lion Capital of Ashoka. Biography Early life Ashoka was born to the Mauryan, emperor ,Industry and his queen, Dharmā or Dharma. Ashokāvadāna states that his mother
  3. Walls of Ankara Castle. The Column of Julian which was erected in honor of the, emperor ,'s visit to the city in 362 still stands today. In 375,Arian bishops met at
  4. Author Erosion in the 4th century AD. Konstantinos Porphyrogennetos, the fourth, emperor ,of the Macedonian dynasty of the Byzantine Empire in the 9th century AD
  5. A simplicity of a Buddhist monk. Because of these reasons he is known as the, emperor ,of all ages and thus became a milestone in the History of the world. Ashoka
  6. And was one of the witnesses to his will in 814. Gilbert was the Homer of the, emperor ,'s literary circle, and was the probable author of an epic, of which the
  7. Of rhetoric and philosophy. Antoninus made few initial changes when he became, emperor , leaving intact as far as possible the arrangements instituted by Hadrian.
  8. 325 – Crown Prince Jin Chengdu, age 4,succeeds his father Jin Mind as, emperor ,of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. * 527 – Byzantine Emperor Justin I names his nephew
  9. Discourse. Contributions Global spread of Buddhism Ashoka, now a Buddhist, emperor , believed that Buddhism is beneficial for all human beings as well as animals
  10. S Gate by the Bulgarians under the Comitopuli Samuel and Aron. The Byzantine, emperor ,Basil II narrowly escaped. *1807 – Robert Fulton's North River Steamboat
  11. Relics left by Ashoka. Made of sandstone, this pillar records the visit of the, emperor ,to Sarah, in the 3rd century BC. It has a four-lion capital (four lions
  12. Known as Caesar, and was the metropolis of Militia Second. Rebuilt by the, emperor ,Justin I after an earthquake, it became Justinopolis (525); but the old
  13. Of Final is an upcoming film based on the life of Final, the son of the Indian, emperor ,Ashoka. The movie will be directed by Chandraprakash Dived. Footnotes The
  14. Or a steady source of income. Vivaldi died a pauper not long after the, emperor , on the night between 27 and 28 July 1741 at the age of 63,of" internal
  15. Unknown village of Lippi, near Ankara, and suffered repression under the, emperor ,Trajan (98-117). In the 280s AD we hear of Philumenos, a Christian corn
  16. Ever needed his counsel. Alcuin died on 19 May 804,some ten years before the, emperor , and was buried at St. Martin’s Church under an epitaph that partly read:
  17. Of Hermes ", covering all fields of knowledge. Many writings were lost when the, emperor ,Diocletian ordered the burning of alchemical books after suppressing a revolt
  18. Of the Arians proved a formidable task for Ambrose. In 385 Theodosius I,the, emperor ,of the East, espoused the cause of Justina, and regained the kingdom.
  19. Opus 9,La Petra, was dedicated to Emperor Charles VI. In 1728,Vivaldi met the, emperor ,while he was visiting Trieste to oversee the construction of a new port.
