Examples of the the word, mode , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mode ), is the 1909 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With other benthic trilobites all suggest a benthic (bottom-dwelling), mode , of life. They are likely to have lived on areas of the ocean floor that
  2. Stephen Prince calls" the countertradition to the committed, heroic, mode , of Kurosawa’s cinema"—first appears. According to Donald Richie, within the
  3. Cunning and shrewd nature quickly won Athena's favor. In the realistic epic, mode , however, she largely is confined to aiding him only from afar, as by
  4. For the return trip. In early 1961,direct ascent was generally the mission, mode ,in favor at NASA. Many engineers feared that a rendezvous — let alone a docking
  5. Made some show of disowning special expertise. These juries formed a second, mode ,for the expression of popular sovereignty; as in the assembly, citizens acting
  6. Producing rhythmically diverse melodies. Azerbaijani music has a branch, mode ,system, where achromatization of major and minor scales is of great importance.
  7. An option for special revamped HD graphics and a high-speed" throttle monkey ", mode , Both Asteroids and Asteroids Deluxe were also re-released to Microsoft's Game
  8. In which there is no fallow season) is gradually becoming a more common, mode ,of production because of increased profits and a reduction of soil erosion.
  9. Aperture priority, Av (Aperture value) is a common abbreviation on a camera, mode ,dial Voting Other uses Alcuin of York () or Machine, nicknamed Albinos or
  10. In Perl, which supports ranges, indexing columns by negative numbers, a Perl, mode , and more. *gawk is a SourceForge project based on gawk. It extends gawk with
  11. Visited Rice to reiterate his challenge in a famous speech: Choosing a mission, mode ,Once Kennedy had defined a goal, the Apollo mission planners were faced with
  12. Phylogeny Website * http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Taxonomy/Browser/wwwtax.cgi?, mode ,Tree&id 73496&lvl 3&lin keep 1&srch mode 1&unlock NCBI Taxonomy Browser
  13. A treaty between the USA and USSR * Asynchronous Balanced Mode, a communication, mode ,of HDLC and derivative protocols * Arturo Benedetto Michelangelo, an Italian
  14. On the boosters to be used in the Apollo program, it recognized that the, mode ,decision was an important part of this question. The committee recommended in
  15. The carrier component, but leaves the side bands. That is the DSBSC transmission, mode , To generate double-sideband full carrier (A3E),we must choose: A \GE M. \
  16. And for h 1.0 it varies by 100 %. To avoid distortion in the A3E transmission, mode , modulation depth greater than 100 % must be avoided. Practical transmitter
  17. I/O version allowed input from paper tape or punched card. Paper tape 'full ', mode ,allowed lower case. Output was to a line printer. 'BEGIN' 'WRITE TEXT' ( "
  18. Tense and number, and does not have articles such as" the ", but its spatial, mode ,of expression has enabled it to develop an elaborate system of grammatical
  19. Two previous isotopes, decay to an astatine isotope is not the primary decay, mode , However, multiple compounds of astatine have been synthesized in microscopic
  20. In which there is no fallow season) is gradually becoming a more common, mode ,of production because of increased profits and a reduction of soil erosion.
