Examples of the the word, thorough , in a Sentence Context

The word ( thorough ), is the 4401 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Work was, Il Esso DAL punt DI vista statistics (1908). This work is a, thorough ,review of the natal sex ratio, looking at past theories and at how new
  2. Holy month of Ramadan with children's blood," he said. " Whoever wants a more, thorough ,explanation, let him ask what used to happen to some children in Europe, whose
  3. A signatory who has not yet ratified the treaty, has produced one of the most, thorough ,implementation programs through species Recovery Programs and other mechanisms
  4. Promptly against Luther. This demand, however,was coupled with a promise of, thorough ,reform in the Roman hierarchy, and openly admitted the partial guilt of the
  5. Backed-up by Wikipedia main articles linked in the sections, which provide more, thorough ,descriptions of the respective subjects. These articles may point to additional
  6. The morphology of the adult human body. In line with modern teaching methods. A, thorough ,working knowledge of anatomy is required by physicians, especially surgeons and
  7. Parents had intended for him to have a career in the Church," I soon became a, thorough ,Deist. " As a young man he rejected Christian dogma in a 1725 pamphlet A
  8. West, her nephew (A Caribbean Mystery,1964). She demonstrates a remarkably, thorough ,education, including some art courses that involved study of human anatomy
  9. S re-examination of the events of that day is widely hoped to provide a, thorough ,account of the events of Bloody Sunday. In his speech to the House of Commons
  10. Of character and of mental faculties, we are led to the view that a real and, thorough ,improvement of the human race might be reached not so much from outside as from
  11. He was more inclined toward the mysticism of Nachmanides. Above all, he was a, thorough ,believer in revelation and in a divine providence, and was a sincere
  12. Work of Francis P. Wagon and others, saying “ the documentation is complete, thorough , and accurate. This exhaustive analysis is in itself sufficient to prove that
  13. David Hill, containing approximately 160,000 words and intending to be a ", thorough ,investigation ", collates and discusses many details surrounding the murders
  14. Sam Peckinpah still preferred the director's cut, as it was more inclusive and, thorough ,than the 105-minute cut. The restored cut, at 115 minutes, is thus not the
  15. Would take years and require outside investment because the devastation was so, thorough , One historian has summarized the collapse of the transportation infrastructure
  16. Examination or an abduction, is a medical procedure that consists of a, thorough ,examination of a human corpse to determine the cause and manner of a person's
  17. Angle" with respect to its spiritual and moral contribution to Jewish life, thorough ,centuries," a powerful agent of consolation and hope ". He points out however
  18. J. And A. Andrew, and this was revised and expanded in 1874,1932 and 1964. A, thorough ,revision by the Christadelphian Magazine and Publishing Association resulted in
  19. Education blossomed at this time, with libraries and academies allowing more, thorough ,research to be conducted into the culture of the antique world. In addition
  20. System course dealing with the time and complex-s domain, which requires a, thorough ,background in elementary mathematics and Laplace transform (called classical
  21. Commanders: Units and formations In 2010 the Ministry of Defense completed a, thorough ,study of the defense policy and issued a White Book, or a White Paper on
  22. And use it to fight crime at Queen Victoria's request. The comic is based on, thorough ,research on the biographies and correspondence between Babbage and Lovelace
  23. Consequences in many fields. His way of achieving this was by conducting, thorough , careful, sensitive,and yet transformational readings of philosophical and
  24. 1277,but his dedication to the use of philosophy to elucidate theology was so, thorough ,that he was proclaimed a saint in 1328 and a Doctor of the Church in 1568.
  25. And give men of noble character a whole harem, and procure men, and indeed, thorough ,men, for all girls of intellect and understanding, then a generation would soon
  26. At all on May 5. Initial police searches made that night were limited. A more, thorough ,police search for the children began around 8:00 a. m. on the morning of May 6
  27. Of the war may be linked to the senior and experienced officers' undertaking a, thorough ,review, studying,and rewriting of all their Army doctrine and training manuals
  28. Plan Breviary) of the old Breviary),formed the model for the still more, thorough ,reform made in 1549 by the Church of England, whose daily morning and evening
  29. Under eighteen could also vote. Beleaguer led the Dominican Republic through a, thorough ,economic restructuring, based on opening the country to foreign investment
  30. Must be accessible with little or few steps required Development Thoughtful and, thorough ,development can avoid many of the challenges and obstacles faced in using and
  31. Of remaining soft tissue. The beetle larvae to clean skulls because they do a, thorough ,job of cleaning, and the beetle larvae do not leave the tool marks that
  32. Using procedures tested by disassembling the identical CM-014,and conducted a, thorough ,investigation of every part. The board also reviewed the astronauts' autopsy
  33. Of violence depends on the specific circumstances of the given situation. A, thorough ,historical and philosophical study of AHIMA was instrumental in the shaping of
  34. Costs. Long term costs can be minimized through careful system testing and, thorough ,documentation. Custom–integrated solutions typically run on workstation or
  35. To dig in and resist backward force, the engine may be throttled up to get a, thorough ,set. If the anchor continues to drag, or sets after having dragged too far, it
  36. Of molecules less compact in the solid. The Anthropic Cosmological Principle A, thorough ,extant study of the anthropic principle is the book The Anthropic Cosmological
  37. Serious empirical support. In 1999,John Barman and Jesús Fostering published a, thorough ,critical review of inflationary cosmology, concluding that“ we do not think
  38. The other hand, there is more interest in developing flexible tests to collect, thorough ,datasets, identify council points, and measure just noticeable differences.
  39. Was published in 2009,in Tbilisi, Georgia. The monograph gives the most, thorough ,analysis of the results of phage therapy according to the data given in the old
  40. Holy month of Ramadan with children's blood," he said. " Whoever wants a more, thorough ,explanation, let him ask what used to happen to some children in Europe, whose
  41. In Kings Norton close to Benchley Camp has suggested another possibility, and a, thorough ,examination of a stretch of Wailing Street between St. Albany,Boudica's last
  42. Most noticeably, encyclopedia articles are longer, fuller and more, thorough ,than entries in most general-purpose dictionaries. Thus, encyclopedias may
  43. Reading loop Portability issues Partly because Urban Müller did not write a, thorough ,language specification, the many subsequent Brainfuck interpreters and
  44. Effective instrument for the accomplishments of his task. The army needed a, thorough ,reorganization with new commanders and fresh troops, but these changes were not
  45. Theology was at first somewhat indefinite in phraseology, he undoubtedly gave a, thorough ,adhesion to the Nicene orthodoxy. Even if he did avoid the debatable term
  46. Appeared to me much stronger than the refutations; in short, I soon became a, thorough ,Deist. My arguments perverted some others, particularly Collins and Ralph; but
  47. May be eaten without toxic effect. However, they remain very stiff even after, thorough ,cooking, and if swallowed whole or in large pieces, they may pose a risk of
  48. Philosophy associated with that city. They were both strict determinists and, thorough ,materialists, believing everything to be the result of natural laws. Unlike
  49. For Apollo, left the Board, and a U. S. Bureau of Mines professor joined. After, thorough ,stereo photographic documentation of the CM-012 interior, the board ordered its
  50. Levels are very similar. Thus, understanding transport phenomena requires, thorough ,understanding of mathematics. Applications and practice Chemical engineers "

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