Examples of the the word, apple , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apple ), is the 1903 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Served what their customers requested, ranging from pork chop sandwiches and, apple ,pie to beans and eggs. They developed American Chinese cuisine when they
  2. Who already believe in a concept called Red use that concept to experience an, apple ,as red. Further, the objection maintains that Red can not be distilled from an
  3. Is barium monochloride; in the absence of a source of chlorine a yellow or ", apple ," green is produced instead. *Barium peroxide can be used as a catalyst to
  4. An especially keen pleasure in the scene where the Wicked Witch immerses her, apple ,in the poisonous brew. " Epitaph Recognition and tributes A biography published
  5. Simple or stuffed with dunce de Lethe (milk jam),cream pastel era, quince or, apple ,jelly, among other fillings. The most popular type of pastry is said to be that
  6. That the cause of death was cyanide poisoning. When his body was discovered an, apple ,lay half-eaten beside his bed, and although the apple was not tested for
  7. Suspected that the apple could carry a certain death and refused to taste the, apple , This was the last time that Tiberius invited Agrippina to his dinner table.
  8. To dinner at the imperial palace. At dinner, Tiberius offered Agrippina an, apple ,as a test of Agrippina’s feelings for the emperor. Agrippina had suspected that
  9. A particular apple and a universal form of an apple . Moreover, we can place an, apple ,next to a book, so that we can speak of both the book and apple as being next
  10. With a mass of contains about 10 sextillion (1022) atoms of carbon. If an, apple ,were magnified to the size of the Earth, then the atoms in the apple would be
  11. Is conducive to growing vegetable and fruit crops. Particularly famous for its, apple ,crop, the valley hosts in excess of 1,000 farms of various types, the majority
  12. If an apple were magnified to the size of the Earth, then the atoms in the, apple ,would be approximately the size of the original apple . Radioactive decay Every
  13. As red. Further, the objection maintains that Red can not be distilled from an, apple ,because Red is an abstraction from other experiences and not an innate property
  14. Are found on top of the table because redness and juiciness inhere in an, apple , making the apple red and juicy. The bundle theory of substance explains
  15. As abstract particulars. E.g., the particular redness of a particular, apple ,is an abstract particular. Akin to quality and sumbebekos. In linguistics The
  16. III introduced an advanced operating system called Apple SOS, pronounced ", apple ,sauce ". Its ability to address resources by name instead of a physical
  17. Similar to Italian Grappa but less sweet) is very popular. Plum (Yakima) or, apple ,(jabukovača) alcohol beverages are produced in the north. In the south
  18. Then the atoms in the apple would be approximately the size of the original, apple , Radioactive decay Every element has one or more isotopes that have unstable
  19. Red is an abstraction from other experiences and not an innate property an, apple ,might contain. Per the objection, expressions such as," An apple is red and
  20. Or at least one other of its properties. Thus, the theory asserts that the, apple ,is no more than the collection of its properties. In particular, there is no
  21. And fish. In Thailand the introduced species Panacea canaliculata (golden, apple ,snail),which is generally a destructive herbivore, has wiped out
  22. Branch" the" Branch of Holiness "," the Center of the Covenant" and the, apple ,of his eye. Arrival in Acre was distressing for the family and exiles. Morale
  23. We can place an apple next to a book, so that we can speak of both the book and, apple ,as being next to each other. Plato argued that there are some universal forms
  24. Of such an object; for example, bundle theory claims that thinking of an, apple ,compels one also to think of its color, its shape, the fact that it is a kind
  25. Test of Agrippina’s feelings for the emperor. Agrippina had suspected that the, apple ,could carry a certain death and refused to taste the apple . This was the last
  26. Top of the table because redness and juiciness inhere in an apple , making the, apple ,red and juicy. The bundle theory of substance explains com presence.
  27. Or a relation to other things. When we look at an apple , for example, we see an, apple , and we can also analyze a form of an apple . In this distinction, there is a
  28. Four inches (100 mm) wide, and juicy but lacking an underlying substance. The, apple ,is said to be a bundle of properties including redness, being four inches (100
  29. And thinking alone provides reality to the properties of any object. An, apple , it claims, does not have the properties Red or Juicy, but rather observers who
  30. Bundle of properties located on the table, one of which is the" looks like an, apple ," property. By contrast, substance theory explains the com presence of
  31. Fonts. Apple's first logo, Wayne,depicts Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an, apple ,tree. Almost immediately, though,this was replaced by Rob Janoff's" rainbow
  32. And Athena all claimed to be the fairest, and thus the rightful owner of the, apple , The goddesses chose to place the matter before Zeus, who,not wanting to favor
  33. Discord, was not invited. She was annoyed at this, so she arrived with a golden, apple ,inscribed with the word καλλίστῃ (Allister," for the fairest one" ), which
  34. At an apple , for example, we see an apple , and we can also analyze a form of an, apple , In this distinction, there is a particular apple and a universal form of an
  35. Property an apple might contain. Per the objection, expressions such as," An, apple ,is red and juicy," includes at least six concepts and would best be left as
  36. The goddess Eris (Discord) was not invited, but she arrived with a golden, apple ,inscribed with the word Allister (" to the fairest one" ), which she threw
  37. Farm on June 1 and optimistically named it" Fruit lands" despite only ten old, apple ,trees on the property. In order to achieve this, they removed themselves from
  38. Janoff's" rainbow Apple ", the now-familiar rainbow-colored silhouette of an, apple ,with a bite taken out of it. Jan off presented Jobs with several
  39. Can also analyze a form of an apple . In this distinction, there is a particular, apple ,and a universal form of an apple . Moreover, we can place an apple next to a
  40. Is predicated. So, according to Aristotle, the form of apple exists within each, apple , rather than in the world of the forms. Biology and medicine In Aristotelian
  41. Could be either a property, or a relation to other things. When we look at an, apple , for example, we see an apple , and we can also analyze a form of an apple . In
  42. Body was discovered an apple lay half-eaten beside his bed, and although the, apple ,was not tested for cyanide, it is speculated that this was the means by which a
  43. Describing how they are tied together. For example, bundle theory regards an, apple ,as red, four inches (100 mm) wide, and juicy but lacking an underlying
  44. And Halloween) and apple s, which are used to make the seasonal beverage, apple ,cider. Melancholy association Autumn in poetry has often been associated with
  45. And the result is often a beer with slightly" fruity" compounds resembling, apple , pear, pine apple ,banana, plum,or prune, among others. Before the introduction
  46. Only a personal summary concept of one individual. Thus, the experience of an, apple ,is as close to the Apple concept that one can get. The objection regards any
  47. The names of the medicinal herbs, and the cemetery (p) those of the trees, apple , pear, plum,quince, etc., planted there. Cells Every large monastery had
  48. On which each universal is predicated. So, according to Aristotle, the form of, apple ,exists within each apple , rather than in the world of the forms. Biology and
  49. And Athena all claimed to be the fairest, and thus the rightful owner of the, apple , The goddesses chose to place the matter before Zeus, who,not wanting to favor
  50. In this distinction, there is a particular apple and a universal form of an, apple , Moreover, we can place an apple next to a book, so that we can speak of both

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