Examples of the the word, juvenile , in a Sentence Context

The word ( juvenile ), is the 5745 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Taken place. Starting in 1642 within British America, an estimated 365, juvenile , offenders were executed by the states and federal government of the United
  2. Tanks, ponds,or ocean enclosures, usually for food. A facility that releases, juvenile ,fish into the wild for recreational fishing or to supplement a species '
  3. The mortality rates. In some cases, the Army Corps of Engineers transports, juvenile ,fish downstream by truck or river barge. The Chief Joseph Dam and several dams
  4. York City has a full-size model in its Mil stein Family Hall of Ocean Life. A, juvenile ,blue whale skeleton is installed at the New Bedford Whaling Museum in New
  5. 1970. It was renamed Dinotyrannus in 1995,but is now thought to represent a, juvenile ,Tyrannosaurus rex. And large dinosaurs as well as in large mammals such as
  6. And potentiates the action of ADH (desmopressin). Carbamazepine may aggravate, juvenile ,myoclonic epilepsy, so it is important to uncover any history of jerking
  7. The Black Diamonds which was lost for years until published in 2002. Another, juvenile ,novel was written in his teenaged years—The Sword of Pagan (unpublished until
  8. Such as fibroblast growth factors in the animal embryo and growth hormone in, juvenile ,mammals, also control the extent of growth. Regeneration is the
  9. Amyotrophy. A small subset of familial MND cases occur in children, such as ", juvenile ,ALS ", Madras syndrome, and individuals who have inherited the ALS2 gene.
  10. Said that photos the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization claimed showed a, juvenile ,Bigfoot were most likely of a bear with mange. Jeffrey Mel drum, on the other
  11. Idaho Power Company's Hell's Canyon dams have no fish ladders (and do not pass, juvenile ,salmon downstream),and thus allow no steel head or salmon to migrate above
  12. Salmon spawning in the area. It has occurred as a vagrant twice in Ireland; a, juvenile ,was shot illegally in Fermanagh on January 11, 1973 (misidentified at first as
  13. Form to an adult air-breathing form, but some are mesomorphs that retain the, juvenile ,water-breathing form throughout life. Mud puppies, for example, retain juvenile
  14. Or cold-blooded) tetrapods. Most Amphibians undergo metamorphosis from a, juvenile ,water-breathing form to an adult air-breathing form, but some are mesomorphs
  15. Were sometimes killed in the process. This could explain the high proportion of, juvenile ,and subadult allosaurs present, as juvenile s and subadults are
  16. And Baldwin to life in prison. When police speculated about the assailant,the, juvenile ,probation officer assisting at the scene of the murders speculated that Echoes
  17. Choose between the death penalty and life without parole, or when dealing with, juvenile ,offenders. Roughly six in 10 tell Gallup they do not believe capital punishment
  18. Children and created an association in the public's mind of comics as somewhat, juvenile , Popular titles within the UK have included The Beans, The Dandy, The Eagle
  19. For special education, training for the disabled, and an education center for, juvenile ,offenders. In addition, higher education may be pursued at The University
  20. Statement that an adult Archaeopteryx would have been a better flyer than the, juvenile ,Munich specimen was dubious. This, they reasoned, would require even thicker
  21. Apex predators in this environment, with intermediate niches possibly filled by, juvenile ,Albertosaurus. See the terminology section below for
  22. From Colorado have been suggested as those of Allosaurus. The discovery of a, juvenile ,specimen with a nearly complete hind limb shows that the legs were relatively
  23. Shows and movies are always dubbed, in cinema theaters films with a clear, juvenile ,target can be found in two versions, one dubbed (identified by the letters V.
