Examples of the the word, preventive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( preventive ), is the 5744 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Helps keep the cost to employers down. Due in part to heavy emphasis on, preventive ,care, Hawaiians require hospital treatment less frequently than the rest of the
  2. Care system, or informally, by the patient or family members. A prevention or, preventive ,therapy is a way to avoid an injury, sickness,or disease in the first place. A
  3. Kill larvae and adults. Pesticides may also be applied to uninfected trees as a, preventive ,treatment. USDA-APHIS has completed an Environmental Assessment for the coconut
  4. Due to their conflicting interests in the area. As a result, any possible, preventive ,effect of the common official warning was cancelled by the mixed unofficial
  5. Alternative/complementary medicine with conventional medicine. It may include, preventive ,medicine and patient-centered medicine. It may also include practices not
  6. Basic sanitation by 2015 ". Given Algeria's young population, policy favors, preventive ,health care and clinics over hospitals. In keeping with this policy, the
  7. Antoninus' passing. Kornemann's brief is that Antoninus might have waged, preventive ,wars to head off these outsiders. Notes Events * 8 – Roman Empire general
  8. Chance of relapse by 70 % (41 % on placebo vs. 18 % on antidepressant). The, preventive ,effect probably lasts for at least the first 36 months of use. Those people who
  9. Could be obtained by distilling seawater. His work advanced the practice of, preventive ,medicine and improved nutrition. Early life Lind was born in Edinburgh in 1716.
  10. Health care was available to all citizens. National health planning emphasized, preventive ,medicine; factory and local health care centers supplemented hospitals and
  11. Towards the support structure of ETA. This procedure started in 1998 with the, preventive ,closure of the newspaper Begin (and its associated radio-station Begin Croatia)
  12. And remain strong in the 21st century, because of its widespread use as a, preventive ,treatment for heart attacks and strokes. Trademark As part of war reparations
  13. A strong windstorm). Strong appeals for a suicide barrier, fence,or other, preventive ,measures were raised once again by a well-organized vocal minority of
  14. Says that it was the only paragraph in the document that concerned health and, preventive ,care. Javelin moderated a panel on stress at a June 3,1999, Congressional
  15. Population and its main plan of action lies around communitarian health and, preventive ,medicine. There are also public hospitals specialized to treat chronic diseases
  16. With surgical abortion, As a result, some abortion providers have begun using, preventive ,antibiotics with medical abortion. In contrast, unsafe abortion is a major
  17. Institutes of Health announce the success of clinical trials testing the first, preventive ,treatment for sickle-cell disease. *1996 – Gino Gallagher, the suspected leader
  18. Crimes can also be sentenced to be kept in preventive detention; see article on, preventive ,detention. Netherlands In Dutch criminal law a convict can be sentenced to
  19. The four years there he learned the importance of diet, fitness,hygiene and, preventive ,measures, as well as living anatomy, and the treatment of fractures and severe
  20. The Texas Medical Center are non-profit organizations. They provide patient and, preventive ,care, research,education, and local, national,and international community
  21. The health needs of the Chinese population. An emphasis on public health and, preventive ,medicine has characterized health policy since the early 1950s. At that time
  22. Of the P6 acupuncture point was approximately equal to, but not better than, preventive ,antiemetic drugs for postoperative nausea and vomiting. Another Cochrane Review
  23. Commonly found in mainstream healthcare, such as a focus on good nutrition and, preventive ,practices. Unlike mainstream medicine, CAM often lacks or has only limited
  24. Most efficiently through the Internet. However, an earlier meta-analysis found, preventive ,programs with a competence-enhancing component to be superior to behaviorally
  25. To provide decent social services and to ensure that adequate protection, preventive ,health-care, education and disaster risk reduction measures are taken.
  26. Court of Germany struck down these provisions of the law, stating such, preventive ,measures were unconstitutional and would essentially be state-sponsored murder
  27. Had wanted to confront the resurgent Serbian nation for some years in a, preventive ,war, but the Emperor,84 years old and enemy of all adventures, disapproved.
  28. The time to be served in TBS can be indefinite, and it may be used as a form of, preventive ,detention. Evaluation by the court will occur every one or two years. During
  29. Of artemisinin combination treatment (ACTs),the use of intermittent, preventive ,treatment in pregnant women (IPTV) and the introduction of very high coverage
  30. His mother likely was, possibly having even received tincture of arsenic as ", preventive ,medication ". After his father's hospitalization, Lovecraft was raised by his
  31. Person that was convicted of certain crimes can also be sentenced to be kept in, preventive ,detention; see article on preventive detention. Netherlands In Dutch criminal
  32. In many Latin American countries, despite the effectiveness of hygienic and, preventive ,measures, such as eliminating the transmitting insects. However, several
  33. Field-tested solutions to the nation's problems. The party platform included, preventive ,health care, sustainable agriculture and renewable energy technologies. During
  34. Up a coherent medical training program, oriented towards public health and, preventive ,measures. In economic policy, he proposed tax reforms and a national insurance
  35. In some hospitals and athletic training programs in Russia and elsewhere as, preventive ,measurements for detecting stress. The Russian Academy of Science has approved
  36. The Collaboration suggested statins as the alternative and more effective, preventive ,medication. And with sore throat pain, for those who had it. The effects of
  37. The mouse killer eliminates mice, a primary cause of disease, hence he promotes, preventive ,medicine. Oracle Delphi is perhaps best known for the oracle at the sanctuary
  38. Set up the Science & Environmental Policy Project (SEPT) to argue against, preventive ,measures against global warming. After the 1991 United Nations Conference on
  39. Cost him work),Wayne announced he had cancer and called on the public to get, preventive ,examinations. Five years later, Wayne was declared cancer-free. Despite the
  40. Single man to scurvy, an unusual accomplishment at the time. He tested several, preventive ,measures but the most important was frequent replenishment of fresh food. It
  41. Farmers and ranchers may perceive all losses as due to bears and advocate the, preventive ,removal of all bears. And there is widespread support for bear protection, at
  42. Directly associated with language comprise sports, health policy (curative and, preventive ,medicine),and assistance to individuals (protection of youth, social welfare
  43. Although states do not have to wait for disasters to strike before taking, preventive ,measures, * involve the whole nation, although a threat confined to a
  44. Besides the nobility and clergy, were involved in governance; the end of, preventive ,arrests such that henceforward all arrests had to be first presented to a judge
  45. Was one of the first critical theorists of fascism, describing it as" the, preventive ,counter-revolution. "
  46. In what gets investigated. For example, public authorities may tend to fund, preventive ,medicine studies to improve public health, while pharmaceutical companies fund
  47. Less directly connected with language comprise health policy (curative and, preventive ,medicine) and assistance to individuals (protection of youth, social welfare
  48. Revolutionizing medicine. He also devised one of the most important methods in, preventive ,medicine, when in 1880 he produced a vaccine against rabies. Pasteur invented
  49. Living conditions. Today Environmental health is more related to nutrition, preventive ,medicine, aging well and other concerns specific to the human body's
  50. Conservation activities include examination, documentation,treatment, and, preventive , care. All of this work is supported by research and education. Definition The

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