Examples of the the word, ceiling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ceiling ), is the 4115 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Societies in which women enjoy the same opportunities as men. The term" glass, ceiling ," is used to describe a perceived barrier to advancement in employment based on
  2. Long and high. Twelve pillars make a square colonnade inside supporting the, ceiling , and creating spacious aisles along the walls. There is a shrine carved on the
  3. Authority officials and private contractors knew of thousands of leaks in the, ceiling ,and wall fissures, extensive water damage to steel supports and fireproofing
  4. Quite successful in preventing crime. Some casinos also have catwalks in the, ceiling ,above the casino floor, which allow surveillance personnel to look directly
  5. Of the project for most of the summer of 2006. On July 10, 2006,a concrete, ceiling ,panel weighing 3 tons (2722 kg) and measuring 20 by 40 ft (6.1 by 12.2 m)
  6. Noise and vibrations from the launch nearly shook the broadcast booth apart-, ceiling ,tiles fell and windows shook. At one point, Cronkite was forced to dampen the
  7. Image: staircase Casey battle. JPG|The unique design of the staircase and, ceiling ,Image: Close up Casey Bat lo. JPG | Close-up of Casey Battle Image: CasaBatllo.
  8. Muslin draped above the set to produce the illusion of a regular room with a, ceiling , while the boom microphones were hidden above the cloth and even dug a trench
  9. Columns. Image: Park_Quell_Tile. JPG | Another of Gaudí's Tiled Mosaics on the, ceiling , Image: Barcelona 29-04-2006 11-29-38. JPG|One of Gaudí's unique tiles in PARC
  10. Well carved and the remains of plaster show that there were paintings on the, ceiling , Charity Hall: This is also a Charity gathering hall of the 5th-6th century AD.
  11. At Mickey Park. However, Indians pitcher Jason Grisly climbed through the, ceiling ,from the visitor's clubhouse and stole the bat. The theft was discovered and
  12. The pyramid will have a spotlight shining on it. Each wall, the floor and the, ceiling ,is a simple polygon, in this case, a rectangle. Each corner of the rectangles
  13. 100 million from the contractors ($1 for every $141 spent). Fatal, ceiling ,collapse A fatal accident raised safety questions and closed part of the
  14. A life-size model of a mother blue whale with her calf suspended from the, ceiling ,of its main hall. The Beat Biodiversity Museum at the University of British
  15. Office floors, would be around HK$30 million. Yet at the same time, a maximum, ceiling ,height of 2.6 m (8.5 ft) in office area could still be achieved with careful
  16. Her husband, Angel Del Value, who was driving. Immediately following the fatal, ceiling ,collapse, Governor Mitt Romney ordered a stem-to-stern safety audit conducted
  17. Jerks and pinpoint pupils),seizures (tramadol),but there is no dose, ceiling ,in patients who accumulate tolerance. Opioids, while very effective analgesics
  18. Integer, with halfway cases rounded to even The functions truncate, floor,and, ceiling ,round towards zero, down,or up respectively. All these functions return the
  19. Building systems and impair the safety operation of the building. Maximum clear, ceiling ,height As a general practice, for achieving a clear height of 2.6 to 2.7 m (
  20. Part as a secondary value. For example, ( floor -2.5) yields -3,0.5; (, ceiling ,-2.5) yields -2,-0.5; (round 2.5) yields 2,0.5; and (round 3.5) yields 4
  21. Sent three assassins to stab her. He then tried to crush her with a mechanical, ceiling ,over her bed at her residence. Nero designed a ship that would open at the
  22. From the field of play, and points are awarded. After every few shots, the ", ceiling ," of the playing arena drops downwards slightly, along with all the bubbles
  23. The ambiance of the room, from the light reflecting off walls, floor and, ceiling , without examining the contribution that complex objects make to the
  24. The Creation of Adam ", a section of Michelangelo's fresco Sistine Chapel, ceiling ,painted circa 1511 *The Creation (Haydn),a 1798 oratorio by Joseph Haydn *La
  25. Was slightly inferior in speed and outclassed in rate of climb and operational, ceiling , The P-40 was generally superior to early Italian fighter types, such as the
  26. N is sometimes replaced by n, and the floor function is sometimes replaced by a, ceiling , Other studies might define an inverse function of one where m is set to a
  27. For a rigid body rotating around an axis of symmetry (e.g. the fins of a, ceiling ,fan),the angular momentum can be expressed as the product of the body's
  28. A collapsing lead ceiling only to be saved by the side of a sofa breaking the, ceiling ,'s fall. Though the collapsing ceiling missed Agrippina, it crushed her
  29. a million at an auction in 1994. Gates is also known as an avid reader, and the, ceiling ,of his large home library is engraved with a quotation from The Great Gatsby.
