Examples of the the word, loading , in a Sentence Context

The word ( loading ), is the 5469 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. By the desert dwellers. Camels are not only useful for transportation and, loading ,purposes, but its skin and wool are also quite worthwhile. Camel wool is spun
  2. The main deck, the cockpit creates a hump. The raised cockpit is to allow front, loading ,of cargo on freight variants. The 747 has multiple structural redundancy
  3. Vector also contains bindings for external procedures. This makes dynamic, loading ,of compilation units very simple to achieve. Instead of relying on the link
  4. 400 Million US$. From April to November the Baku Port is accessible for ships, loading ,cargoes for direct voyages from Western European and Mediterranean ports. The
  5. Ladle. The second soldier on the left tasked with providing 50 bullets. Before, loading , the cannon would be cleaned with a wet sponge to extinguish any smoldering
  6. Airliners, it was to be designed from the ground-up as a combat transport with, loading ,from a ramp at the rear of the fuselage. This innovation for military cargo
  7. 33 CH-46As were upgraded to CH-46Ds. The CH-46 has a cargo bay with a rear, loading ,ramp that could be removed or left open in flight for extended cargo or for
  8. Would load programs into main memory in exactly the same way as if it were, loading ,from tape. This meant that programs did not need to be modified for their new
  9. 6502 microprocessors running at, of RAM, an audio cassette interface for, loading ,programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built
  10. Enzymes lack transition metals. Typically, organic catalysts require a higher, loading ,(amount of catalyst per unit amount of reactant, expressed in MOL % amount of
  11. December 1994,a fire broke out in a Ford Escort car whilst its owner had been, loading ,it is on to the upper deck of a tourist shuttle. The fire started at approximately
  12. These characteristics result in a unique stability under conditions of thermal, loading , Nuclear properties Beryllium has a large scattering cross-section for
  13. Pin. Since that time, a few mortars have become rifled and adopted breech, loading , There are other recognized typifying characteristics for artillery. First the
  14. Field lines" drape" around the comet forming the ion tail. If the ion tail, loading ,is sufficient, then the magnetic field lines are squeezed together to the point
  15. Shuttles. HGV shuttles also have two halves, with each half containing one, loading ,wagon, one un loading wagon and 14 carrier wagons. There is a club car behind
  16. System scripts for Bash which violate the documented script load order (by, loading ,scripts too early or attempting to combine Bash startup with the startup
  17. Power-Fast Epoxy Adhesive used in the installation was designed for short-term, loading , such as wind or earthquake loads, not long-term loading , such as the weight of
  18. Function they are designed for (to be serviceable). Due to the nature of some, loading ,conditions, sub-disciplines within structural engineering have emerged
  19. From the electricity supply contamination problems arising from EMI, and supply, loading ,issues due to energy being taken from only the positive half cycle of the mains
  20. Requires a certain amount of time for doing the administration - saving and, loading ,registers and memory maps, updating various tables and list etc. When to switch
  21. Physical stresses may also cause the separation of surfaces. When subjected to, loading , deboning may occur at different locations in the adhesive joint. The major
  22. Discouraged the copying or modifying of the software on the disks and improved, loading ,speed. Apple DOS was superseded by ProDOS, which supported a hierarchical
  23. Because of their multi-charge capability, their ammunition is mostly separate, loading ,(the projectile and propellant are loaded separately). That leaves six
  24. Service was initially compatible with ON digital and ITV Digital boxes, though, loading , speeds were slower than newer Free view boxes. Page numbers were introduced in
  25. Trigger an interrupt but will halt any running BASIC program, or terminate the, loading ,or saving of data to cassette tape. An interrupted BASIC program can usually be
  26. Passenger Thirty-one Eurostar trains—based on the French TGV—built to UK, loading ,gauge, and with many modifications for safety within the tunnel, were
  27. In 1887 as the company concentrated on producing the Lee-Metford magazine, loading ,rifle for the War Office which was re-equipping the British Army with it. The
  28. The Soviets had removed the missile systems and their support equipment, loading ,them onto eight Soviet ships from November 5–9. A month later, on December 5
  29. This distinction is useful when interactively evaluating, compiling and, loading ,code in a live image. Some features are also provided to help writing compilers
  30. Is installed near the aft doors, allowing for faster meal service and ground, loading , Subsequently adopted for all new-build 767s,the Signature Interior features
  31. Is removed from the diet, and diuretics may be introduced, while carbohydrate, loading ,to increase the size of the muscles through replenishment of their glycogen.
  32. For short-term loading , such as wind or earthquake loads, not long-term, loading , such as the weight of a panel. Powers Fasteners, the makers of the adhesive
  33. Reported, it can take weeks for it to begin to appear - this is known as the ", loading ,time," the time required to saturate the palladium electrode with hydrogen.
  34. time-consuming basement construction period from the critical path. *Wind, loading ,is another major design criterion in Hong Kong as it is situated in an area
  35. Would eliminate one or more helicopter landing areas, this flat deck limits the, loading ,of USMC Harriers but is somewhat mitigated by the longer rolling start provided
  36. Protein. It has been reported that this process is safe in regard to bacteria, loading ,by heating the chicken litter to prior to consumption. There are, however
  37. Disk of a flexible magnetic storage medium. Floppies are used today mainly for, loading ,device drivers not included with an operating system release (for example
  38. Conveyor systems Steam powered conveyor lifts began being used for, loading ,and un loading ships some time in the last quarter of the 19th century.
  39. EVA pads, bolted into concrete was chosen. The larger European GB+, loading ,gauge was used rather than one of the smaller UK alternatives; this gauge is
  40. The breech itself providing all the sealing. This is called 'BL" or 'breech, loading ,' by some nations. A second characteristic is the form of propulsion. Basically
  41. System was known as the" Kick start" ). The WCS was write-protected after, loading , and system resets did not require a reload of the WCS. In Europe the WCS was
  42. By its manufacturer to be capable of destroying concrete blocks and, loading ,pallets. Broken in fiction Broken are used in various types of entertainment
  43. System (ignition coil or spark coil) of internal-combustion engines. * A, loading ,coil is, in electronics, a coil (inductor) inserted in a circuit to increase
  44. In response, Kennedy issued Security Action Memorandum 199,authorizing the, loading ,of nuclear weapons onto aircraft under the command of SAC EUR (which had the
  45. Goods Vehicle (HGV) wagons are not covered, fire sensors are located on the, loading ,wagon and in the tunnel itself. A water main in the service tunnel provides
  46. Microprocessor running at 1 MHz,4 KB of RAM, an audio cassette interface for, loading ,programs and storing data, and the Integer BASIC programming language built
  47. The round and propellant, similar to a modern rifle cartridge. This simplifies, loading ,and is necessary for very high rates of fire. Bagged propellant allows the
  48. Backs with stamps that indicated where the bricks came from and who made them, loading ,the kilns with fuel (likelier wood than coal),stacking the bricks in the
  49. The same mnemonic MOV refers to a family of related opcodes to do with, loading , copying and moving data, whether these are immediate values, values in
  50. The stacking of charges by the gun crews in the handling rooms to speed up, loading ,of the guns. The United States Navy in 1939 had quantities of Cordite N (a

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