Examples of the the word, bag , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bag ), is the 1911 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of" pipes. " Overview A set of bag pipes minimally consists of an air supply,a, bag , a chanter, and usually a drone. Most bag pipes also have additional drones (
  2. Had been wounded so frequently in duels that it was said he" rattled like a, bag ,of marbles. " Jackson’s reputation suffered greatly from the duel. Rachel died
  3. It is not uncommon to see people bouldering with just climbing shoes, a chalk, bag , and a crash mat. Bouldering equipment may include: * Close-fitting rubber
  4. A current modern interpretation is that the Hittite sacral hieratic hunting, bag ,(Kansas),a rough and shaggy goatskin that has been firmly established in
  5. This bag is white. Hypothesis (Abduction). Rule: All the beans from this, bag ,are white. Result: These beans oddly are white. \therefore Case: These beans
  6. With its scales clearly delineated. Often the Aegis is described as the, bag ,in which Athene carried her shield and the serpent who was her son. John
  7. And provided for a west wind to carry them home. He also provided a gift of a, bag ,containing each of the four winds, which Odysseus's crew members unwittingly
  8. Magazines. British cordite propellant (when uncased and exposed in the silk, bag ,) tended to burn violently, causing uncontrollable" flash fires" when ignited
  9. Hone reflexes and repetitive punching skills, while a large cylindrical" heavy, bag ," filled with sand, a synthetic substitute, or water is used to practice power
  10. Rule: All the beans from this bag are white. Case: These beans are from this, bag , \therefore Result: These beans are white. Induction. Case: These beans are [
  11. Prices. The airline increased fees such as a $15 charge for the first checked, bag ,and $25 for the second, as well as a $150 change fee for domestic reservations.
  12. The bare wires of the beds. Later, to feed the hungry men, Kat brings bread,a, bag ,of horse meat, a lump of fat, a pinch of salt and a pan in which to cook the
  13. As a boot, a suit, a hat, a clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a candle or even a, bag ,of flour. Fruits and vegetables were sold in the city square from the backs of
  14. Where it can be seen together with the specially made red and gold velvet, bag ,and the scorecard of the 1882 match. Because the urn itself is so delicate, it
  15. Reservoir that can hold air and regulate its flow while the player keeps the, bag ,inflated by blowing into it or pumping with a bellows, enabling the player to
  16. Where Tan You had been staying, with reports of a bag of money in a brown paper, bag ,passed from You to Wander Calm during the goings-on. These scandals forced
  17. Result: These beans oddly are white. \therefore Case: These beans are from this, bag , Pace 1883 in" A Theory of Probable Inference" ( Studies in Logic) equated
  18. Pipes to the bag . Air supply The most common method of supplying air to the, bag ,is by blowing into a blowpipe, or blow stick. In some pipes the player must
  19. A contingency soil sample using a sample bag on a stick. He folded the, bag ,and tucked it into a pocket on his right thigh. He removed the TV camera from
  20. Climbing: Ascending rock formations, often using climbing shoes and a chalk, bag , Equipment such as ropes, bolts,nuts, hexes and camping devices are normally
  21. The local retail foods market). The company started Argentina's first burlap, bag ,manufacturer, following which they successfully lobbied government policy
  22. Confiscated 13 vials of Somatropin, a human growth hormone, from the, bag ,of Chinese swimmer Yuan upon her arrival for the 1997 World Swimming
  23. The result (Barbara's conclusion): Deduction. Rule: All the beans from this, bag ,are white. Case: These beans are from this bag . \therefore Result: These beans
  24. Causing him to run from the ring in fright (since he knew what was inside the, bag ,). Throughout their feud (which culminated at WrestleMania V),Roberts
  25. Using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a, bag , Though the Scottish Great Highland Bagpipe and Irish villain pipes have the
  26. Condition. He then collected a contingency soil sample using a sample, bag ,on a stick. He folded the bag and tucked it into a pocket on his right thigh.
  27. With the urn. In February 1883,just before the disputed Fourth Test, a velvet, bag ,made by Mrs Ann Fletcher, the daughter of Joseph Hines Clarke and Marion Wright
  28. Played as Rory Gilmore has a Belle & Sebastian album dropped off in Lane Kim's, bag , * In Vera Brosgol's 2011 graphic novel Anya's Ghost there is a poster for
  29. Booklet and a cut-out and build miniature pyramid, housed in a clear vinyl, bag ,(with two sleeve variations and three label variations). During this period (
  30. The best sources of historical and large scale population data are hunting, bag ,records and questionnaires. There are several potential sources of error in
  31. Bag. Result: These beans are white. \therefore Rule: All the beans from this, bag ,are white. Hypothesis (Abduction). Rule: All the beans from this bag are
  32. Goldwater disliked Johnson (whom he said" used every dirty trick in the, bag ,", and Richard M. Nixon of California, whom he later called" the most
  33. Be little time to utilize a reserve parachute. If modified, by removing the, bag ,and slider, stowing the lines in a tail pocket, and fitting a large pilot chute
  34. Adjectives bad, mad,glad and sad, before the sound (for example, hag,rag, bag ,) and also in content words before and in the same syllable (for example, ham
  35. Attracted to each other. Not long after their marriage, Coolidge handed her a, bag ,with fifty-two pairs of socks in it, all of them full of holes. Grace's reply
  36. Northumbrian small pipes in Britain, and the Musette de four in France. Bag The, bag ,is an airtight reservoir that can hold air and regulate its flow while the
  37. One way to make a parachute open very quickly is to use a static line or direct, bag , These devices form an attachment between the parachute and the jump platform
  38. Airport codes are three-letter codes used to designate airports and used for, bag ,tags. Occasionally a code word achieves an independent existence (and meaning
  39. Device called the Lunar Equipment Conveyor. Armstrong reminded Aldrin of a, bag ,of memorial items in his suit pocket sleeve, and Aldrin tossed the bag down;
  40. Held in place in stocks—connectors that fasten the various pipes to the, bag , Air supply The most common method of supplying air to the bag is by blowing
  41. In Odyssey book 10 as Keeper of the Winds who gives Odysseus a tightly closed, bag ,full of the captured winds, so he could sail easily home to Ithaca on the gentle
  42. For vulva in BRE but means buttocks in AME—the AME phrase fanny pack is bum, bag ,in BRE. In AME the word fag (short for faggot) is a highly offensive term for
  43. Skills on two basic types of punching bag s. A small, tear-drop-shaped " speed, bag ," is used to hone reflexes and repetitive punching skills, while a large
  44. Of pipes, the drones may lie over the shoulder, across the arm opposite the, bag , or may run parallel to the chanter. Some drones have a tuning screw, which
  45. After the experiment is finished, the resulting gel can be stored in a plastic, bag ,in a refrigerator. There are limits to electrophoretic techniques. Since
  46. Of a bag of memorial items in his suit pocket sleeve, and Aldrin tossed the, bag ,down; Armstrong then jumped to the ladder's third rung and climbed into the LM
  47. Are white. Induction. Case: These beans are [randomly selected] from this, bag , Result: These beans are white. \therefore Rule: All the beans from this bag
  48. They made different colors of threads out of Vermilion paint, hematite,the ink, bag ,of the octopus and the root of a kind of grass or vine were used to give
  49. The minimum size is 132 mm. With a recreational abalone license, there is a, bag ,limit of 10 per day, and a total possession limit of 20. Scuba diving for
  50. Floors of the Bay shore Inn, where Tan You had been staying, with reports of a, bag ,of money in a brown paper bag passed from You to Wander Calm during the

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