  21. Fitting social and political outrage. Thus, the debate continues as to what, mode ,of aesthetic satisfaction, if any, is required to define 'art '. The assumption
  22. Closely allied genera Asteria, Haworthia and Sinfonia, which have a similar, mode ,of growth, are also popularly known as aloes. The plant Agave Americana, which
  23. Without any conscious design of his own, had become the founder of a new, mode ,of living in common, Coenobitism. " By degrees order was introduced in the
  24. And this sensibility ... impedes his efforts to realize a socially committed, mode ,of filmmaking. " Furthermore, the director’s ideal of heroism is subverted by
  25. Most of the locals choose to walk to their destinations. However, an important, mode ,of transportation is the government subsidized 'Collective' cab system. These
  26. Absorption between 2850 and 2960 cm−1,while the carbon–carbon stretching, mode ,absorbs between 800 and 1300 cm−1. The carbon–hydrogen bending mode s depend on
  27. Weapons, over 50 levels, and a 2 player split-screen mode ; including a Versus, mode , a Co-op mode , and a Team mode . In 2001,InnoGames released Atari Anniversary
  28. Bits per character. It supports a variety of configurations, but in its default, mode ,under DOS they are used to giving 256 glyphs from one of the IBM PC code pages (
  29. Rite and Eastern Catholic),Eastern Orthodox, Coptic and Anglican abbeys,the, mode ,of election, position,rights, and authority of an abbess correspond generally
  30. Would be enhanced statistically compared to the emission of light into an empty, mode , This paper was enormously influential in the later development of quantum
  31. Short),including an in-flight test of the second stage engine in" abort, mode ," in which the ascent engine is fired simultaneously with the jettison of the
  32. Lake Chad appears to be drying up. Divergent opinions have been held as to the, mode ,of origin of the East African lakes, especially Tanganyika, which some
  33. Spectroscopic features. Infrared spectroscopy The carbon–hydrogen stretching, mode ,gives a strong absorption between 2850 and 2960 cm−1,while the carbon–carbon
  34. Like" thee. " Williams hated the poems. He told Ginsberg later," In this, mode ,perfection is basic, and these poems are not perfect. " Opiates, alcohol,and
  35. Harmonic waves of the same type, as compared with the lowest (or fundamental), mode , of the wave. As with s orbitals, this phenomenon provides p, d,f, and g
  36. Be consistent with Planck's distribution law if the emission of light into a, mode ,with n photons would be enhanced statistically compared to the emission of
  37. Part of this question. The committee recommended in favor of a hybrid COLOR, mode , but its consideration of FOR — as well as Houbolt's ceaseless work — played
  38. Atlas, one of two fictional player-controlled robots in the co-operative, mode ,of Portal 2 Mouthwash or mouth rinse is a product used to enhance oral hygiene.
  39. Automatically corrected by switching the antenna from narrowband to wideband, mode , Mechanical shock forced the oxygen valves closed on the number 1 and number 3
  40. A 2 player split-screen mode ; including a Versus mode , a Co-op mode , and a Team, mode , In 2001,InnoGames released Atari Anniversary Edition for the Sega Dream cast
  41. Gloving committee in July 1961 represented a turning point in NASA's mission, mode ,decision. While the ad-hoc committee was intended to provide a recommendation
  42. Been reprogrammed for the IBM/360 Model 50 computer running in a time-sharing, mode ,and was used internally at IBM. A key development in the ability to use APL
  43. A normal distribution, the arithmetic mean is equal to both the median and the, mode , other measures of central tendency. Problems The arithmetic mean may be
  44. Characters or pseudo-graphics. ANSI art The IBM PC graphics hardware in text, mode ,uses 16 bits per character. It supports a variety of configurations, but in its
  45. 50 levels, and a 2 player split-screen mode ; including a Versus mode , a Co-op, mode , and a Team mode . In 2001,InnoGames released Atari Anniversary Edition for
  46. The amber-flora. Paleontological significance Amber is a unique preservation, mode , preserving otherwise unfossilizable parts of organisms; as such it is helpful
  47. Suffix, superfix, and suffix consonant letters. Allegory is a figurative, mode ,of representation conveying meaning other than the verbal. Allegory
  48. Fully 3D environments, new weapons, over 50 levels, and a 2 player split-screen, mode ,; including a Versus mode , a Co-op mode , and a Team mode . In 2001,InnoGames
  49. Therefore unstable toward spontaneous fission-type processes. In practice, this, mode , of decay has only been observed in nuclides considerably heavier than nickel
  50. Occur at evenly-spaced intervals. The myelinization enables an especially rapid, mode ,of electrical impulse propagation called salvation. The declination of axons

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