  24. Warmer, slower water created by the dams. Research in the mid-1980s found that, juvenile ,salmon were suffering substantially from the predatory pike minnow, and in 1990
  25. That increasingly de-emphasized social commentary in favor of lighthearted, juvenile ,fantasy. " The impact of this editorial approach was evident in Batman comics
  26. Are thought to have been fully terrestrial animals. In 2008,footprints of, juvenile ,Apatosaurus were reported from Quarry Five in Morrison, Colorado. Discovered in
  27. O., meaning Versa Original - Original Version). This duality applies only to, juvenile ,films, others use subtitles only. While the quality of these dubs is recognized
  28. 11, 1973 (misidentified at first as a White-tailed Eagle),and an exhausted, juvenile ,was captured in Kerry on November 15, 1987. Behavior The Bald Eagle is a
  29. Jeffrey Mel drum, on the other hand, said the limb proportions of the suspected, juvenile ,in question were not bear-like, and stated that he felt they were" more like a
  30. So small it was difficult to read without the aid of a magnifying glass. These, juvenile ,creations and writings served as the apprenticeship of their later, literary
  31. Juvenile water-breathing form throughout life. Mud puppies, for example, retain, juvenile , gills in adulthood. The three modern orders of amphibians are Aura (frogs and
  32. Hood Hills, searchers found no sign of the missing boys. Around 1:45 p. m., juvenile ,Parole Officer Steve Jones spotted a boy's black shoe floating in a muddy
  33. Florida, Connecticut ) Juvenile offenders The death penalty for, juvenile ,offenders (criminals aged under 18 years at the time of their crime) has
  34. Such as humans and elephants. Young Albertosaurus are relatively large for, juvenile ,animals, but their remains are still rare in the fossil record compared with
  35. Or consisted of what he called" Cocos Bourdieu ", an intermediate story of, juvenile ,trees, and a luxuriant ground layer of self-sown seedlings, causing those areas
  36. On Civil and Political Rights, is currently the world's the biggest executioner of, juvenile ,offenders, for which it has received international condemnation; the country's
  37. In Java however, there is more of a tendency for this species to retain its, juvenile ,orange color into adulthood, and so you can see a mixture of black and orange
  38. Standards. But under Japanese law, anyone under 20 is considered a, juvenile , There are three men currently on death row for crimes they committed at age 18
  39. Of Paleontology at Yale University, described and named an incomplete (and, juvenile ,) skeleton of Apatosaurus Ajax in 1877. Two years later, Marsh announced the
  40. Assumed a weight of 250 grams for the Munich specimen Archaeopteryx, a young, juvenile , based on published weight estimates of larger specimens. Paul argued that a
  41. Is a consequence of life history, rather than bias, and that fossils of, juvenile ,Albertosaurus are rare because they simply did not die as often as adults did.
  42. Strands, increasing chance of success. Most species have a totally submerged, juvenile ,phase. Flowers are either floating or emergent. Vegetation may be totally
  43. Puberty rites as essential for self-esteem, and notes that mass movements and, juvenile ,mindsets tend to go together to the point that anyone, no matter what age, who
  44. At allowing these fish to travel upstream. Another problem exists for the, juvenile ,salmon headed downstream to the ocean. Previously, this journey would have
  45. The thin soils. The Canadian Shield is a collage of Archean plates and accreted, juvenile ,arc terraces and sedimentary basins of Proterozoic age that were progressively
  46. That no large crocodiles survived. Joule and colleagues suggested in 2008 that, juvenile ,marine crocodyliforms lived in freshwater environments like modern marine
  47. Newly translated European works from what Kyle perceived as the more, juvenile ,subject common in American comics. Will Eisner popularized the term when
  48. Taste for ultra-violence. Alex is characterized as a sociopath and a hardened, juvenile ,delinquent; he is nonetheless intelligent and quick-witted, with sophisticated
  49. With a good view by its whiter underparts and unbarred flanks. The, juvenile ,differs from the same-age steppe buzzard by its white front and tear-shaped
  50. El Salvador has experienced high crime rates including gang-related crimes and, juvenile ,delinquency. Some say that this was a result of the deportation of thousands of

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