Examples of the the word, appreciation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( appreciation ), is the 4116 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of California, while containing recipes that reflected Brotli and Waters ', appreciation ,of both northern Italian and French style foods. Early ethnic influences While
  2. Koala, who in his works compared him with Oliver Cromwell. A more balanced, appreciation ,prevails — that the fundamental ills of the Commonwealth resulted in the
  3. Though highly varied; its diversity of race and culture are seen as worthy of, appreciation ,and acceptance. Doctrines of racism, nationalism,caste, social class and
  4. Breakdown of the Camp David negotiations on 25 July 2000 and the“ widespread, appreciation ,in the international community of Palestinian responsibility for the impasse. ”
  5. Pickford Street in Newport Pagnell. 1970s—Changing ownership Despite the cars ', appreciation ,in value, the company was often financially troubled. In 1972,the company was
  6. An art object),while artistic judgement refers to the recognition, appreciation ,or criticism of art or an art work. Philosophical aesthetics has not only to
  7. Or subtitle in dozens of articles and books. Sometimes it refers, whether with, appreciation , nostalgia or critical analysis, to idyllic or enigmatic aspects of the English
  8. A discussion society not a sex club. " Ginsberg expressed the opinion that the, appreciation ,of youthful bodies and" the human form divine" has been a common theme
  9. Hospital Sketches. Her father wrote of it," I see nothing in the way of a good, appreciation ,of Louisa's merits as a woman and a writer. " Henry David Thoreau died on May
  10. Was overwhelmed when Speer turned it over, fully furnished, two days early. In, appreciation ,for the architect's work on the Chancellery, Hitler awarded Speer the Nazi
  11. Including a rape and a recognition scene. Aristophanes seems to have had some, appreciation ,of his formative role in the development of comedy, as indicated by his comment
  12. Which sought to create the ideal environment for the exploration and, appreciation ,of unfamiliar new music by means of open rehearsals, repeat performances, and
  13. Fields. In practice aesthetic judgement refers to the sensory contemplation or, appreciation ,of an object (not necessarily an art object),while artistic judgement refers
  14. In February 2004 in a bid to maintain export competitiveness against the real, appreciation ,of the Pull. There was a further 12 % devaluation in May 2005 and the policy of
  15. An agnostic, Druyan holds that belief in a deity is not necessary to a healthy, appreciation ,for life and a sense of unity with the universe. In an interview with Joel
  16. Studio album, Oops! ... I Did It Again. The tour received positive critical, appreciation ,from critics. During the tour, Spears was accused of lip-synching, although she
  17. Rhythm. Art at this level is not an action or an object, but an internal, appreciation ,of balance and harmony (beauty),and therefore an aspect of being human
  18. The painting depicts is not a prerequisite to appreciating it, but allows the, appreciation ,of Géricault's political intentions in the piece. Even art that superficially
  19. With their own eyes and drew from their recollections. Rodin still expressed, appreciation ,for his teacher much later in life. It was at Petite Cole that he first met
  20. Of workers organized into rank and file unions. However, he did hold a genuine, appreciation ,for labor unions (which he called" trades-union socialism" ) and saw it as "
  21. By sex. Deign Haggard clearly does appreciate Rearden's virtues, and this, appreciation ,evolves into sexual desire. Rear den is torn because he accepts the premises of
  22. A proper understanding of Aristophanes' plays; on the other hand, a sensitive, appreciation ,of the plays is necessary for a proper understanding of the conventions.