  20. On Japan's prime minister, Kantaro Suzuki. * 1945 – Pay, the last Chinese, emperor ,and ruler of Manchu, is captured by Soviet troops. *1946 – Mass riots in
  21. Rather than a province of the Empire, it became part of each succeeding, emperor ,'s patrimonial. Instead of a legate or proconsul, Augustus installed a prefect
  22. And hippopotamus. While this increased Antoninus’s popularity, the frugal, emperor ,had to debase the Roman currency. He decreased the silver purity of the
  23. Trees in his empire and his neighboring countries. Ashoka was perhaps the first, emperor ,in human history to ban slavery, hunting,fishing and deforestation. Ashoka
  24. And three of his sons, the queen mother, Baldwin,count of Flanders and, emperor ,of Constantinople, the duke of Burgundy, and six lords, visited the abbey, the
  25. Him the promise that he would withdraw from Italy and negotiate peace with the, emperor , To advance on Rome would have required supplies which were not available in
  26. Japanese. His first lecture in Tokyo lasted four hours, after which he met the, emperor ,and empress at the Imperial Palace where thousands came to watch. Einstein
  27. Subcontinent. It is very important in dating the consecration of the Maurya, emperor ,Ashoka. Dipavamsa -The Dipavamsa, or " Deepavamsa ", ( i.e., Chronicle of the
  28. In three arduous campaigns, the first two of which were conducted by the, emperor ,himself while the third was directed by Manuel Comments (great-uncle of
  29. Collection of about 8000 life-sized ceramic soldiers and horses buried with the, emperor , The figures had their separate body parts manufactured by different workshops
  30. Choudhury, who introduced Ginsberg to the three fishes with one head of Indian, emperor ,Aladdin Mohammad Akbar. The three fishes symbolized coexistence of all
  31. S record by hitting his 756th home run. Births * 317 – Constantius II, Roman, emperor , ( d. 361) *1282 – Princess Elizabeth of Huddle (d. 1316) *1533 – Alonso de
  32. Hesitation. However, Ambrose feared the consequences and prevailed upon the, emperor ,to have the matter determined by a council of the Western bishops. Accordingly
  33. Antagonistic and resulted in several rebellions. According to Suetonius,the, emperor ,Tiberius expelled from Rome Jews who had gone to live there. The 18th century
  34. Probably delayed, forcing Vivaldi to gather an improvised collection for the, emperor , Accompanied by his father, Vivaldi traveled to Vienna and Prague in 1730
  35. Completed in 1880. ) *1261 – Michael VIII Palaeologus is crowned Byzantine, emperor ,in Constantinople. *1309 – The city of Rhodes surrenders to the forces of the
  36. Falls on the twenty-fourth. In China the symbolic sloughing of the earth by the, emperor ,and princes of the blood took place in their third month, which frequently
  37. I exit"—referring to the play-acting and regal authority that he had put on as, emperor , Publicly, though,his last words were," Behold, I found Rome of clay, and
  38. Led by Hugo of Montana in 1519 were also pushed back. In 1541,Charles V, emperor ,of the Holy Roman Empire, attacked Algiers with a convoy of 65 warships,451
  39. The age of Ashoka was the age of light and delighted. He was the first, emperor ,in human history who has taught the lesson of unity, peace,equality and love.
  40. Augustus (;; 23 September 63 BC – 19 August AD 14) is considered the first, emperor ,of the Roman Empire, which he ruled alone from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD.
  41. Carolingian's to the chief chaplain of the king, or military chaplain of the, emperor , It even came to be adopted by purely secular officials. Thus, the chief
  42. Gothic barbarians across the Danube, a mission favored for political reasons by, emperor ,Constantius II. Fulfills' initial success in converting this Germanic people to
  43. After their peak) royal regalia. The desired effect was to confirm the Han, emperor ,'s Heavenly Mandate through the continuity offered by his possession of these
  44. HTML 78.13.4) portrays the Alemannic as victims of this treacherous, emperor , They had asked for his help, says Did, but instead he colonized their country
  45. The Senate, install new emperor s, and depose ones they disliked; the last, emperor ,they served was Mauritius, as it was Constantine I who disbanded them in the
  46. Roman law many important new principles based upon this notion. In this,the, emperor ,was assisted by five chief lawyers: L. Julius Burning Valets, an author of
  47. Living with his children in a house surrounded by pleasant gardens near the, emperor ,'s palace. The reference to Bertha, however,is distant and respectful, her
  48. Historical drama. It is a largely fictional version of the life of the Indian, emperor ,Ashoka. The film was directed by Santosh Sivan and stars Shark Khan as
  49. By Alp Asian. The sultan proposed terms of peace, which were rejected by the, emperor , and the two forces met in the Battle of Manifest. The Human mercenaries among
  50. Or clues about his personal life. Many consider Augustus to be Rome's greatest, emperor ,; his policies certainly extended the Empire's life span and initiated the

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