  30. Saved by the side of a sofa breaking the ceiling 's fall. Though the collapsing, ceiling ,missed Agrippina, it crushed her attendant who was outside by the helm. News of
  31. Room,69 feet (21 m) long, previously known as the South Drawing Room, has a, ceiling ,designed specially by Nash, coffered with huge gilt console brackets. A 1999
  32. Use in Northwest Europe in high-altitude combat due to the effective service, ceiling ,limitation. Spitfires used in the theater operated at heights around, while the
  33. XL boards, released during 2004-5. As of 2009,AGP cards from Nvidia have a, ceiling ,of the GeForce 7 Series., readily-available new DirectX 10-capable AGP cards
  34. Society. The United Nations had concluded that women often experience a" glass, ceiling ," and that there are no societies in which women enjoy the same opportunities
  35. Of the sun god, with the beetle as symbol of the morning sun. The astronomical, ceiling ,in the tomb of Ramses VI portrays the nightly" death" and" rebirth" of the
  36. Beehive" style houses (small circular single roomed dwellings with a hole in, ceiling ,to let out smoke). Many of the oldest and most picturesque inhabited cottages
  37. The interior. The hall has four colonnades which are supporting the, ceiling ,and surrounding a square in the center of the hall. Each arm or colonnade of
  38. Abbess Giovanna Piacenza's apartment. He was commissioned in 1519 to paint the, ceiling ,and mantel of the fireplace. On the mantel he painted an image of Diana riding
  39. In their cathedral, and when a cardinal died, it would be suspended from the, ceiling ,above his tomb. Some cardinals will still have a Galeão made, even though it is
  40. Agrippina embarked on this boat and was nearly crushed by a collapsing lead, ceiling ,only to be saved by the side of a sofa breaking the ceiling 's fall. Though the
  41. The core area had to be squeezed into a very narrow and congested corridor, ceiling ,void. Super high-rise building As the building is situated opposite to the
  42. Cave 7: The verandah of this cave must at one time have been elaborate. The, ceiling ,was painted. The carving is simple. Cave Nine, Ten,Eleven Cave 9: This cave
  43. Taxes if they are passed by the voters in their area. These local taxes have a, ceiling ,or cap; they cannot exceed $25 for each 1 % of tax assessed. These additional
  44. Houses the city's Visitor Information Center, galleries and exhibit halls. The, ceiling ,of its Preston Bradley Hall includes a Tiffany glass dome. Grant Park holds
  45. Weather permitting) the flat show is presented. The high show requires an, ceiling ,and visibility of from the show's center point. Low and flat ceiling s are 3,500
  46. Then k? " In O (n2) time. Then, by using binary search, we could find the (, ceiling ,of the) determinant itself in O (blog d) time, where d is the determinant;
  47. A copy of Michelangelo's Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel on the, ceiling ,of his dorm room: Later, when Watterson was coming up with names for the
  48. Cases: * A trapdoor is a door that is oriented horizontally in a floor or, ceiling , often accessed via a ladder. * Blast-proof doors are constructed to allow
  49. At the time, unable to leave England. Kubrick asked Adam to build the set, ceiling ,in concrete to force the director of photography to use only the on-set lights
  50. With all the bubbles stuck to it. The number of shots between each drop of the, ceiling ,is influenced by the number of bubble colors remaining. The closer the bubbles

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