  23. Capita GDP has surpassed US$ 10,500 in 2008,due to the strong and continued, appreciation ,of the real for the first time this decade. Its industrial sector accounts for
  24. Appealing allows for a re-invigoration of aesthetic sensibility, and a new, appreciation ,for the standards of art itself. Countless schools have proposed their own ways
  25. Is one of mortality. He did this not to be morbid, but to reflect a greater, appreciation ,for life and happiness. In Le Myth, this dualism becomes a paradox: We value
  26. Virtue, goodness ). “ Phil’s Rule” imparts intellectual and aesthetic, appreciation ,of“ the best, which has been thought and said in the world ”. Oxford
  27. Decorations in Ukraine and in the former Soviet Union. With all this positive, appreciation ,of his legacy, even in Ukraine it is far from being unanimous. He is mostly
  28. Intellectually inferior to a philosopher., and point to the need for greater, appreciation ,of the public views in discussions of science and other subjects now considered
  29. Stewart Gardner (1840–1924) of Boston, all arranged by Sarah Hallowell. In, appreciation ,for her efforts at unlocking the American market, Rodin eventually presented
  30. House rises dramatically to the rafters to show the workmen showing a lack of, appreciation ,for the second Mrs. Kane's performance was shot by a camera craning upwards
  31. Be reduced to any more basic set of features. For Friedrich Schiller aesthetic, appreciation ,of beauty is the most perfect reconciliation of the sensual and rational parts
  32. US Dollars, and supply of Canadian Dollars, and as a result, there would be an, appreciation ,of the US Dollar. Eventually, if unchecked, this would make US cars more
  33. Have different cultures. Much of anthropological theory has originated in an, appreciation ,of and interest in the tension between the local (particular cultures) and
  34. Gram Parsons' work in the early '70s was acclaimed for its purity and for his, appreciation ,for aspects of traditional country music. Though his career was cut tragically
  35. Customarily normal, however inefficient. Alexander's term," debauched sensory, appreciation ," describes how the of a circumstance encourages habit design as a person
  36. Paradoxical experience of learning and substituting new improvements. Sensory, appreciation ,F. M. Alexander insisted on the need for strategic reasoning and" Constructive
  37. Fast interceptor vessel, formerly known as MV Moira, as MV Brigitte Bardot in, appreciation ,of her support. She once had a neighbor's donkey castrated while looking after
  38. Is clear: before attempting to create something new, it is vital to have a good, appreciation ,of everything that already exists in this field. I myself have had many
  39. In 1940. Not long after settling into his career at Princeton, he expressed his, appreciation ,of the" meritocracy" in American culture when compared to Europe. According
  40. Had no such disdain for the indigenous foodstuffs. In fact, they had a vast, appreciation ,for the native ingredients and dishes. 20th century—21st century Some corporate
  41. A connection to place. He is a prominent defender of agrarian values and has an, appreciation ,for traditional farming. Rod Dreyer writes the following:“ Berry's unshakable
  42. And choir. Shortly after Vivaldi's appointment, the orphans began to gain, appreciation ,and esteem abroad, too. Vivaldi wrote concertos, cantatas and sacred vocal
  43. Of the Commonwealth. This view is contrasted with a far more comprehensive, appreciation ,of Khmelnytsky's legacy by Polish historians, like Ludwig Koala, who in his
  44. Own distinctive artistic style. Records of paintings show Manet's approval and, appreciation ,of certain stylistic and compositional decisions that Morison originated. He
  45. Dr. James P. Davis. Seven adult goats were a gift from Sultan Abdulhamid I in, appreciation ,for his services and advice on the raising of cotton. The fleece taken from an
  46. Figures, long cantina melodies, and virtuoso flourishes was merged with an, appreciation ,for formal coherence and internal connectedness. It is at this point that war
  47. Understanding of redemption is woven into their understanding of and, appreciation ,of the nature of the" Almighty One ". God stands by the oppressed and needy.
  48. Led to the scientific investigation of Egyptian civilization and a greater, appreciation ,of its cultural legacy. History The Nile has been the lifeline of its region
  49. This treatment was the most extensive industrial use of arsenic. An increased, appreciation ,of the toxicity of arsenic resulted in a ban for the use of CCA in consumer
  50. Dealing with the nature of beauty, art,and taste, and with the creation and, appreciation ,of) Etymology It is derived from the Greek αἰσθητικός (aesthetics, meaning "

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